View Full Version : Chaos Marines List 1500

03-05-2013, 12:55 PM
I like a lot of the units i'm using here, so likely won't change the compositions as such

I need a choice between 2 lists.

List #1

Dark Apostle
15 Cultists with Flamer
15 Culltists
10 Marines with Lascannon and Melta Gun
5 Spawn with MoN
3 Obliterators MoN
5 Havocs, 4 Autocannons
5 Chaos Bikes, MoN, 2 Melta Guns
Defence Line with Quad Gun

List #2
Same as List #1 (told you i liked some units) except
Remove 1 Obliterator and 1 Bike, cut the cultists down to 11 and 10 without the flamer.
Add in Chaos Lord on Bike, MoN, Sigil of Corruption, Power Weapon, Blight Grenades

Thoughts? Usual tactic is the Spawn, Bikes and Maulerfiend advance forward using what cover they can with the supporting fire from the Havocs and Obliterators, the Lascannon and eventually the Dragon burns the crap out of people.

List 2 would be the same thing, but with the Lord on Bike riding forward to scare people. The first list i might lose a few cultists and give the bike Aspiring Champion a power weapon to scare folks in combats.

03-05-2013, 01:06 PM
Dr - my usual thought - 15 cultists not very durable, I don't think it will be competitive. So that said list 1 gives more staying power.

Dave Mcturk
03-05-2013, 01:44 PM
try the blob.. bit more redundancy...

03-05-2013, 04:02 PM
I agree the cultist units might not be survivable. But every game i've played with cultists the only times they ever die is if the enemy get into CC.

And if that happens then a few extra guys won't help. And if they're in CC i've lost anyway as my fast assault units have failed. But i see the ideals. I may take list 1, but lose 2 cultists per squad and give the biker champion a power weapon

Power Klawz
03-05-2013, 07:28 PM
I would probably blob all the cultists together with the Apostle, drop the spawn and get a Nurgle biker lord. Might get rid of the defense line with quad gun and buy the Tac squad a rhino for help with an early game mid table objective grab. If you had enough points drop a couple of auto cannons for Flakk missile launchers to make up for the loss of AA with the Quad gun if you think its necessary (Heldrake should do a fine job munching most flyers anyways though.)