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View Full Version : How to Make a Display Board

02-23-2013, 09:17 PM
Hey everyone, I was just curious about how people went about making display boards for their Armies on Parade/miniature displays/photo taking and would love your suggestions and input. We're in need of a good quality board with some decent lighting to help us take good photo's for our instructional articles and the army showcase's we'll be starting in the near future.
With that in mind, we're tossing up between purchasing the Realm of Battle 2-piece kit that has two 2x2 tiles for $150 AUD and building it ourselves from scratch. The ROB is pretty easy to paint - up and texture properly, and it does provide a fairly sturdy base to work off - but at $75 a tile, with materials, paints and additional scenery being additional to that cost - it may be too expensive at this point to justify; and it lacks the ability to place proper trenches and water features without significant modification - which makes the convenience of the board a null - point. The other alternative is to simply build one ourselves; we have access to an entire garage full of every conceivable tool we could need and we do have a rudimentary knowledge of construction and design - but we're not sure what materials we'll need and how much it will cost, or just how good the results would be.
So, I'm curious - what do you guys recommend and what have you used in the past? Pictures would be more then appreciated; and any tips to help us make the best board possible would be awesome.