View Full Version : Todays game and what allies for Eldar next?

Lost Vyper
02-20-2013, 06:59 AM
I went head to head against Space Puppies in an Emperorīs Will -mission, 1750p. I got the FB from a blown up Landraider (for the love of God, i canīt believe, that the tlBL worked!!!). I had IG -allies and my friend had the Quad-gun (and controlled the whole table) , so i had to be careful and flew the Vendetta towards his objective taking shots to the Quad-Gun. Marbo worked for once blowing up few dudes from his troop holding his objective before getting blown away. Hornet and Walkers outflanked and spanked his troop away and cut down a Longfang-squad also. His push to my objective saw Eldrad dying and one DA-troop. Also the Grey hunters? (basic troop) killed my IG Veterans and one Hornet. He had my objective + Slay the Warlord + Line Breaker and i had his objective + First Blood + Line Breaker = DRAW
Time got thin in the end, he could have won, but we had to quit in the turn 6. I was happy (again) to the WWīs and the Hornets (had one with Pulse Lasers and one with Scatter Lasers), but i noticed, that three will give that extra pressure, two got maybe little too little made in this game? Eldrad was Fortuned and still managed to fail loads of saves, but killed Lone Wolf any ways. Now iīm done trying the IG -allies, one win, one defeat and one draw, hmm, make an assumption out of that :). I loved the Vendetta and the Veterans dropped from it, but the 5+ save and T3 is like Guardians all over again, but the three Meltaguns is cool. Chimera, meh, ok, but did little in every game. Damn it, why doesnīt any one in my club have Tau? :cool: What shall i try next as allies? SW, BAīs,GK? I donīt want to try Orks or Necrons (although,hmmm) :)...gimme ideas please!

Red Angel
02-23-2013, 05:01 AM
Hi :D

How many points is your Eldar list and what do you have in it? :D

If you want something tougher then guardians, you could try some Grey Knight terminators in a Stormraven or some normal space marines with a Stormraven
Orks are allways fun if you want to try out hordes :D
I have heard that Eldar and Dark Eldar are a good combo :D

02-25-2013, 12:04 AM
Eldar and Dark Eldar are an EXCELLENT combo. And despite common misconceptions, there is no thematic reason why they would not work together, aside possibly from Incubi.

People frequently forget that Guardians are almost always outclassed by an equivalent point cost in Dire Avengers. A minimum number of DAs will often hit as hard and last as long as all but the most well-hidden Guardian unit. Codex Eldar Harlequins are great and work VERY nicely with an attached DE character, as he gets to benefit from their Shadowseer AND Fortune being cast on the Harlies, who are already a mean unit.

Tau can really benefit from the Farseer buffs and can do wonderful little tricks themselves like eliminate a target unit's cover save or shoot their S5 rifles on the move for a full 30 inches. Give Eldrad a few rolls on the Divination table to pass around Prescience and your Blood Brother allies will often benefit you immensely. Keep a normal Farseer with Fortune on hand to keep your important Eldar units alive, if you have the points.

Lost Vyper
02-25-2013, 01:54 AM
Tau and Dark Eldar would be the obvious choices, but no one plays them in our club. Iīm waiting for the new Eldar codex, before even contemplate starting a new army. I might go for the Grey Knight Terminators and the HQ who makes them troops and the Vindicare Assassin (maybe my favorite unit in the whole WH40K)...

Red Angel
03-06-2013, 12:38 AM
Yeah! Grey Knights are great fun.
Grey Knight Terminators are allready troops, so you can take any HQ you want :D
I think you should also consider taking a Stormraven to give your army some anti air capabilities and a awesome transport for your Grey Knight terminators :D