View Full Version : Hey all

Dancin Daz
10-27-2009, 11:38 PM
Hey all, just to introduce myself my names Dancin Daz and I live in Sydney, Australia, I play Warhammer 40K mostly but have played Fantasy and other wargames before.

I see myself as a kind of average joe as I like lots of things and see a fun side to most things, so in my games I always try to have the most fun I can have, and that involves my opponent enjoying themselves as well. :D

Anyway I am recently starting to get into the competitive side of Warhammer 40K and am improving my gaming skills and painting all the time, and its always nice to have a fun game against someone you meet online so if you are ever in the Sydney area we might have to have a game sometime. ;)

Anyway thats my introduction, how is everyone else going?

10-28-2009, 10:04 AM
Welcome to the Lounge. :)

10-28-2009, 04:12 PM
Nice to hear from you....How's the weather down under?

person person
10-29-2009, 08:58 PM
I agree with what you said about having fun, I'll never forget this battle where a rhino that ran over 2 carnifexes and 3 COD buildings.

Welcome to the community.