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View Full Version : Torn Armor Kickstarter begins Sunday 3/3/13!

Jack Cull
03-01-2013, 09:56 PM
Torn Armor is a fantasy squad-based skirmish board game set in the world of Torn. It will feature 39 highly detailed miniatures ranging from 20mm in height through to over 60mm in height, 4 double sided color battle board, spell and equipment cards, and 12 dry erasable unit cards.

Not only that, but the add-ons and stretch goal miniatures look insane! 100-120mm behemoth rhinoman and war elephant!
(there are videos of the miniature prototypes on the Youtube channel too (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe2skvUngfiDqO7od3-hHYQ?feature=watch)!

There are two "events" set up for the Kickstarter launch: one on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cctc3ei9867cgqd5udhjg74fr4g) and the other on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/events/164927753658614/).

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/414/610/07d6c5902b7b2f1c30f7ed44e7aa144d_large.jpg?1362108 244

Jack Cull
03-02-2013, 01:58 PM

Want a sneak peek at the Kickstarter 9hrs before we go live?
Of course you do!

Check it out HERE! (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/1225633444?token=440aba77)

(Remember, this isn't the live url yet, but it is the final kickstarter presentation!)

Jack Cull
03-03-2013, 11:04 AM

Come check us out!

Torn Armor Kickstarter (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/torn-armor?ref=live)

Jack Cull
03-04-2013, 08:29 PM
A look at our 75k stretch goals! :)

Help get the project funded so we can work our way to these awesome additions:

x5 Sisk advanced warrior unit "Kore"
x6 Maychian advanced shalcat (jaguar) warrior unit "Urnugal"
x6 Mercenary murodae (ratling) unit "Morishnool"
x12 New spell cards
x12 New equipment cards
x1 Torn Armor dice cup!

Check us out! Torn Armor Kickstarter page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/torn-armor)

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/414/690/e84a2d519be135d956782c721542b2d5_large.jpg?1362110 716

03-05-2013, 10:29 PM
I think the exclusives and the Behemoth Assault Units are even more awesome:


Jack Cull
03-06-2013, 09:05 PM
Hey all!

Keep an eye out on the Torn Armor Kickstarter! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...235/torn-armor (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/torn-armor)

The Torn Armor team is getting ready to announce a collaboration with a big miniatures company during the Kickstarter ;)

03-07-2013, 04:04 AM
miniatures look nice granted and was suitably interested, until i seen it was $25 to ship outside the US, kinda steep for us across the pond IMO, otherwise i'm about to read the rules .pdf before making more judgments

Jack Cull
03-07-2013, 08:12 PM
miniatures look nice granted and was suitably interested, until i seen it was $25 to ship outside the US, kinda steep for us across the pond IMO, otherwise i'm about to read the rules .pdf before making more judgments

I hear you archimbald, i hear you. When we were first crunching the numbers, shipping out of the US was something like $40, which we thought was crazy! We were able to finally work it down to $25 (which seemed way more reasonable). That's the problem with shipping a game with 25 dice and almost 40 miniatures: it ends up weighing quite a bit! :(

We would be interested in hearing what you think of the rules. Many people have said that they read like Summon Wars, Memoir '44, or even Command and Colors (which I am told is a good thing, as I myself only know of one of those three!) :)

Jack Cull
03-09-2013, 02:55 PM
miniatures look nice granted and was suitably interested, until i seen it was $25 to ship outside the US, kinda steep for us across the pond IMO, otherwise i'm about to read the rules .pdf before making more judgments

I hear you on the shipping, i definitely do! The first pass of costs that we did actually had the International shipping at like $40, and we were like "No way! We've got to lower that!" and got to $25. It the weight of the all the paper/thick card, the almost 40 minis, plus the 25 dice...

BUT that being said, we've actually added a few new pledge levels that actually have NO International shipping costs :)

One pledge is just the "paper products" of the game (the battle mats, printed rule book, scenario book, unit cards, terrain hexes)... this would be for people who have too many minis already, and just want the gameplay components, and intend to use their own minis

and the other is just the minis themselves (all 39 included in the core box set) and none of the other game components.

Each of these options do not come with dice and have free international shipping :)

You can find see them each on the Torn Armor Kickstarter page (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/torn-armor)
and you can watch Alyssa's latest Vlog on Youbtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKFco89UcNY) for additional info too! :)

Jack Cull
03-13-2013, 09:46 PM
Still about 24 hours to go for the current Battle for An Gearesdan: REFER A FRIEND!
Get a friend to pledge to the Torn Armor kickstarter! Have them post in Update #8 and mention your name and what faction they are fighting for! Your friends can pledge ANY AMOUNT (even $1)... BUT for every friend you bring on-board that pledges $75 or more, we will throw in $10 worth of add-ons for you AND your friend (you choose what you want independently), free of charge! (You can use this $10 towards something that costs a greater amount.)
This battle and offer ends 9:00 PM PST on Thursday March 14th! Don't miss it!

The two HUGE miniature units (the War Elephant and the Behemoth Kerrosus) have been UNLOCKED! That's right, they have unlocked early and are now available as add-ons on the Torn Armor Kickstarter!

The Torn World is now collaborating with Reaper Miniatures! The first 500 backers of $75 or more will receive the Clockwork Dragon FREE! The Clockwork Dragon will be a mercenary unit for the Torn Armor game, meaning that either side can use it!(The mini will come complete with its own unique unit stat card).

Jack Cull
03-14-2013, 09:02 PM
So not only is there the collaboration with Reaper miniatures (with the FREE Clockwork Dragon included with all the other rewards at pledges $75 and up) but there is ALSO the Winged Hussar unit that has been unlocked as a "mini stretch goal" (a stretch goal reached before funding!)

Check him out here!


The 30k "mini stretch goal" has been revealed as well!
Check out the updates on the Torn Armor Kickstarter page :)


Jack Cull
03-19-2013, 09:21 PM
In case you guys missed it:

Preview of the 40k Stretch Goal!
The Maychian Akongo Felis and the Sisk Syntagma Tribuni Angusticlavii. They will be free to the "all stretch goal" pledge level, but will also be available as add-ons. :)

Both are leaders, both are powerful, and both inspire the troops!



03-20-2013, 06:07 AM
Wrong thread.

03-22-2013, 09:36 AM
miniatures look nice granted and was suitably interested, until i seen it was $25 to ship outside the US, kinda steep for us across the pond IMO, otherwise i'm about to read the rules .pdf before making more judgments

The latest update includes news that shipping is now free worldwide. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/torn-armor/posts

Also, if you check the various podcasts there are little bits of info and promo codes. This includes a promo code that was to get free shipping but now will mean you get extra $$ to spend on add-ons. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwJdzwM5af4 That's a pretty long one but if you don't have time to get through it all the promo code is in the last 20 minutes.

Jack Cull
03-22-2013, 08:38 PM
Lots of big updates on the Torn Armor kickstarer!

We've reached the mini-stretch goal of 40k, so the Akongo and Tribuni hero units have been added!
They are included in the "All Stretch Goals" pledge level, but will be available as add-ons too.

We have introduced a 3rd Behemoth unit! A gnomish clockwork magic assault platform called "Moriarty's Bell"!
The concept sketches for it can be seen here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/torn-armor/posts/434295


03-25-2013, 02:09 AM
Interesting, free international shipping is a big incentive to pledge now. Also, not enough female tabletop gaming creators, want to encourage more of that personally.

03-25-2013, 03:33 AM
@eldargal. Yes, the free shipping has been made possible by having a warehouse made available in the UK so that a pallet can be sent which is a lot cheaper than sending individual parcels. That's thanks to Tor Gaming. Alyssa is a great gaming freak and the Torn World has been in existence in an RPG setting for decades now with some of it available to buy for the pathfinder rules. So there's plenty of fluff there for those that like a good back story.

On to updates. Four character minis have been added to the stretch goal pledges: two goblin airship pirates, Telza the gnome and the Blackwater Mage. These will be in resin.

At 45K two more maps will be added as well as four more terrain tiles: walls, barricades, rocks and trees.

At 50k small siege weapons to be added for the Sisk and Maychians.

At 55k, custom dice to be available as add-ons as well as additional unit cards.

At 60k unlock more units and variable miniatures (heads, arms, poses, etc).

Extra dice have been added as add-ons.

A new pledge level for the core miniatures, the two minotaurs and all stretch goals and the minotaurs have been made available as add-ons.

More value is being added all the time really.

03-29-2013, 11:24 AM
Several things to update here.

The first and biggest is Torn Armor has reached and passed it's funding goal! But there's more time to push it further to reach more stretch goals and unlocks.

With that in mind here are a few of those goals.

At 50k a siege weapon, Ballista with 3 crew for the Sisk and a Hwacha with 3 crew for the Maychians were added to the stretch goal pledges and as add-ons.

At 55k custom faction dice will become available and variable unit cards will be available so you can vary the units more. "The units in Torn Armor are "named," they are not generic units, but specific named creatures and people. What does this mean? Well that you could have another hoplite unit with slightly different abilities! So we are going to provide additional unit cards so you can field veteran versions of the core units (of course, each will cost additional gold to field in the battles). "

At 60k variable poses will be unlocked to go with the different unit cards. Also a special Clockwork Dragon scenario and map will be added.

At 65k 3D resin terrain will be unlocked.

There's also a collaboration with Boardgamegeek in the form of a contest to win a free copy of the game. http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/...t-ends-apr-2nd

Another collaboration is that at pledges of $35 or more you get a free set of paper terrain courtesy of Fat Dragon Games.


And another thing... The third behemoth unit is unlocked available for $40 and stands at approximately 120mm tall. it's also available with the other two behemoths for a total of $100.

The Maychian skirmish golem has been reduced in price to $15

04-02-2013, 03:55 AM
Okay, it's in to the last 48 hours and the 60K stretch goal has been achieved. So that's the variable poses and the map and scenario for the dragon.

At 65k 3D resin terrain will be available as add-ons, an example is this:


The Battle for An Gearesdan will determine which of the below units are added to the stretch goals or as an add-on.


At 75K these are added to the stretch goal pledges.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/414/690/e84a2d519be135d956782c721542b2d5_large.jpg?1362110 716
Currently this is what you get at the different levels of pledges.

https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/assets/000/482/380/9045417640260c6d881d01c931327fbd_large.jpg?1364769 190

04-02-2013, 05:31 AM
Glad this is well over 60k, for a while I was worried it wouldn't meet the funding goal at all.

04-02-2013, 01:38 PM
Glad this is well over 60k, for a while I was worried it wouldn't meet the funding goal at all.

Yeah, it really slowed down for the better part of two weeks. I'm glad to see it picking up steam once again.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
04-02-2013, 05:14 PM
So not only is there the collaboration with Reaper miniatures (with the FREE Clockwork Dragon included with all the other rewards at pledges $75 and up) but there is ALSO the Winged Hussar unit that has been unlocked as a "mini stretch goal" (a stretch goal reached before funding!)

Check him out here!


The 30k "mini stretch goal" has been revealed as well!
Check out the updates on the Torn Armor Kickstarter page :)


Polish Winged Hussars are boss! Love them

04-03-2013, 03:32 AM
It's in the last 24 hours now so if you're waiting to pledge you don't have a lot of time to decide.

http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...235/torn-armor (http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1471855235/torn-armor)

Yep, those Hussars are great.

04-03-2013, 01:16 PM
3D render of the Hwacha.
