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View Full Version : Repainting ALEPH - Questions and Comments Welcome (Pics to Come)

03-06-2013, 11:03 AM
Back when I started painting my ALEPH, I didn't really know what I was doing. I've developed a lot since then, with techniques like washes and drybrushing well under my belt. For some reason, this doesn't show as much on my WarmaHordes or 40k. My old ALEPH and my new ALEPH, though, look really different. For this reason, I've decided to touch up my old ALEPH to match my new skills (though I won't do a total strip… I don't want to risk these teeny tiny freaking metal minis coming apart).

I also want to switch up my color scheme.

My current color scheme is light grey with green highlights. However, this has begun to bore me. My new idea - which I'm affectionately calling "prismatic ALEPH" is to replace the green on some of the models with a different color depending on the model's purpose. Below are the color associations Im thinking of going with. I'd love your comments:

• Warband (Myrmidons, other Melee-focused Greeks) - Red
• Heavy Infantry - Orange
• Light Infantry (most shooting-focused LI, including both Dakinis and the ones from the Greek sectorial) - Yellow
• Support (including all other REMS) - Green
• Skirmishers (including all AD and infiltrating troops) - Blue
• TAG - Violet

What do you think?

03-08-2013, 10:51 AM
Here's my new and improved prismatic ALEPH so far:


Sorry that the photo is a bit sh*t. I'll try again later.

All color schemes are represented, except heavy infantry, which will be grey with orange.

I'm still torn about which color to use for Achilles, Patroclus, and the other A.S. heroes. Orange ‘cause they’re (technically) heavy infantry? Red ‘cause they’re super-myrmidons? Or purple because they’re HQ/elites?

For context, the Greeks won’t all be red. The thorakatai and agamae will be yellow, as they are shooting-focused light infantry and the ekdromoi will be blue, as they’re ADing skirmishers. But the myrmidons are warband and will be red.

Any suggestions?

Luke Licens
03-11-2013, 10:32 PM
Needs more cowbell.

On a serious note, I like it. Also, it might be the photo, but maybe a bit more with the shades and highlights? Seems a bit flat.

For your named heroes, I'd go with purple. It ties in to the official art, and makes sure they stand out, so nobody will think you're trying to pull the sheep over their head. A savvy player isn't going to be fooled, and a player who doesn't know the difference is probably going to get hammered anyway. No need to go seel clubbing.