View Full Version : 2000 point DA w/ BA Allies

Brother Cruorem
03-05-2013, 07:19 PM
Dark Angels Army

HQ Belial 190
T 10 Tactical 140(205)
-melta gun +10
-Combi-melta +10
-Multi-melta +10
-DP +35
T Death Wing 220(245)
-2 TH/SS +10
-Plasmacannon +15
T Death Wing 220(245)
-2 TH/SS +10
-Plasmacannon +15
E Dreadnought 100(145)
-Multi-melta +0
-H.Flamer +10
-DP +35
E Dreadnought 100(145)
-Multi-melta +0
-H.Flamer +10
-DP +35

Total: 1175

Blood Angels Allies

HQ Lib w/ JP 125
E Sang Priest w/ JP 75
T 10 Assault 190(225)
-PW +15
-2 melta guns +20
T 10 Assault 190(200)
-2 flamers +10
HS Stormraven 200
-Multi-melta +0
-TL Lascannon +0

Total: 825

Grand Total = 2000

Fairly straight forward tactics, the BA start on the ground and charge forward. Turn one the Dreads and Terminators drop, the Dreads pop some vehicles and the Termies plasma some troops or other vehicles. The Dreads and Termies should cause havoc in the enemy’s face long enough for the BA to arrive and mop things up. The tactical squad drops in on an objective to claim some points. The Stormraven is of course my anti-air. So, any thoughts, do you think this will do well enough in small weekly tournaments at my local game store?

Power Klawz
03-05-2013, 07:43 PM
It makes me sad that you'd take a stormraven for dedicated anti-air instead of a nephilim, not because it isn't justified, just because it shouldn't be.

I'd probably try to switch things around to utilize the stormraven's transport capacity. Not really sure if that would change the effect the unit would have, I just like the idea of dropping a furioso dreadnought out the back hatch.

Seems pretty competitive to me as is though.

Brother Cruorem
03-05-2013, 07:55 PM
I understand what you're saying. I wanted to use the nephilim, but it's just not worth the cost, and I would love a Furioso in the Stormraven, but can't find the points. DA & BA were my first armies; I wanted to have an army that has as many of my favorite models as possible.

Power Klawz
03-05-2013, 08:13 PM
On a somewhat related note I predict Bloodstrike missiles will be nerfed to strength 6 (if they're not all ready, can't remember) and that the Stormraven will see an at least 20 point base cost hike whenever they get around to redoing BA/GK or whoever else now has access to it. The nephilim will become competitive through attrition! (one can dream right?)

03-06-2013, 12:16 AM
On a somewhat related note I predict Bloodstrike missiles will be nerfed to strength 6 (if they're not all ready, can't remember) and that the Stormraven will see an at least 20 point base cost hike whenever they get around to redoing BA/GK or whoever else now has access to it. The nephilim will become competitive through attrition! (one can dream right?)

I honestly thought the Stormraven would get dropped by 20 points when they released an expansion, but Death from the Skies (or whatever the new flyer expansion's called) didn't adjust the cost... so I don't think that's happening. The BS 4 is nice and all, but Vendettas are just so much better at anti-air for 70 points less.

Power Klawz
03-06-2013, 08:11 AM
I don't think they really want to muck around with the points values of pre-existing codexes. You won't see major point value upheaval (if any occurs at all) until a full blown codex update in my opinion. These points values are still based on fast skimmer profiles, it just doesn't factor properly considering what we're seeing from true 6th edition flyers. I don't think the points bumps will be too high, I'm pretty sure IG will still have undercosted flyers, I just don't think they'll be quite as undercosted as they are now. Its to the point that if you play any imperial force (and CSM to a certain extent, although the Heldrake ain't no punk either.) you have to consider splashing Guard for their flyers alone.

I'm guessing flyer missiles get nerfed across the board and points bump up a bit either in base cost, or higher cost weapon options.

Like Death From The Skies was just a compilation of previously published White Dwarf material, which itself was just a quick and dirty job to bring the pre-existing flyer models in line with current flyer rules. Not saying that GW might not pull a fast one and keep certain armies flyers unbalanced, I just think that given the nature of the 3 codexes released thus far we're going to see a bit more flyer normalization down the road.

03-06-2013, 03:30 PM
I would love a Furioso in the Stormraven, but can't find the points.

Just take out your second Dreadnought in a Drop Pod. Done. IF you want. But I'm guessing you're using 3 Drop Pods so you can land your two Dreadnoughts on the first turn.

Also, I love how most of this thread has just been a discussion about flyer points costs and guessing what GW's going to do in the future haha. GJ us.