View Full Version : Wall of flames question

03-03-2013, 04:29 PM
Right, with the flamers D3 attacks when firing at the charge, the BRB makes an interesting comment about it not being necessary for the template length to be measured, as if the enemy is in charge range, it will hit them.

If find this interesting because it is not necessary for the enemy charge to succeed in reaching you, to get a shot - and a template is 8" long, so the maximum charge range is longer than maximum flamer burn anyway.

I guess the question is, is the D3 per flamer, automatic, irrespective of where the flamer is in relation to both its own unit and the chargers? Or do the rules for template palcing apply.

Reason being i want to have 3 flamers in a cultist mob but not to be in front rank gettng shot first, the BRB has left me confused as to whether or not they can shoot.

All comments referenced greatfully received.

03-03-2013, 04:32 PM
Ignore the template. The template itself is immaterial. Template weapons do d3 automatic hits on overwatch.

Yes, they're awesome like that.

03-03-2013, 06:21 PM
A failed charge, in this case, would be due to the flamers forcing the enemy back.

03-04-2013, 04:51 AM
You do it exactly how its written in the rule book, each template weapon scores d3 hits on the enemy unit.