View Full Version : 500pnt CMS campain army

03-01-2013, 10:50 PM
well at the last minute i got the jiff on what the army competition rules where , unfortunately my list is already commuted .
So this is what am using .

500 Pts - Chaos Space Marines Roster

Total Roster Cost: 500

HQ: Kharn the Betrayer (1#, 160 pts)
1 Kharn the Betrayer, 160 pts

Troops: Chaos Space Marines (7#, 125 pts)
6 Chaos Space Marines, 100 pts = 6 * 15 (base cost 13 + Mark of Khorne 2) + Meltagun 10 (3 cc/bolt piste. 2 bolt guns)
1 Aspiring Champion, 25 pts = (base cost 23 + Mark of Khorne 2)

Troops: Chaos Cultists (13#, 75 pts)
12 Chaos Cultists, 61 pts = 12 * 4 (base cost 4) + Autogun x8 8 + Flamer x1 5
1 Cultist Champion, 14 pts

Heavy Support: Obliterator (1#, 70 pts)
1 Obliterator, 70 pts

Heavy Support: Obliterator (1#, 70 pts)
1 Obliterator, 70 pts

the tactical theory
Kharn the Betrayer , Big stick , troop killer monster , beast of the arena.
With an escort of korn cms there job is to go after enemy HQ's and other infantry units , if the opposition decides to pay attention to them , it's frees up the other power units to do some damages .

The CMS , escort & bodyguards for Kahrn , utility box , the melta is to take out the eventual hard target , the 2 bolters is to take pock shots at 24" and anti charge , and with plenty of CC capability to rip to shred anything they charge , there secondary function is to keep Kharn alive long enough to do some damage.

The cultists , Ash & trash , anti hoard , by experience most ppl see units over 10 as a threat so there job is to run at the opposition and yell shoot at me , there secondary job is to handle the occasional hoard with flamer and plenty of shooty stuff.

the oblitorators , Viable Threat , kill anything, as 2 individual units i can position them strategically in a crossfire and obviously they are there to handle enemy armor and other hard targets , as big scary targets there going to distract from shooting at Kharn & co .

so in brief , if they prioritize my mob of cultist , there doomed .
If they prioritize Kharn & co , the oblits are going to pulverize them
if they prioritize my oblits , Kharn & co is going to punch them in the face .

So what do you think PPL ?