View Full Version : Low model count CC ideas?

03-09-2013, 02:04 PM
I have 3750pts worth of gun-line themed drab-painted imperial guard...
its awesome how they need to be close packed into my deployment zone, advance forward slowing and nearly all of them die win or lose :-)

However, I require a new modelling project and I want to do the opposite...

So, I want to do a close combat list with a very small model count... maybe even in bright colours...

I think as a starting point I will go for 750pts-ish...

However, I am not sure what to choose... I know nothing about this CC nonsense, other than people move their models next to mine, they roll some dice, all my guys seem to die then I shoot the **** out of them as they are stranding in the open looking all smug...

So please could you guys help me out with some ideas?
Maybe some cool model combos that people don't normally run...

If it is from a codex that are battle brothers to the IG that would be cool... but not essential...

03-09-2013, 02:36 PM
Thunderwolf cav heavy SW army.

Dante Sanguinary guard army.

All termie Deathwing, GK or SW army kitted for CC.

An even smaller Draigo Paladin list.

03-09-2013, 10:51 PM
Terminator lists in general: Draigowing, Deathwing, Loganwing
Loganwing plus Thunderwolf Cavalry

03-10-2013, 05:48 PM
draigo comes in around 22 to 25 models at 2000
terminators, dread knight or 2

03-10-2013, 09:32 PM
Tyranid Warrior army.

03-11-2013, 12:54 AM
Necron Monster Mash, 19 Models:

Imotekh the Stormlord
5 Immortals + Night Scythe
5 Immortals + Night Scythe
3x Tomb Stalkers (Toughness 7)
3x C'tan Shards (Toughness 7)

03-11-2013, 02:58 AM
BA: DC army
Reculsiarch (or Astrorath)
Death Company
Death Company Dreadnought

Jump Packs power fists/thunder hammers push the points up quite effectively.

03-11-2013, 03:35 AM
Tyranid Warrior army.
The worst game i ever had aganst nids was this sort of thing. All multi wound stuff plus some big griberly stuff.
i think he had a few fex, lots of warriors, swarmlord and some of those guys with cannons on thier back. Nasty i would do this.

03-11-2013, 06:05 AM
Guys, thanks for these cool ideas... I think a nid list might well be on the cards now!

Regarding the BA: DC list... A new guy at our club has just started to build this... for his 1st game we teamed up with a doubles list with my IG...

Astroth was a BEAST... I was like "when I play against this, he is getting 15 lascannons in the face the moment he arrives" :-)

03-11-2013, 06:31 AM
I'm considering building a very low model count army with Chaos Daemons as primary detachment and CSM as the allies. I don't know that it would be cheap (probably not) but might be fun. The numbers aren't finalized yet but I'm building for 1850. Looking to do:

Great Unclean One
3 x Nugle Daemon Princes w/Wings and assorted trimmings.
2 x minimum Nuglings Units to meet troop requirement.
1 x Aegis Gun Line w/Quad Gun

2x Minimum Unit of CSM w/dedicated Rhino Transports rocking Dirge Casters and Extra Armor
1 x Nurgle Daemon Prince pushed ALL the way w/Black Mace, wings, all Trimmings.

*Depending on the points I might add some Obliterators or a Helldrake but I expect things to be tight. This is a fairly low model count Godzilla style list wherein you rock with five Monstrous Creatures (four of which have wings) lots of Psychic power, you get the Warpstorm, and two small scoring units. The CSM allow you to show down overwatch and provide rolling cover. The Nugleness of the GUO and DP allow them to go from ruins to ruins (or whatever cover must be used) getting the HIGH cover save. They all get to start on the board safely behind the Aegis for maximum speed. I haven't finished it yet or tested it but in "Theory Hammer... take that with a grain of salt... it should be a NIGHTMARE for your opponent.

03-11-2013, 06:54 AM
It might not be competitive or easy to build, but you could do an Abaddon Chosen-wing army and kit them out with weapons - or, rather, take the two minimum Troops choices as Chosen and just take hordes of Chaos Terminators with Abaddon. Would be fun and cool :D

Another one from Chaos Daemons, following from Caitsidhe's idea, is a Khorne army; two Bloodthirsters, three flying Khorne Daemon Princes, and whatever points left go into minimum Troops and any other big or fast stuff - either Flesh Hounds or Bloodcrushers. And against a common opponent (depending on the meta) it shouldn't do all that terribly either. Both of those lists can fit in 1500 too by the way,