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View Full Version : Sails of Glory Kickstarter reaches $125,000 pledged in the first week, 400% funded

03-12-2013, 04:12 PM
The tactical Age of Sails tabletop game allows players to represent battles at sea between the large sailing ships of the past centuries

The Sails of Glory campaign on Kickstarter continues with fair wind. Started last Tuesday, March 5th, the funding goal of $ 30,000 was achieved in less than 9 hours and today the pledges raised over $ 125,000, with five stretch goals achieved.

Sails of Glory is a tactical Age of Sail game branded Ares Games, inspired by the acclaimed Wings of Glory system. It will feature assembled and painted ship models, ready to play out of the box, and a game system designed to accurately represent battles at sea between the large sailing ships of the past centuries.

The first series of Sails of Glory is set in the Napoleonic Age, an iconic period for naval wargaming. The initial release, scheduled for August 2013, will include a Starter Set - an all-in-one starting point to begin playing, including four fully painted and assembled ships - and 12 additional Ship Packs. Four of these Ship Packs will be exclusively available for backers on Kickstarter: the French frigate La Concorde, the French ship-of-the-line Fougueux, the British frigate HMS Juno, and the British ship-of-the-line HMS Bellerophon.

Following the initial funding of US$ 30,000 the achievement of four “stretch goals” will allow to fund the design and production of two new ships - the HMS Victory and the USS Constitution, and special game items, such as the Sails of Glory Game Mat and the laser-cut, wooden version of two Attitude Indicator and of the Combat Ruler. The next stretch goal to be achieved, $ 140,000, will unlock the Terrain Pack #1, with terrain elements for use together with the Game Mat.

To know more about this project, visit the Sails of Glory Kickstarter page at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1402889231/sails-of-glory-miniatures-ship-combat.

To know more about the game, visit also:
Sails of Glory page at Ares Games website - http://www.aresgames.eu/games/sails-of-glory-line.
Sails of Glory Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/SailsOfGlory
Ares Games Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/AresGames

03-15-2013, 12:41 PM
were it not for the crappy shipment to EU, I might just join in... hope there will be some way to get this without spending 50$ on shipment... at least after release!

03-20-2013, 09:14 PM
Maybe I am just spoiled by GW, but these mini's fail to impress me. I'd be nice to see some of the molding/pre-painting quality that FF games is doing with their x-wing game. Regardless, 'thanks'.