View Full Version : Champagne Help

02-22-2013, 03:22 PM
I'm trying to be more proactive in my local gaming community by running a champagne. I'm working with my local store to do a 3 month build and paint escalation champagne. The concept is that you build a certain amount of points for a new army paint it and play several games in a month. The next month the point limit is raised and the last month same thing. By the end you have a 2500 point painted army. I'm looking to have pints involved by those who make the deadlines as well as other bonuses. The first month I was thinking of having the limit be 500 points to keep it simple and fun. At the end of the month do a mega battle order vs chaos sort of deal. I would like to make that fun and interesting but not sure how. Anyone who has experience in this sort of thing will to give some advice and good ideas would be extremely helpful. Thank you

02-22-2013, 03:29 PM
According to Food & Wine's list of top ten affordable champagnes (http://www.foodandwine.com/articles/10-top-affordable-champagnes), the best is Pol Roger Brut Reserve. $35 a bottle, and it's described as "medium-bodied" and "well-balanced." You should check out the list, though. There are a lot of options.


Ok, I'm done mocking your bad spelling now. All in good fun.

What you're looking at starting is often called a Slow Grow league. Privateer Press encourages its Press Gangers to do the same thing, but they call it a Journeyman League. You could probably use similar rules.

And... that's the end of my knowledge. Good luck!

02-22-2013, 06:26 PM
Spelling issues aside, it sounds like you want an escalation league with a little flair. Escalation leagues are great for bringing new players into the game or letting more experienced players expand into a different faction/army type. Back when I ran leagues for a local store I would hold events every two weeks and would largely do an Order vs. Disorder battle with any TK or Ogre players used to even out sides. To make things interesting I would use strange pieces of terrain with weird rules, roaming monsters that would attak the nearest unit (Storm of Magic helped this with a variety of monster kits out there now), or I would have random game effects like earthquakes, asudden storm of magic, or a sneak attack by an entire Skaven army (if no other Skaven players were present). It's really only limited by your imagination. The winning side of the game would get a small bonus in their next game (a free 25pt magic item, a reroll, something small but still meaningful).

02-22-2013, 08:09 PM
Yea sorry about the typos I was writing that post on my Iphone so darn auto corrector :mad: But that is an interesting idea to implement.