View Full Version : The humble plastic snap fit marine

the one
10-28-2009, 11:46 AM
This is the thread dedicated to the single miniture that has probilly made GW the most money, but the one we hate most. Thats right it's the plastic snap fit marine, famous for been in such boxes as battle for maccrage and assult on black reach. It also star on the 2007 Games Day T-Shirt (which I still tresure) But this is not how it has got the money for GW:

1. For the things I just said.
2. For introducing countless people to the hobby.

I started 40K just before they crated this man and when I went into the local store I had to buy straight away, and it almost put me off. I wish I had a model to ruin with my (then) crappy painting skills, to paint and help me along.

Plastic snap fit marine, that was your life.

Feel free to comment.

10-28-2009, 12:26 PM
Also famous for first appearing in the 2nd ed box set. I've still got some of the guys hanging around - they're great for bulking out squads or proxying or just checking LoS.

Brother Mord
10-28-2009, 12:55 PM
I love the snap and fit marines. The current ones are much more detailsed than the older ones. They are great for quickly adding numbers to your squads and they blend in great with the multi part marines.

I have some old second edition plastic snap and fit marines in my black Templar squads. A whole squad of these guys would look awful but mixed in they look great. And its a cool way of showing off how long I have been collecting these guys. When we old gamers get together for a game you spot an old gem of a model mixed in and it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling.

10-28-2009, 03:00 PM
I have 5 squads of the old 2nd ed Plug N Play marines. I had such an odd number of the missile launchers, that I have a devastator squad of them. With the Macragge and Black Reach sets, I have a full company of these guys. They're effectively a Reserve company that only comes out for Apoc games, but do really nice in showing my friends what a SM Horde army looks like.

John M.

the one
10-29-2009, 07:56 AM
Yes we feel the love!

10-29-2009, 08:09 AM
The day Assault on Black Reach came out, I opened 20 boxes and about 3 weeks later I put 200 tac marines and 100 snap together terminators on the field for an apocalypse game...I love the snap together marine....and I like the snap together cadian just as much. I almost always field one devastator squad with 4 rockets...sometimes 2. My first one is made from 2 old beaky marines with the fish-like rocket launchers and two from the current tac squad box...the second squad is 4 black reach rockets.

I really like playing 6 tac squads, 2 4-rocket dev squads, an all bolter sternguard squad and a captain at 1850pts. Every model in this list is painted and from Black Reach. On the table it looks as good as a space marine swarm can look. I have a large Legion of the Damned army also...8 drop pods, 4 tac squads, 6 dreads and a Master of the Forge that is all Black Reach also.

Long live the snap marine!!

Brass Scorpion
10-29-2009, 09:24 AM
All the Tactical Squads in my new Space Marine army are made from Black Reach Marines. I have 2nd Edition snap fit Marines and Battle for Macragge snap fit marines, both squads painted, in my Dark Angel army. The new Black Reach Terminators and Dreadnought also figure prominently in my new Space Marine army. They are economical and look great when painted. Converting to some degree is even possible. I've used the Black Reach Captain front piece now for a Terminator Captain and a Captain on Bike. I'm planning to change the special weapon in some of my Black Reach Tactical squads too and maybe even the heavy weapon. I was able to convert the Macragge Missile Launcher Marine to a Heavy Bolter so perhaps I can do so with the Black Reach Missile Launcher Marine too.

10-29-2009, 09:40 AM
Yep, their very handy. Ive got 2000pts of SM's waiting to be painted and Ive got a mixture of "Proper Tac Squads" and black reach models to keep the cost down.

10-29-2009, 10:07 AM
I'm probably in the wrong post to put my two copper in, but....

I strongly dislike the snap-together plug-n-play Marine. There are NO conversion possibilities with this guy and rarely are there more than two poses. Boooooooring!!

It's rare that I field ANY G.W. Product which has not been kitbashed or modified in some way. I like my little plastic men to be different. Not all lined up in perfect 'attention'. They should not look that way once the bullets start flying.

the one
10-29-2009, 11:26 AM
They like Marmite! Love or hate!

Anybody who doesn't like them come and say it. This is what this thread is for.

10-29-2009, 11:28 AM
I have to admit that I really liked everything that came in the AoBR box. The snap fir marines look great and they do wonders to bulk up squads. But being a border line OCD freak I had that they have the built in arrows on the shoulder pad. That mean I can only ever field them together because otherwise the other marines won't have the raised arrow on the shoulder pad!

And the rocket launcher guy is AWESOME (Gotta love the Tie fighter pilot -esqe) helmet.

Lord Anubis
10-29-2009, 02:03 PM
The old second edition ones were a bit blocky and rigid, but I love the new ones. Several poses, great detail, and cheap as heck. They're all through my Relictors army.

(and when I stumble across the second edition ones, they make great statues ;) )

To be honest, I was a bit upset to see how much the little snap-fit booster packs were going for (the ones with 3 marines, four orks, five termagants, etc.). When they started getting rid of a lot of the 2nd edition snap-together models in cheap little packs like that (back in... what, 1999?), that's what actually got me into the hobby.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-29-2009, 02:15 PM
I love snapfits and wish they did them for all races. I've found them great fun to "test" paint-schemes, bulk out armies or just buy a set for fun to paint inbetween a larger scale project.

IMO, the massive apocalypse sets would be better off as snapfits as well....

oh, and i loved the ones in Black reach! suck on it.

10-29-2009, 02:28 PM
I have a bunch of the old 2nd ed snappies.

Use them all over.

Apocalypse, normal games.

I even have a display of 20 of them on a stand, one each painted in the pre-heresy colours of the founding legions (with the "missing" 2 just base coated black)

Now Im just working on a post heresy version of the 20 founding legions to go with it.