View Full Version : Portal-Lord's Pre-heresy Word Bearers

10-28-2009, 02:30 PM
Here is the start of my Pre-heresy Word Bearers Force, specifically the 5rd Company (Reserve) of the Chapter of the Void, around the time of the the second invasion of Davin (False Gods).
The Chapter of the Void were said to be a reserve chapter who tested out new tactics and equipment. I saw this as a great conversion opportunity to mix older mark armour (Mk2 and 3) with newer marks (Mk5 and 6).
Here are some Legionnaires from my first tactical squad.



Some still need static grass and the chapter icon still needs done as I don't have access to a good printer yet but they will get done soon.


10-28-2009, 05:12 PM
Pretty slick, I like how they're coming along. Perhaps some Badab Black wash in the recesses to add some shading?

10-29-2009, 09:39 AM
Here is the Captain that is a little out of focus in the last shot. The eagle on his chest is one headed, marking him as a Terran Veteran.


Also here is the first of a three man bike squad I am doing. They will all have the winged skull chestplate to mark them out as bikers.




10-29-2009, 12:53 PM
I love the captain, very dynamic pose, the topknots are a nice touch too.

10-29-2009, 02:33 PM
I had some spare parts lying on my desk after the tactical squad so i experimented until I got the pose just right. Slap on an Iron Halo and bang - SM Captain!
I thnk the top-knots just scream pre-heresy.

@ Consadine - I think the shading is better on the Captain as it was a single model, I experimented with shading a bit more on it.

11-02-2009, 06:15 PM
Small update today - Made a test Sternguard using spare parts and made a custom bolter. Basically a normal bolter with an exposed barrel and belt feed, they represent a early mark of bolter used by Terran veterans.

Test Sternguard

Still rough but he gets the idea across.

Working title for unit - The Flames of Truth

11-03-2009, 02:09 AM
I love the captain, very dynamic pose, the topknots are a nice touch too.

Agreed. Very nice pose.

Magos Explorator
11-03-2009, 02:38 AM
Looking very nice; I've done the same thing as you with the Sternguard backpack on some of my pre-Heresy marines. What is your recipe for the grey?

11-03-2009, 03:50 AM
The grey is quite simple. I basecoat the model with adeptus battlegrey, wash the model in badab black, then redo some areas in the grey again, trying to leave the black showing in recesses. I might go back and add highlights to them when I get better at it but for tabletop standard I think they are decent enough.

11-05-2009, 09:01 AM
About time somebody made some more PH Word Bearers, any chance of some more pics of the sternguard tester. Really like to weapon conversion!

11-24-2009, 01:33 PM
A small update as I have been neck deep in coursework all last month and had little time to paint or build. I did however get done two more bikers and a chaplain.

More Tactical Marines to come soon.


11-24-2009, 02:45 PM
That captain is slick, and I love the sternguard vet as well.

11-30-2009, 11:32 AM
Another small update, just finished assembling a half squad with a heavy bolter. The heavy bolter is from the Space Crusade Chaos models.
Not being one to waste anything I made the Chaos donor into a Chaos Champion as well as I really like the style of the model.
I thinking of adding a strap to the heavy bolter to make it stand out more.

More soon.

01-04-2010, 11:15 AM
I have a wee problem.
I am going to a Horus Heresy campeign weekend at WHWorld in May.
I planned to take my Iron Hands for the Emperor but only managed to get a Warmaster ticket.
I need to build a +4000pts Word Bearer army ASAP.
I am playing them as loyal to Horus and not yet revealing their comittment to the Chaos Gods using C.SM.
I chose Word Bearers from the nine legions as I thought they were black armoured and I would just need to repaint my Iron Hands shoulders etc.( I thought Luna Wolves would take too much time) How critical to the fluff is the shade of grey, would a really dark shade (black) be acceptable.
I don't mind spending time on the special characters etc but I don't think I have time to strip and repaint a full army.(I am converting a Lorgar and going to make a Kor Phaeron as the Red Angel.)
Also where do you play?, I would love to see your preheresy WB in action.
I live over the Forth but its not that far.