View Full Version : 1000 BA (for tournament)

02-25-2013, 10:43 AM
I'll go on my first tournament soon, and i need your help to decide, which roster i should use:

Librarian (JP) 125
Sanguinary Priest (JP) 75
10 RAS (2x melta) 210
10 RAS (2x Flamer, mbomb, pAxe) 220
2x Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) 100
Heavy Support
5x Devastators (4x Missile Launcher) 130
Predator (Sponson Lascannons; Searchlight) 136

Totatl 996


Librarian (JP) 125
Sanguinary Priest (JP) 75
Sanguinary Guard (3 swords, 2 Axes, banner, Inf.pistol) 240
10 RAS (2x melta, pAxe) 225
10 RAS (2x Flamer, Hflamer, fist) 235
2x Attack Bike (Multi-Melta) 100

Totatl 1000

Or may be you'll suggest something different, i dont want refuse from 2x10 RAS core, but FA and HS slots are open for doubt. I expect a 3 or 4 CSM players here, so there is a big chance to face "helldrake spam" roster, so i need your advices how to play against them.

02-25-2013, 12:29 PM
You really have nothing to deal with flyers. You could take an ADL with a quad gun, but then you'd have to squeeze a hundred points out of an already tight army, and then a unit to man it. If they allow forgeworld rules you could take a whirlwind hyperios (my FLGS just lets me use a regular whirlwind model) but its nowhere near as effective as the quad gun

02-25-2013, 02:08 PM
Yeah I'd go with the second list and drop the Sanguinary Guard for 7x Scout Snipers with a ML and Camo Cloaks, then get an ADL with Quad-gun. But if you're really don't think you'll face more than one flyer per opponent, you might be able to get away with ignoring them completely. If you decide to do that, I'd go with the second list. It's just stronger. I played a few games recently where I didn't bring flyer defense and it worked out alright. Their flyers definitely did some damage, but I at least outnumbered their ground forces. Kill their Troops choices and you can win without flyer defense... it's just not going to be pretty haha.

02-26-2013, 02:14 AM
As i mentioned above there is a big chance to face with 2-3 helldrakes, and i am afraid that with second list i'll get burned on turn 3-4 with no chances. So pred has some resistance from flamers, and i might stay librarian (taken divination and hoping for 4+ invul and re-rolls) with my devs.