View Full Version : Imperial Guard 1000 points

Red Angel
02-21-2013, 02:45 AM
Hi Everyone! :D

Here is a Imperial Guard list I have had fun using :D

HQ: Lord Commissar with a Powerfist, Bolt Pistol and Melta Bombs 90pts
Ministorum Priest with Evisorator and Shotgun 60pts

Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad
5, One Guardsmen with a Medi-Pack, 3 Guardsmen with Lasguns and Platoon Commander with a Powerfist 75pts

Infantry Squad
10, one with a Plasma Gun and Sergeant with chainsword and melta bombs 70pts

Infantry Squad
10, one with a grenade launcher and Sergeant with chainsword 55pts

Infantry Squad
10, one with a grenade launcher and Sergeant with chainsword 55pts

Infantry Squad
10, Sergeant with power weapon 60pts

Infantry Squad
10, Sergeant with power weapon and Melta bombs 65pts

Penal Legion Squad
10, 80pts

5, 50pts

Storm Trooper Squad
10, two with Melta Guns 180pts

Heavy Support:
Manticore Missile Launcher 160pts

Grand Total: 1000pts

I put the Guardsmen in a combined unit of 50 led by the Lord Commissar and I outflank with the Penal Legion and the Stormtroopers :cool:

Red Angel
02-21-2013, 02:49 AM
My Ministorum Priest leads the Penal Legion unit :D

02-21-2013, 04:05 AM
Are you lookin for critiques or just puttin it up for fun/to show other people? Jw.

Red Angel
02-21-2013, 07:26 PM
Critics are welcome, as long as they are useful :D
I big thing this list can't deal with is Flyers

02-28-2013, 01:24 PM
I'll start by saying I'm no expert with IGuard but one thing, I think you are going to have a lot of problems with really heavy tanks, I know you have the meltras in the Storm Trooper squads but if they were outflanking I would just put my heavy tank in the center of the field and you wouldn't be able to do a whole lot about it, I would probably add some long range fire power instead.

02-28-2013, 06:26 PM
The manticore is the tank buster at long range. Personally I'd drop the ratlings and the plasma gun from the infantry squad and get grenade launchers and autocannons for the lot and any left overs give flamers to the command squad.

Red Angel
02-28-2013, 08:42 PM
Yeah the Manitcore is awesome against most things :D In one game turn one it destroyed a Land Raider and a Rhino with one shot :D
The grenade launchers and autocannons combo sounds like a good plan, my Rattlings don't do much anyway :D
I would probs keep the plasma gun and just take out the power weapons instead. Then I could have 4 grenade launchers, 5 Autocannons and the Platoon Command squad could have 2 flamers :D

02-28-2013, 10:11 PM
Yeah more grenade launchers and some autocannons would be nice. Honestly, I can't think of much of a reason not to bring a Primaris Psyker instead of the Commissar. If you take Divination, you up all your Imperial Guard's shooting potential and can possibly get some REALLY awesome psychic powers for your 50-man blob. 4+ invulnerable, re-rolls to hit, debuffs on enemy units, buffs to your Overwatch shooting, etc. Lot of fantastic powers in that psychic tree.

Red Angel
03-01-2013, 08:53 AM
Yeah a Primarias Psyker does sound good :D I will keep the Lord Commissar because I like giving the 50 Guardsmen Blob stubon and leadership 10 so they don't run off at a bad moment :D
I will find the points to fit in the Psyker though, he sounds like a awesome idea :D

03-01-2013, 04:28 PM
Primaris psyker can't take divination. But yes they can be fun, I did run a list with 2 primaris psykers with telekinesis and 2 psyker battle squads and watched the fun when both psychic screams went off after the leadership drop from the battle squads.

03-01-2013, 04:45 PM
Weird, I even checked the FAQ before I posted. Welp, that sucks for you I guess haha. Primaris Psykers with Divination definitely sounded too cheap and good to be true.