View Full Version : Blood Angels 1500 Tournament List

03-05-2013, 04:43 PM
Playing in a tournament this weekend. All I have to bring that's painted is my BA jumper army. Probably not my first choice, but I'd like some critiques.

Librarian, Jump Pack - 125

Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack - 75

Assault Squad x10, Meltaguns, Fist, Melta Bombs - 240
Assault Squad x10, Flamers, Power Sword, Melta Bombs - 220
Scouts x5, Cloaks, Missile Launcher - 100

Fast Attack:
Vanguard Veterans x7, 1x Power Sword, 1x Lightning Claw/Storm Shield, Jump Packs - 275
Attack Bikes x2, Multi-Meltas - 100

Heavy Support:
Devastators x5, 4x Missile Launchers - 130
Devastators x5, 4x Missile Launchers - 130

Aegis Defense Line with Quad-gun - 100

Total: 1495

Please keep in mind that I only have a few other options to substitute in for this list (2x Vindicators, 2x Razorbacks, a Rhino, 5 more Scouts, different magnetized options for my Assault Squads, 10x Death Company with Bolters, a Drop Pod, and a Tactical Squad). My FLGS has multiple Necron, IG gunline, Tyranid, and Tau players, and most lists have one or zero flyers. Nobody plays flyer spam. My biggest question mark in this list is the Vanguard squad, but I brought them because I like being able to destroy a full squad before they can shoot/assault me first. Fire away.