View Full Version : Daemons 1850 Points- Tournament

03-04-2013, 07:49 AM
below is my list for the Blog Wars 5 Tournament. I would like to point out one thing. The inclusion of a Character is mandatory so if you have any thoughts, please remember this!


Ku’Gath 260

Herald of Nurgle 115
- Mastery Level 1
- Locus of Fecundity
- Greater Reward

Herald of Tzeentch 95
- Master Level 2
- Locus of Conjuration


Beasts of Nurgle [3] 156


Plaguebearers [20] 195
- Plague Ridden
- Icon

Plaguebearers [14] 141
- Plague Ridden
- Icon

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch [17] 173
- Iridescent Horror
- Icon

Nurgling Swams [7] 105

Fast Attack

Plague Drones [5] 230
- Plague Bringer
- Icon

Heavy Support

Soul Grinder 180
- Daemon of Nurgle
- Phlegm Bombardment

Burning Chariot 100

Burning Chariot 100

I won't bore you all with explanations and reasonings behind my choices but if you do want to read them please check out my blog (alshrive.blogspot.co.uk) where i have done a more thorough breakdown. If you have any suggestions please feel more than free to present them to me as I genuinely want and need feedback on this list!

03-04-2013, 08:11 AM
Not exactly fluffy in any way...

03-04-2013, 08:13 AM
it's fluffy in that it is chaos, 2 Chaos gods who are anathema to one another forced to work together for some unknown reason...... yeah ok truth be told I am not a huge fan of Khorne or Slaanesh and that leaves me with this combo......

03-04-2013, 07:34 PM
Not exactly fluffy in any way...

Seriously? Your response to his tournament list is that it's not fluffy? Also, who cares? It's Chaos, if they weren't meant to be in the same army list they wouldn't be in the same book... Not to mention that if that's the way he wants to play, he has that right.

As to the list, the primary thing I'd recommend with a list of opposing forces is to consider bringing musicians to mitigate the damage you may take from the other (and as a side benefit, slightly improve the fire support from the same things...)

White Tiger88
03-04-2013, 09:18 PM
I would try to fit a bloodthrister over mr.fatty in order to deal some hard CC damage as it sits you are some what shooty with no really CC damage.

03-05-2013, 03:04 AM
sorry White Tiger i should explain, when i said character in the OP i meant a unique model like Ku'Gath....... sorry i didn't make that clear enough.

I like the idea of adding musicians, I had another few thoughts on it last night and I have tweaked the army list quite a bit and correct the points costings. The Horror unit now has the banner that causes even more hits, and the 14 plaguebearer unit have been dropped in favour of taking another swarm of 7 nurglings (better combo with Ku'Gath).

On lunch I will have a look at getting musicians in there!

03-05-2013, 08:38 AM
Well lunch has been and gone like the fleeting sandwich it was. I took the chance to update the list a bit and have posted a new one on the blog! Quick- check it out! (alshrive.blogspot.co.uk)

03-06-2013, 12:20 PM
Wait, do Nurglings score now? I must have missed that...

I would stick with the level one for the herald honestly, a roll on the nurgle discipline, you either get a debuff against enemies attacking you, a poisoned, ap2, large blast, OR can trade them for an ap3 poisoned flamer... All of these are good choices.

03-07-2013, 03:02 AM
Wait, do Nurglings score now? I must have missed that...

I would stick with the level one for the herald honestly, a roll on the nurgle discipline, you either get a debuff against enemies attacking you, a poisoned, ap2, large blast, OR can trade them for an ap3 poisoned flamer... All of these are good choices.

no they can't score, they are in there to present an early multi-target threat.They can infiltrate forwards and so start the game in a position to start harassing units. Bringing Ku'gath down will allow me to boost them (returning a wound a turn). The only Scoring units in the army are the Horrors and the Plaguebearers which could create a problem in the long run....

03-07-2013, 05:22 AM
I'm torn on giving Heralds of gods other than Tzeentch psychic powers. The powers are often pretty good but casting on leadership 8 does not stack the odds in my favor enough to be sure about it. I would test it out and see how it works, but I'm not sure it is worth the points.

03-07-2013, 05:50 AM
i was wondering about that, i think the points may be better going on adding 2 musicians to different squads for reserve shenanigans......

03-08-2013, 05:47 PM
daemons of tzeentch get +3 to their leadership when casting a power