View Full Version : Mandrakes as alternative horrors

03-06-2013, 11:30 AM
Ok so I have been planning a demon army for quite some time now. My predicament is that i have the old slaanesh demonettes (the nice metal ones), I like the new nurgle plague bearers and some of the tzeentch stuff, but i can't stand the horrors. I was wondering if using dark eldar mandrakes would be a suitable and acceptable substitute?

Want to hear your thoughts.

03-06-2013, 02:03 PM
If those Mandrakes were painted 'horror-like' or even better, converted to be more 'horror-like' I think nobody could object to that.

If you are using Dark Eldar 'painted' Mandrakes as substitutes for Horrors then you should ask your opponent if it is OK you proxy some stuff. (and if not... your loss)

So I think it all depends on how you make those Mandrakes look like Horrors.

(I am certainly not against proxying to try out a unit but if you keep proxying the same unit over and over and over again I will start objecting to that)

Archon Charybdis
03-06-2013, 02:13 PM
Thematically seems suitable, what with the flaming warp attacks. Especially if you're not using any other Horror models that might cause confusion, I doubt anyone would have much of a problem with it. Actually, I use the Mandrake models (because I think they're gorgeous, their rules are just atrocious) to proxy as Harlequins with a Kisses and a Shadowseer--shadowy, ephemeral close combatants with ferocious claws and sickles.

03-06-2013, 07:31 PM
If those Mandrakes were painted 'horror-like' or even better, converted to be more 'horror-like' I think nobody could object to that.

If you are using Dark Eldar 'painted' Mandrakes as substitutes for Horrors then you should ask your opponent if it is OK you proxy some stuff. (and if not... your loss)

So I think it all depends on how you make those Mandrakes look like Horrors.

(I am certainly not against proxying to try out a unit but if you keep proxying the same unit over and over and over again I will start objecting to that)

I had no intentions of converting them really. I was thinking a dark color sceme, most likely black skin and cloth with just the hair and flames in a vibrant blue/white.

Mandrakes (to me anyways) look pretty demonic. Or demon possessed as they come. Amongst my gaming group i know i'll have no problems, but obviously i may want to take my army to campaign weekends or maybe a tournament and thats where i worry.

Could i ask why you would have such an objection to them being proxyed over and over again?

Thematically seems suitable, what with the flaming warp attacks. Especially if you're not using any other Horror models that might cause confusion, I doubt anyone would have much of a problem with it. Actually, I use the Mandrake models (because I think they're gorgeous, their rules are just atrocious) to proxy as Harlequins with a Kisses and a Shadowseer--shadowy, ephemeral close combatants with ferocious claws and sickles.

Thats what i was thinking. They all have flaming hands (which looks pretty warpfire like). I would only be using the changeling model and maybe a single herald. no other units of horrors. I Agree they look so good but have no place in my dark eldar army. Originally i wanted to do a dark eldar themed army that had lost its souls to chaos. Using mandrakes as horrors and wracks as plague bearers. But then i really liked the dark eldar codex so have ended up doing two armies :)

The Sovereign
03-07-2013, 07:38 AM
As a DE and Daemon player, this is killing me! No, j/k. :)

Mandrakes as horrors is do-able. Have you tried eBaying the 4th Ed horrors? I use those (I hate the current plastic horrors too). Also, I've seen a lot of people paint up the Wood Elf dryads as pink horrors, and they work really well (and they're cheaper than mandrakes).

03-07-2013, 08:41 AM
I think mandrakes would make cool horrors.

03-07-2013, 09:17 AM
As a DE and Daemon player, this is killing me! No, j/k.

Mandrakes as horrors is do-able. Have you tried eBaying the 4th Ed horrors? I use those (I hate the current plastic horrors too). Also, I've seen a lot of people paint up the Wood Elf dryads as pink horrors, and they work really well (and they're cheaper than mandrakes).

I think mandrakes would make cool horrors.

Cheers, glad i'm not the only one :)

Yeah i do like the 4th edition horrors so that is a plan. Im not a fan of the dryad route unfortunetly. I have since discovered these wonderful conversions though :


They use blood letters and some green stuff for some really cool looking oculous/homunculus horrors.

03-07-2013, 04:36 PM
Could i ask why you would have such an objection to them being proxyed over and over again?

There is a difference between using other figures because you don't like the 'normal' ones and proxying a unit.

I like WYSIWYG but if someone wants to try out a BA Death Company using Ultramarines or a 3 Helldrake list using 3 Ork Dakkajets that's fine by me. But the 10th time that guy shows up for a battle with me and still uses proxies I think he should invest in buying that unit if he want to use it every single time.

If someone was using Imperial Guardsmen for 'Chaos Cultists' (freshly turned cultists for example) there is no problem and he can use them in battles against me hundreds of times.

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-07-2013, 06:33 PM
I also hate the plastic horrors. I ended up using EM4's Pipers of Azathoth minis myself :




I painted them in a bright white with pale blue accents, they mix in with the flamers and screamers really well.

03-07-2013, 07:48 PM
There is a difference between using other figures because you don't like the 'normal' ones and proxying a unit.

I like WYSIWYG but if someone wants to try out a BA Death Company using Ultramarines or a 3 Helldrake list using 3 Ork Dakkajets that's fine by me. But the 10th time that guy shows up for a battle with me and still uses proxies I think he should invest in buying that unit if he want to use it every single time.

If someone was using Imperial Guardsmen for 'Chaos Cultists' (freshly turned cultists for example) there is no problem and he can use them in battles against me hundreds of times.

Oh i can understand that. But I was thinking of purchasing the mandrakes as permanent replacements. I currently own neither. so it wouldn't be a proxy as such more a "counts as".

I'm very much liking the idea of on eyed horrors such as the conversions i posted above though so i may just go down that route instead. :)

03-07-2013, 07:50 PM
I also hate the plastic horrors. I ended up using EM4's Pipers of Azathoth minis myself

Unfortunately i play far too often in Official GW stores/events to risk using other miniatures.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-07-2013, 08:14 PM
Mandrakes would be a decent stand-in, they look demonic and have warpflame, go for it! How many Tzeentch daemons do you have already? If you don't have any/many, maybe theme most of the force after Mandrakes, they could make awesome flamers and heralds with some conversion.

Other (GW-store friendly) options to consider would be picking up the old metal horrors, those things look damn nice. Another (budget) option I went with a while back was to saw up some plastic drydads and stick 'em together at odd angles: http://i.imgur.com/8Nczl.png