View Full Version : Hello all.

10-28-2009, 09:23 PM
I guess it's time that I introduce myself.

I have been war gaming since 1986 when I was introduced to a new game called Battletech. And I started playing RPGs a few years earlier than that. (D&D mostly) I started volunteering with games at GenCon 1989 where I ran a Morrow Project rpg tourney for Timeline Books. I have played and taught nearly every game that hit the "mainstream" of the industry since. I play Warmachine very rarely and Hordes just a bit more. I love Flames of War though I only currently own a couple of 600 pt forces. I still own and play Battletech and several RPGs including Dark Heresy and my personal favorite, All Flesh Must Be Eaten.

I started playing 40k in 1994 with a Space Wolf Army which soon became an all Wolf Guard terminator army. (the Wolves were busted in 2nd edition) and a small Storm Trooper army (lead by Yarrick of course). I started playing fantasy a couple of years later with Lizardmen. Since then I have literally owned every army for 40k and nearly every army for Fantasy. I personally like 40k a bit better.

I play all of GW's "specialist games" though I like BFG and Epic most...oh yeah and Space Hulk the best.

I have worked at a game store for the last 3 years.(if you are in the St Louis area look up Fantasy Games and Books O'fallon, IL) I enjoy bringing new players into the hobby as much if not more than playing the games. I am kind of a fluff guy more than a tourney player...though I have run dozens of tournaments for 40k and a few for fantasy including a couple of Rogue Trader Tourneys in the St Louis area. I currently own IG, 3 different SM armies totaling almost 10k, Tyranids, Orks, CSM and at least 500pts of WH, and Tau in case anyone wants to try them out. I can also field 5k worth of superheavy IG tanks if anyone wants to play an armor on armor Apocalypse game..just sold my Warhound on ebay and am working up the cash for a Reaver...(gotta love that Chaos Reaver)

I really love the entire GW hobby...from building and painting models all the way to the most competitive of tournament play, and I am very excited to share it with everyone here at BOLS.

10-28-2009, 11:09 PM
Welcome tot he Lounge Ivarr!

Make yourself at home.


10-29-2009, 10:02 AM
Welcome to the Lounge. :)

person person
10-29-2009, 08:48 PM
Welcome to the community.