View Full Version : Does it work? CSM Huron + IG Al'Rahem = Outflank madness

02-25-2013, 10:14 AM
I recently decided to do an Alpha Legion army with Huron as the HQ to get a little fluffy Outflank action. I then realized that I have a small number of old Vostroyans I could use as allies, and the true scheming began.

What I ended up with was Huron with 4 squads of CSM and a squad of Havocs, plus a Company Command Squad with Chimera and Astropath, a Platoon with Al'Rahem (2 basic squads plus a mortar squad), a Scout Sentinel, a minimal Storm Trooper squad with Airborne Assault, and a Leman Russ Battle Tank. With this setup, I can Outflank with 2 CSM squads (on average), the IG Platoon, and the Sentinel (with the Astropath giving me rerolls on the Outflank and the 2+ reserve rolls); the Storm Troopers are held out for deep strike with a reroll of the dice. It seems very fun and fluffy.

So the question is, can it work? I don't play in tournaments and usually play narrative games (I like having the battle tell a story). It seems like the heavy Outflank use could really keep my opponent on the back foot concerning planning and target priority. Then again, it might just be an ignorant waste of resources. It also helps that I already own all of the stuff in the list, as I am broke as a joke these days.

I could really use an outside perspective on this. I've only ever played Eldar and 5th Ed. CSM, so I'm completely new to actually playing IG as well as the new CSM codex. I really don't want to use a list that implies I have a 50 IQ, but this list works in my head.


02-25-2013, 05:23 PM
I ran an al'rahem list a while back, I found the key to his platoon is use weapons that are dangerous if they come in behind stuff, so special weapons squads with 3 meltas etc, flamers in the infantry squads and if you need heavy weapons outflanking, don't take mortars as they can't fire on the turn they arrive so upgrade them to autocannons if you could. The storm troopers, I have never rated them as a unit, veterans are better and cheaper.

02-26-2013, 09:25 AM
Thanks for the info, Firecrest. Those are some good thoughts. I realize special weapon melta squads are good on the outflank, but there are no Vostroyan models with meltaguns. Not a difficult conversion, though. I do have a flamer in Al'Rahem's squad and could probably use more.

As to the mortars, I really like the psychological impact of them. I may change my mind once I get to use them. Also, auto cannons would require some heavy conversion. There are no Vostroyans with autocannons, and I don't have the skill to sculpt greatcoats (though I can do the hats).

Finally, my plan with the storm troopers is to be able to precisely place a source of 10 AP 3 shots, cause some damage and also cause my opponent to react to their sudden arrival. Veterans may be better and cheaper, but I don't think they can deep strike. I will look into it though.

Again, thanks for the great feedback.

03-07-2013, 02:55 PM
I'm no longer a tournament player, but it doesn't sound like a viable tourney build. I am a "beer and pretzels" player, though, and think that this is a great list that can be fun and effective against other like-minded players (I found winning a 40K tournament to be one of the most hollow experiences of my life, but think playing a fun game with a friend to be a recipe for a great time).

What Firecrest said was spot-on. another idea you may want to field is utilizing vindicators or other ordnance - even a cheap unaugmented Griffon Heavy Mortar. With all that flanking your opponent will try crowding the middle of the table. A large blast template complements that. If that's not what your looking to do, an alternative could be a 2nd infantry platoon with mortar teams. It sounds like you're trying to put something together with what you have and with less effort/expenditure (trust me I'm w/you on that), but those are just some ideas.

03-08-2013, 07:49 AM
Thanks for the input, Sure. It's nice to hear from a like-minded player.

I have actually played the list once at this point and it worked well against the Dark Eldar. I used my Leman Russ Battle Tank w/ heavy bolster sponsons to cover the middle of the table, with crossfire coming from the havocs (2 ml, 2 las cannon).

I do have a vindicator, but I'm not sure what I would cut to get it into the list.

Da Gargoyle
03-08-2013, 10:13 PM
I am an Eldar player and of late I have been switching to an air mobile force. Last night I fielded a little under a 1000 points using 2 wave serpents and a falcon. In one Falcon was a scorpion unit with an Autarch with fusion gun, in the Falcon were five dragons and in the other serpent was a squad of storm guardians with flamer fusion warlock with singing spear and destructor. On their own was a guardian squad with a star cannon. The opponent was an IG armored fist unit with 3 chimeras, vets & commissar, an annihilator, vanquisher and a russ with Pask.

My falcon and Serpent turboed first turn which got them in amongst the flanks of the IG tanks. 2nd turn I put a missile in the rear of Pask's tank while my dragons dismounted the falcon and lit up the annihilator.

I am finding that with most of my troops in transports, which move fast to start off with, enemy flanking does not work so well. The only hassle is not being able to assault when you dismount, it kind of telegraphs your punches doing it the turn before you assault.

03-11-2013, 08:44 PM
What I've found entertaining is Using Huron to infiltrate 30 cultists towards to enemy. Have Huron give infiltrate to himself, join the Cultists to confer the special rule, and watch as your opponent tries to kill 30 fearless cultists running at him, you usually only get an additional 6", but that's 6" closer than your opponent expects, and puts extra pressure on them to do something about Huron and friends. If Huron rolls one of the powers that gives additional saves (like fire shield), this giant unit becomes hilariously hard to kill. Add 3 flamers to the cultists for burny overwatch goodness. And while your enemy desperately tries to kill your goons, Al'rahem swoops in a hits them in the flank.

It's all about setting the bait (Huron + cultists) and springing the trap (Al'rahem & friends). Very Alpha legion. :cool:

03-12-2013, 08:21 AM
@entendre: That sounds like a great time! Now I must convert a whole mess of cultists...