View Full Version : Periods of inactivity.

02-27-2013, 07:28 AM
Does anyone else find that every now and then they just stop doing any hobby and find it hard to get interested in getting back into it?

Perhaps it's because i've finished my Necron Throne of Skulls army but at the moment I just can't seem to get myself interested in doing any hobby.

Currently on my desk I have six Chosen that I was enjoying painting but now they are just sitting there, one Chaos Lord in Terminator Armour who is waiting for me to Green Stuff on some candles and texture paint his base before undercoating, and 10 Flagellants who im turning into Chaos Cultists with bits from the Pistoler/Outrider box (which once done will look great).

But....I just can't seem to get myself interested in painting them or sticking them together.

There are other things I can do, base/undercoat a Space Marine Captain and Command Squad then paint them up, do the same for a Terminator Squad, paint some Storm Talons, Ageis Defence Line, carry on finishing off a Tactical Squad i was painting, start painting two Chaos Space Marine squads as Word Bearers....etc, etc.

Perhaps it's because I don't have any money for next month as most of it near enough went out when i got paid.

I've even been thinking of starting a Tau army with Forge World battlesuits and at the very least i've re-written the armylist for my 1500pt Tau i have on the shelf, might even take them to my local GW tomorrow for gaming night.


02-27-2013, 07:32 AM
I know exactly what you mean.

When 5th came out me group and I had much bluster and were playing games frequently, we were painting and playing quite a bit, then in the last year we didn't play a game at all.

I've been planning on painting stuff for ages but never got round to it as there are other things which are easier to do. Event once I got myself a desk so I didn't spend 20 minutes setting up and another 20 putting away if I wanted to paint.

Mr Mystery
02-27-2013, 07:33 AM
Brown outs are far from uncommon.

I've not played a game this year for a variety of reasons, of which the least excusable is laziness.

The spark will rekindle. It always does!

02-27-2013, 07:35 AM
Oh i know how to rekindle the spark, buy something new :p

On a more serious note something i've never properly done is just collect an army and have it grow and grow. I always buy 1500 point armies and i either finish them or get side tracked onto something else.

02-27-2013, 07:42 AM
I'm just coming down off a period of high activity. Need to get back on it, as have a comp deadline to meet. But as you say, buy something new always helps. A few new deamon models maybe....

02-27-2013, 07:43 AM
This is a thing that happens with any hobby, I get it all the time if I start to feel a bit sick, the last thing I want to do is paint an army or whatever, I find the best way to get myself back into the swing of things is to build up to it, you can't go from a lull to working on Forgeworld Tau Battlesuits, it'll seem like a ton of effort once they arrive, but you can assemble a few space marines and work on them, nice and simple, then work your way back up

Mr Mystery
02-27-2013, 07:44 AM
Oh i know how to rekindle the spark, buy something new :p

On a more serious note something i've never properly done is just collect an army and have it grow and grow. I always buy 1500 point armies and i either finish them or get side tracked onto something else.

I used to have sprawling armies, but these days I tend to fixate on a particular list, then move on.

Mind you, when I was a nipper, everyone played both Fantasy and 40k. Now it seems it's mostly one or other!

02-27-2013, 07:48 AM
I'm currently 3 models down 103 to go of repainting a company of blood angels, the thought of all those identically posed marines is a little disheartening...

Mr Mystery
02-27-2013, 07:53 AM
And this is why the Emperor gave us hand flamer shaped spray guns, and 'Eavy Metal developed washes :p

I think Gork was responsible for drybrushing though.

02-27-2013, 08:09 AM
Had my club move, money dwindle and a job that meat I was working on the wrong side 5pm... Haven't played for a while, but looking to get back into it some time in the future.

I think the way to look at it is whether or not you actually want a game.

02-27-2013, 08:10 AM
Oh, I get periods of intense activity and periods of nothingness all the time. I generally move my efforts to a different hobby when that happens. So I recently finished painting 4 knight titans & 3 small robots, and built two larger robots. But then the urge stopped. So I've moved onto making costume. I'm sure that post-Easter I'll be back to my little men, all energised from my time away from them and with lots more ideas to convert!

02-27-2013, 08:26 AM
I'm going up to Warhammer World in April, hoping to spend some money there - just don't want to waste it on something I'm not going to use.

What I need to do is pick an army and buy one unit a month and spend my time carefully painting it. As I have a few finished armies I can play games with them while the army builds up, then when it's large enough make an army list. Or another way is to make an army list, get the models for it and then build apon that army.

Either way need to decide what I'm going to do :)

02-27-2013, 08:36 AM
Collect a chapter of space marines :)

Go on! It'll be fun!

(I am resigned to the fact that my Blood Angles will only be completed once this has been done)

02-27-2013, 08:39 AM
RGilbert - I'd feel a little bit sick (of myself) if I had just jumped on the Necron tourney army wagon - every non-cron air player at ToS hates to see those croissants across the table from them!

02-27-2013, 09:10 AM
Hehe, my ToS list only has three Night Scythes. So far they haven't done much mainly due to everyone at my local GW thinking they can only turn within 90 degrees of their facing/firing arc, which is incorrect.

Something I was thinking was getting one of everything in the Space Marine codex.

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-27-2013, 09:25 AM
I've noticed people tend to get burnt out if they only have one hobby. It's best to have a few that you can switch between I think. For me, I have my sculpting and making music as my primary hobbies, so I never seem to get burnt out as I always have the other to go to.

02-27-2013, 09:28 AM
Well I also have computer games. If Battle Worlds in Hitchin wasn't shutting down then I would probably have taken up Warmachine.

02-27-2013, 12:21 PM
I like battle worlds as an occasional visitor, but not surprised it is a victim of the current market climes...

02-27-2013, 04:57 PM
Well horrah for Mum's - due to a slight hiccup with finances i dont have any money for March until i get paid, was thinking about not going to Nottingham because of not having much money after stuff goes out next month (leading up to when i got to Nottingham). Mum gave me £100 so i had money and didn't feel like i couldnt buy anything. Though it does come with strict instructions "Do not spend all of it on Hobby!", thankfully she said "why not just buy something small and not something really expensive?"

So i now have to decide what im going to buy tomorrow :p

02-27-2013, 05:25 PM
Though it does come with strict instructions "Do not spend all of it on Hobby!", thankfully she said "why not just buy something small and not something really expensive?"

So i now have to decide what im going to buy tomorrow :p

Hmm something small and not something expensive she does know what the hobby is right :)

I have periods too where i feel like doing nothing in the hobby, I still buy stuff and think this is what might be the problem too much to do and thinking of some of it like a chore to do. Some things do help get me back into it though are tournaments that i have going at the moment, setting yourself goals can sometimes help.

02-27-2013, 05:55 PM
Lol yes she does, I'm just glad she said I'm allowed to buy something (I'm 27 but still respect what she says :p)

KrewL RaiN
02-27-2013, 06:20 PM
This happens to me alot... its like my hobby muse is bipolar! I go on a hobby mad streak and then I burn out. I have increased creativity streaks and then I dont want to touch my paint brush until my next creative high.

I jump projects so often. My Tyranid muse got fired up again because of an upcoming mega battle. I finally got my second Tervigon done, and she has been sitting on my to do shelf for almost a year! Now I swore to myself I will never paint another one of those again... dear lord why did I have to pick a scheme that has alot of white it in it lmao. It was a process of paint, procrastinate, paint, procrastinate, finish the damn thing already and paint till I never want to touch white again.

Before that I was working on some Daemon stuff, then the Dark Vengance box came out and the new Chaos Marine codex shortly after... and that made me want to start a Chaos Marine army haha.

And then the new Chaos Daemon book is around the corner and omg, tell my brain to shut up I gotta get my Tyranids ready to eat face!

03-03-2013, 04:52 AM
My biggest issue is distance at the moment, plus my love for my primary army SoB is rapidly becoming stale, mostly because I can't bring myself to finish painting them or lack of enthusiasm to use the same list over and over again. I briefly brought myself out of the cave to eyeball a GW store and make a purchase of the Guard book and a battalion box, sadly my girlfriend had to drag me (almost) back to pick up a few paints and it slightly rekindled interest but the staff were strangely distant. I got the feeling I didn't buy enough for them to give me much attention but that could be paranoia, I'm hoping to get into the game again once I finish making up my mind about what I want in my Guard army, I'm planning for an Infantry company and been staring at that book for a month now wracking my brain.

Dave Mcturk
03-03-2013, 05:38 AM
think some of you boyz need a playmate...

03-03-2013, 11:32 AM
think some of you boyz need a playmate...

...or a GF :p

Just a little update, i bought a box of Space Wolves and im currently enjoying painting them :)

03-03-2013, 08:17 PM
Have the boys over for a Build n' Paint night. I host every two weeks, on my wife's Knit Night; we throw together a one-pot of some kind (chili and cornbread this time) they bring beer and snax/sides/extras. This last week, we did Build n' Paint rather than game. Got more done in one night than in quite a few others, and still energized, because I want to have my Tetras ready for the next Game Night.

By the way: IMHO, Budweiser Black Crown is dishwater fit only for cooking with. Which is what's going to happen with the rest of it. Baltika #4 is pretty good.

03-03-2013, 08:35 PM
I always have my up's and down's with my Hobby - been on a bit of a down slope lately with the lack of funds and working on the blog - looking forward to my next purchase of some Imperial Fists to expand on my collection; I always love painting those yellow *******s.

03-03-2013, 11:16 PM
ive always been a yo-yo painter that see's paintbrush activity during autumn and winter, but as soon as the extra sun and daylight hours turn up i'm out mountain biking most days or walking the dog. Ive become fortunate enough to move into a line of work that sees me working in remote locations overseas for 4-8 weeks at a time with not a lot to do to pass the time. My DKOK army will finally be finished this year as i can bring 20-30 models with me and beast through them with no distractions!

03-03-2013, 11:42 PM
I don't really experience slow-downs... I just switch to a different game. 40k bores me? Fantasy. Fantasy bores me? Battlefleet Gothic. Games Workshop's entire aesthetic starts to annoy me? Warmachine or Hordes. And I've got Infinity, Malifaux, and I want to start Dropzone Commander, too. I never lose interest in hobbying, because I've got lots of options.

03-06-2013, 08:15 AM
I always find this happens when I have too many different projects on the go... Sell off/give away some unpainted stuff and the urge to paint what's left always quickly returns!

03-06-2013, 08:29 AM
Unfortuneatly trying to sell stuff is a bit hard round here, so unfinished stuff either sits on the shelf or eventually goes in the bin. My Mum has mentioned it on many occasions and i do point out that none of the finished stuff will be going in the bin.

Looks like my period of inactivity is due to stop as im getting all geared up to do a Blood Angels Battle Company (see my other thread - Least used army in 40k?).

03-06-2013, 08:35 AM
Oh have you considered striping minis rather than just buying fresh?

03-06-2013, 08:39 AM
No not really, i think i have the general rule that if the model has been sitting around for months not being used then ive already 'wasted' the money on it, lol.

I once had a shed load of stuff (not literally) lying around my room and after spending a year trying to sell it to my local group of gamers without success, it all went in the bin. If remember correctly that was about 2 or 3 black bin bags full.


By the way i dont use ebay that often, previous experience has seen stuff go up several times and nothing bought.

03-06-2013, 08:48 AM
I once had a shed load of stuff (not literally) lying around my room and after spending a year trying to sell it to my local group of gamers without success, it all went in the bin. If remember correctly that was about 2 or 3 black bin bags full.

1st world problems :D

The reason I brought it up, my 3rd company is being made from my previously poorly painted collection so I didn't know if you had considered it.

03-06-2013, 09:18 AM
The stuff I do have lying around is finished and it's there in case I want to use them again. I've got a 1500pt Tau Army that's waiting for the new codex. Some of them I could strip and reprint but I'd want to add shoulder pads, guns and stuff to them using the BA bits - too much work when I can just buy new.

03-06-2013, 09:24 AM
Here is my plog: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?27672-Blood-Angels-3rd-Company-Ironhelms

Need to carry on paiting but I've been a bit busy over the last couple of weeks