View Full Version : 1000pt R&H + CSM allies

03-11-2013, 07:36 PM
I've been bouncing around a few ideas for a 1000pt tourney coming up in a few weeks and I've considered using the Renegades and Heretics: Defenders of Vraks (IA5) list with CSM allies (since they're Battle Brothers). It's either this list or I'm using my IG instead. The missions will be Crusade, Purge the Alien, and Scouring. Without further ado, here's the list:

Company Command Squad - 62
Vox, Chaos Banner, Autocannon; Champion: Bolt pistol (this is due to Wsyiwyg of the commander)

Militia Platoon #1 - 210
Militia Command - 60
Flamer, vox, Lascannon
Militia Squad - 75
Grenade Launcher, LC
MS - 75

Militia Platoon #2 - 202
MCS - 50
Vox, Flamer, Krak Grenades
MS - 71
Flamer, Krak; Veteran
MS - 86
Meltagun, Krak; Veteran
(^All Militia have lasguns except Special Weapons & vets)

Fast Attack
Hellhound -141
Heavy Bolter, Dozer Blade, Searchlight

Heavy Support
Leman Russ Demolisher -165

Dark Apostle - 120
Gift of Mutation, Melta bomb

Cultists - 100
(20) x2 flamers

1000pts on the nose.

The DA joins the combined Second Platoon for Fearless/Hatred while staying within 6" of the Cultists to give them Ld10. The Cultists screen the platoon squad with a 5+ cover and generally be disposable. The marching platoon (#2) uses its lasguns to shoot through the Cultists into targets beyond, making charges whenever possible. The other platoon sticks back and uses the banner + vox to hopefully stay where I want them. These two squads march up the board and go after objectives/linebreaker. The LRD is for low AP boominess + bullet magnet. As it stands, I've got 70 humans worth of scoring in 3 units (R&H:DoV can combine both the MS and the MCS into one unit), 45 of which are fearless or Ld10.

The one thing I'm unsure of is the Hellhound. While they're awesome, I could also put in a Medusa instead for more AT + Low AP fire. C&C welcome.

White Tiger88
03-11-2013, 07:48 PM
Ah you bugger i ahve to figure out how to deal with this now!

03-11-2013, 08:16 PM
Charge them. They'll go away pretty quickly.

White Tiger88
03-11-2013, 09:01 PM
Charge them. They'll go away pretty quickly.

With the way you roll? My demons will random explode!

03-15-2013, 07:23 AM
Just about any flyer will make your list cry i think (which a single flyer is definately affordable at this level). In particular im looking at a good 'ol hell turkey spouting flames of firey hate.