View Full Version : Do you listen to music while playing 40k?

Commissar Lewis
10-27-2009, 10:18 PM
And if so, what kind? Me and my friends have recently started hooking up my friend's Zune to some speakers and adding a badass soundtrack. Nothing beat the sheer badassness of when I was running my Guardsmen across some open terrain to charge some Tau while The Trooper was playing. I lost 1/2 of em, sadly, but they kicked *** in assault. However against Tau that ain't saying much.

So, yeah, question is in the title.

10-28-2009, 11:21 AM
depends, when im at my local shop i find myself with one ear-bud in and listening to rock on my ipod, that way i can still enjoy a conversation but my sallies and i get to rock out before hopping out of LRs and wrecking face!

10-28-2009, 11:47 AM
I do the same thing with my games. I listen in one ear, most of the time I just put it on random.


10-28-2009, 11:53 AM
Hell yah I do, usually some type of Rock or Metal, anything fast passed and heavy. =) If two HQs end up getting into a showdown mid battle sometimes we'll stop everything and go put on some music on (if it isn't already) for when the dice actually start rolling. =P

10-28-2009, 12:24 PM
Had Summoning on while playing Heroquest last night. But generally I find it a distraction, especially when it's too loud to hear the other person talking. When painting definately though.

10-28-2009, 01:37 PM
The game room where I play is right next to the FLGS, and when you've got over two dozen excited gamers crammed into a small room, it gets so loud you can barely hear your opponent talk, so music is out of the question.

Commissar Lewis
10-28-2009, 04:27 PM
Haha, yeah I hear that, man. The few times I've been at my FLGS for a large event such as last year's Tanksgiving, good grief people were often yelling for no reason. And the stench of many people lacking deodorant was simply awful, but I'm deviating from the point.

Usually, I find adding music can help enhance the game.

ninja skills
10-28-2009, 04:33 PM
metal! \m/ you know it just works

10-28-2009, 11:33 PM
listening to music or slapping in an old movie is great for painting, but for playing i like to keep full attention to the game. at the local GW is barely 400-450 sq feet. with 20+ people it is a bit noisy (the Waaaagghhh is banned ecept for the Ork players. note: not official store policy just for sanity's sake). they do have some ambient 'top forty crap' / 'cd of the week' but we usually get them to turn it down a bit.

10-29-2009, 12:23 AM
It's gotta be what I like to call "warrior" Metal....

Amon Amarth, Bathory.

Or heavy industrial... Skinny Puppy, Godfleash.....

10-29-2009, 12:24 AM
There's always:


Ya know, if you're really into the classics and all.

Asymmetrical Xeno
10-29-2009, 01:08 AM
yep, dark electro and older style electro-industrial are perfectly grim-dark for 40k.

Allied vision's "man must be overcome", pretty much anything by front line assembly, Numb's "blood Meridian", Godflesh's "Streetcleaner" ect ect. Of if I really want to tear s*** up ill blast some death-robot tunes and scare the hell out of my opponent.

I find metal is too tame/soft and uncinematic for 40k though. Gotta be electronic all the way.

10-29-2009, 02:20 AM
Soundtracks are good too. Terminator, Predator 2, Nightbreed, Conan the barbarian.

10-29-2009, 03:07 PM
Haha, yeah I hear that, man. The few times I've been at my FLGS for a large event such as last year's Tanksgiving, good grief people were often yelling for no reason. And the stench of many people lacking deodorant was simply awful, but I'm deviating from the point.

Usually, I find adding music can help enhance the game.

As for the smell, I'm a worhipper of Nurgle, so unless the air is so thick with stench that you can barely see, I don't even notice. Though it has come close a couple of times.

Commissar Lewis
10-29-2009, 05:29 PM
Haha, yeah I love me some Bolt Thrower. Though TBH I like Mercenary a bit more than Realm of Chaos. And nothing beats a charge while Victorious March by Amon Amarth is playing.

Even moreso since the fluff I made up for my Guard regiment has them hailing from a Scandinavian-like planet.

10-29-2009, 06:00 PM
There's always:


Ya know, if you're really into the classics and all.

I prefer this myself...