View Full Version : The Warband of Lothar Bubonicus Chaos Space Marines 1500

03-08-2013, 09:39 AM
OK, herewith the list.

Thoughts appreciated. The Lord, blob and Helbrute hold the back line. The armour and CSM go mid field for objectives. The Heldrakes fly around burning stuff and vector striking. Thoughts appreciated.

Chaos Lord Mark of Nurgle Blight Grenades Terminator Armour Power Fist Burning Brand

Chaos Cultists, 33 9+ Champ 23 x Cultists 3 x Flamers 29 x Autoguns Shotgun
Chaos Space Marines, 10 4 + Champ 5 x CSM Rhino 2 x Melta Guns VotLW
Chaos Space Marines, 10 4 + Champ 5 x CSM Rhino 2 x Plasma Guns VotLW

Helbrute, 1 TL-Lascannon Power Scourge

Fast Attack
Heldrake, 1 Baleflamer
Heldrake, 1 Baleflamer
Heldrake, 1 Baleflamer

Heavy Support
Predator, 1 Heavy Bolters Warpfire Gargoyles

Fortifications & Non-Force Org
Aegis Defence Line, 1 Comms Relay

Points Summary:
HQ: 165
Troops: 608
Elites: 135
Fast Attack: 420
Heavy Support: 100
Allies: 0
Fortifications & Non-Force Org: 70
Total: 1498

03-08-2013, 09:47 AM
PS not sure about the Helbrute, that's probably my main trade off.

03-08-2013, 11:13 AM
I like it. 3 Dragons isn't going to make you any friends (except for GW's finance dept :P)

My only reservations are;

- AA comes down to Vector Striking. Risky.
- Long Range AT comes down to 1 TL BS4 Lascannon and 1 Autocannon

I'd be tempted to trim the power scourge (its virtually the stock power fist, but with a questionable bonus), trim some points (maybe lose a rhino) and give the Pred a Twinlinked Las in addition to the bolters and warpflames

03-08-2013, 12:03 PM
Dr Lurve

Many thanks old horse. A note on AA - I deliberately got shot of quad cannon to go comms relay, and maximise the entrance of 'drakes. I have had good results with them AA. Conversely, they are also my anti armour (2nd turn reach of 36") with vector strike. Luckily at 1500, armour and air heavy lists will be remote - cept for IG.

I would consider losing the Helbrute for a lascannon HB pred, which would leave 10 points over - potential for combi-bolters on each pred, or a second on the Rhinos which would be close enough to benefit.

03-08-2013, 12:35 PM
I would lose the Helbrute, as much as I love the model I just see these not doing much except giving away points. I would use the points to buy some plague marines, these buggers are great for objective holding or as an alternative bodyguard for your lord.

But really matey as is, its a fun solid list and the 3 Heldrakes are going to wreck face ;).

Or replace The Lord with Typhus and then you have Zombie blobs everyone seems to love.

Power Klawz
03-08-2013, 02:19 PM
I'd probably drop the Helbrute, one of the Heldrakes and the predator and opt for some nurgle termy buddies for your lord, maybe drop them in a land raider.

Might drop one of the CSM squads for some Plaguemarines. I'd guess you originally planned to use the lord with the cultists to give them fearless, maybe squeeze in another cheaper lord for that?

I don't think you'd have any trouble vector striking enemy air out of the sky with 3 heldrakes in a 1500 point game. I doubt you'd have any trouble doing it with two, maybe slap an autocannon on one of them for extra anti-air lulz.

Some things to think about. Cultists are everyone's darlings these days for cheap wounds, but they seem to be everywhere so I'd assume a lot of people would plan for them. It's a pretty resilient unit no doubt, but they're still just guardsmen with facepaint. They're going to be dead by turn 3 (along with your warlord) against any kind of imperial space marine player who knows what he's doing. (5 dark angel Deathwing Knights are going to wreck them, a concerted deathwing strike with two or more units of termies is going to blast your whole backfield off the board in short order. Vanilla hammer termies will accomplish generally the same thing, and lets not even talk about lightning claws.)

PS: Triple 'drakes at 1500 points is beardy as hell so prepare for rage.

03-08-2013, 02:55 PM
Thanks for the comments, keep them coming! Yeah, roger 3 drakes being beardy. This is for a tournament. I asked in another thread about biker lord versus this blob fella. Fact is, when all is said and done, I couldn't fit more than 3 nurgle bikers and the lord in - around 280 points. And seeing as they never made their points back let alone match the destruction a drake does, I thought what the hell? Losing the brute and a drake would be what, 405 points? Not getting much kit on terminators/raider for that, although I have the models to run it. For the 135 of the Helbrute I could Deathguard it - 5 with 15 points for goodies. But again, I am running shy of weght of fire against MSU.

03-11-2013, 02:42 AM
It certainly sounds nasty. Is that one big horde of cultists?