View Full Version : quick question

02-23-2013, 01:51 PM
I've been lurking BoLS blog and forums. Well I'm getting really interested into tabletop wargames. I have been playing 40k for a few years now.
Well a few days ago I stumbled upon a review or something, and it had a bunch of minis from 40k fantasy infitiy malifaux, warmachine, figures compared to a space marine, Frank?. Id really like to have that omage saved but I forgot to save it, and I've been searching to no luck. Any chance someone could point me in the right directiom?

02-23-2013, 05:16 PM
Wild West Exodus's kick starter page has the image I think you are referring to.

Scroll down, and you'll find it.

John M>

02-23-2013, 05:56 PM
You my friend are my hero. That was it, wasn't able to remember where I saw it, swore it was on bols. Thanks!