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Matt Adlard
03-06-2013, 11:19 AM
Now that Wargames Foundry has released their new game thought would start a new thread for those of us that bought it to, discuss and comment on the game.

Matt Adlard
03-06-2013, 11:52 AM
God of Battles release spawns Tag team

The release day for Wargames Foundries God of Battles event was a great success and saw gamers from various areas of the country attend and battle it out. The smooth and dynamic play of the game meant that several battles were fought out to a bloody conclusion, much to the enjoyment of those watching.
From this small-key event saw the germination of an evolving idea, from the game designer jake Thornton and some enthusiastic gamers on the day leads to Foundry Arena.

Quote from Jake Thornton's Blog - http://quirkworthy.com/
“…from now on we’ll be having a God of Battles meet on the first Saturday of each month, at Foundry HQ in Nottingham.
“My idea is simply to play games of God of Battles with the various armies that I and others are building. Anyone is welcome and there is no charge. If you haven’t played the game and want a demo then feel free to potter along and we’ll show you how it plays. You don’t need to bring an army as there’ll be one about, I’m sure.
Alternatively, if you already have an army and/or know the game then the more the merrier. There are half a dozen tables to game on and lots of space so there’s no problem fitting an extra general in. You don’t have to come every time, just pop along when you can make it and fancy a scrap!
If we have enough regulars then I’ll probably try out some new ideas I’ve got, mainly based around campaigns and more scenarios. As GoB is so quick we’ll be able to get 2, 3 or 4 games each in a day, so a mini-campaign in a day is entirely possible.
Mainly though, this is just a place to come and play ”

Marcus the new manager of Wargames Foundry understandably has also expressed interest and excitement with this new project, and has agreed to not only offer the shop floor space and several tables for the games to be run on. Which for those with a sharp eye will recognise some of them from being featured on a Television show; But has even proposed an epic original Space Hulk game and an all day campaign of their wild west game system, The rules with No Name.

So exciting times with Foundry.

Matt Adlard
03-06-2013, 11:55 AM
God of Battles release spawns Tag team

The release day for Wargames Foundries God of Battles event was a great success and saw gamers from various areas of the country attend and battle it out. The smooth and dynamic play of the game meant that several battles were fought out to a bloody conclusion, much to the enjoyment of those watching.
From this small-key event saw the germination of an evolving idea, from the game designer jake Thornton and some enthusiastic gamers on the day leads to Foundry Arena.

Quote from Jake Thornton's Blog - http://quirkworthy.com/
“…from now on we’ll be having a God of Battles meet on the first Saturday of each month, at Foundry HQ in Nottingham.

“My idea is simply to play games of God of Battles with the various armies that I and others are building. Anyone is welcome and there is no charge. If you haven’t played the game and want a demo then feel free to potter along and we’ll show you how it plays. You don’t need to bring an army as there’ll be one about, I’m sure.
Alternatively, if you already have an army and/or know the game then the more the merrier. There are half a dozen tables to game on and lots of space so there’s no problem fitting an extra general in. You don’t have to come every time, just pop along when you can make it and fancy a scrap!
If we have enough regulars then I’ll probably try out some new ideas I’ve got, mainly based around campaigns and more scenarios. As GoB is so quick we’ll be able to get 2, 3 or 4 games each in a day, so a mini-campaign in a day is entirely possible.
Mainly though, this is just a place to come and play ”

Marcus the new manager of Wargames Foundry understandably has also expressed interest and excitement with this new project, and has agreed to not only offer the shop floor space and several tables for the games to be run on. Which for those with a sharp eye will recognise some of them from being featured on a Television show; But has even proposed an epic original Space Hulk game and an all day campaign of their wild west game system, The rules with No Name.

So exciting times with Foundry.

Matt Adlard
03-06-2013, 01:40 PM
multi post

Matt Adlard
03-06-2013, 01:54 PM

Matt Adlard
03-07-2013, 07:03 AM

Matt Adlard
03-07-2013, 12:21 PM

Matt Adlard
03-28-2013, 05:34 AM
Facebook page of God of Battles https://www.facebook.com/groups/538792446160791/

Matt Adlard
03-31-2013, 04:35 AM
Battle report

Iain (http://www.facebook.com/n/?profile.php&id=100000939007887&mid=7c17fbfG5af41ec1b638G353fb5G96&bcode=1.1364689553.Abl4_fJA8ldti8eF&n_m=adlard.matthew%40gmail.com)
31 March 00:25

Quick 24 point battle recap Sea Elves against defence 5 behemoth
My 'standard 24 point Sea Elf Build' 1x seekers, marines, ambassadors of the deep, merfolk with a priest and Demi-triton against Ben's T'lekkan, 1x Warriors, Princelings and 2x Larvae accompanied by the Behemoth. All Ben's units had standards, as did all my units bar the seekers.

I was the defender and placed as much movement impairing terrain as I could across the battlefield deploying my camp and bagge and the marines centrally, Ben then deployed his whole army. My seekers hid in a fairly central forest with the Demi-Triton and ambassadors on my far left. My merfolk were in the middle ready to exploit any weaknesses or plug any gaps. Ben started, revealed his poker winning miracle cards (3-9) and got moving his Behemoth. My first few turns essentially saw me shoot the Behemoth where I could with seekers doing a wound in a few goes at shooting and the marines being useless. Ben moved the Behemoth to close in on my Marines (with priest) with a move that meant if I shot at it with either ranged unit and made it recoil, it would recoil very close to either the seekers or marines.

His Behemoth wasn't the only threat with princelings closing on my Baggage, warriors and one unit of larvae on my seekers. In a bold move my merfolk charged the Behemoth in the flank and did 3 wounds on it, taking it down to 8, though it would likely act first and crush them. Sure enough Ben activated it first and did four wounds on the merfolk which I saved all four, (3 6's and a standard save). I hit back and did 2 wounds to the Behemoth (down to 6 now) and it replied for another five attack successes, I made 2 defence successes and the standard saved another one, for a loss of only 2- so we both recoiled. I was quite fortunate here!

As this happened the Ambassadors had sacked the T'Lekkan baggage (crabs in Ben's baggage again) and the princelings had moved into contact with the marines and got soundly beaten off. I managed to shoot the Behemoth in the flank with the marines causing it 3 (down to 3) wounds and getting it to recoil, so that it showed its flank to the seekers. The seekers seized their opportunity and shot it doing it four wounds and killing it! Seeking vengeance the warriors charged my Demi-Triton and killed it outright in a round of combat and the princelings moved into contact with my camp. Despite a reactivated shot at them they managed to sack my camp as I killed one unit of larvae making it 8-8 victory points and all to play for.

The ambassadors and Black Warriors faced off with me backing off whilst the princelings were shot multiple times, reducing their numbers slowly but surely to 2 (I was killing one a shot). I charged them with the marines but amazingly no side did a casualty and had to shoot them again, to eventually kill them making it 15-8 and match point to the Sea Elves! trying to take advantage of the chaos whilst my merfolk made a dash for Ben's baggage and managed to get into base contact. Alas a unit of larvae charged them and wiped them out making it 15-11 and giving Ben a brief sniff of hope. Alas for Ben the seekers whittled down the warriors where the Ambassadors at the second time of asking managed to break them in combat for a 23-11 hard fought win.


Matt Adlard
04-04-2013, 05:24 AM
For anyone interested in this new system will be pleased to discover that their is now a free open day gaining session, Organised and running at the factory shop of Wargames Foundry, located in Nottingham.

Foundry Arena is the start of the new manager Marcus Ansell's* open attitude to making use of the gaming tables and space they have on the shop floor and a friendly attitude towards gamers what ever the system or style played.

God of battles drop in gaming days will be running on the first Saturday of each month, so, 6th May, 4th June, 1st July, 6th August, 3rd September etc.
This is a drop in and try, play or just watch the game, bring some fantasy mini's, or borrow one from one of the players or Foundry.

Free entry, gaming and tea/coffee and biscuits..

*Yes Ansell as in Brian Ansell ex–owner of Games workshop's, son.