View Full Version : Space Marine Command Squad retinue?

10-28-2009, 11:55 AM
I have been playing the command squad as a retinue for my captain since the SM book came out, but recently a guy at a tournament told me that they did not count as a retinue...which leads me to the question: Do space marine command squads count as a retinue?

If not i feel it diminishes their value on one level, but increases it on another. If they do not have to be attached to the captain, then they can go to reek havoc on the other side of the board while he is with another squad. But i don't feel like that is the way a command squad should work?

comments and clarifications appreciated!

10-28-2009, 12:14 PM
As written, it doesnt count as a retinue and functions as a unit on its own. The only restriction for them is that you can only purchase this squad if you have already purchased a space marine captain.

You are right though, its daft and probaly not the way they are intended if you ask me. They shouldve made it a retinue its pretty silly that they arent, but look at it on the bright side, you can field a squad of veterans on bikes while your captain is decked out in terminator armour and accompanies your terminators.

10-28-2009, 12:21 PM
No, they aren't a retinue. If you look at the evolution of books you'll see that GW seems to be moving away from the whole retinue idea. For instance, eldar seer councils aren't retinues either.

10-28-2009, 12:26 PM
I think it will be silly if BA honour guard are not a retinue, personally

and what about Hive Tyrants and Tyrant Guard?

10-28-2009, 12:34 PM
Not entirely moving away. Imperial Guard Command Squads are effectively retinues for the officer.

Other units that can purchase a retinue include Grey Knight Heroes and Adepta Sororitas Heroines, possibly a few others.

10-28-2009, 12:43 PM
Hes right, guard commanders arent even independant characters and i dont think ancient codices are much of an indication :P. I think it makes sense though as a direction, even if it seems weird that my space marine captains command squad can take a jolly and do their own thing. With the reinventing of special characters making their inclusion alot more common it makes sense to discourage any kind of retinues that let your awesomesauceome hero hide at the back of the group.

10-28-2009, 01:53 PM
I personally think it's extremely stupid that some armies that would have a "retinue" fluff-wise (SM) don't...because apparently 5 power armor no-invul wounds is too much to go through...but armies like, say, Tyranids, do.

And even more annoying is how BS the Tyranid one works out for the Tyrant, while meanwhile the SMs endure the bizarre wording trick and have no retinues because a squad of 3+ saves with bolters would be overpowered...a squad o 3+ saves with two wounds and immunity to instant death, however, is perfectly fine.

Must be because Tyrant Guard don't carry that overpowered bolter, right? :sigh:

10-28-2009, 02:20 PM
At least Tyrant guard aren't 21pts for rending, fleet, WS 6 w/ preferred enemy, I 6, and the ability to take sizeable hoards of them. I hate genestealers :mad: (my personal bias, from playing Khorne armies)

Anyways, yeah, the only new codecies with anything like the retinue rules is the Guard, and Guard don't really have IC's anyways.

10-30-2009, 02:03 PM
I think they should be a retinue, its an upgrade to the captain, and does not feel a slot on the force chart, i believe it also gives u a kill point as well. Gw needs to FAQ it, me and my friends normally would play it as one, if used, i dont see anywhere were it says its not, just because it does say RETINUE and says COMMAND SQUAD des not mean its not.

10-30-2009, 02:15 PM
I think they should be a retinue, its an upgrade to the captain, and does not feel a slot on the force chart, i believe it also gives u a kill point as well. Gw needs to FAQ it, me and my friends normally would play it as one, if used, i dont see anywhere were it says its not, just because it does say RETINUE and says COMMAND SQUAD des not mean its not.
You're free to make them retinues if you like, but as written, they aren't.

10-30-2009, 08:36 PM
I think they should be a retinue, its an upgrade to the captain, and does not feel a slot on the force chart, i believe it also gives u a kill point as well. Gw needs to FAQ it, me and my friends normally would play it as one, if used, i dont see anywhere were it says its not, just because it does say RETINUE and says COMMAND SQUAD des not mean its not.
Not using an FOC slot doesn't make a Command Squad a Retinue. Due to a lack of either criterium (states it is a retinue or states that the IC cannot leave the unit), it is not a Retinue.