View Full Version : Split Fire and Assaults

02-19-2013, 09:30 AM
I've been out of 40k for over a year now and am just getting back into the game. This question came up in my last game:

Can a unit that split fires still assault one of the units it shot at?


A unit of Deathwing Terminators have a group of Chaos Space Marines to thier left and a Chaos Predator Tank to thier right. If they fire 4 Stormbolters shots at the CSM's and the Cyclone Missile Launcher at the Predator, can they still assault the CSM unit?

If the answer is Yes, can the model with the Cyclone Missile launcher still participate in the assault?

I've looked through the new 40k FAQ and it's not addressed. Search function with these forums was no help either.

02-19-2013, 09:31 AM
IIRC it would then count as a disordered assault so you don't get the +1 for assaulting, though I don't have my brb on me

02-19-2013, 11:29 AM
IIRC it would then count as a disordered assault so you don't get the +1 for assaulting, though I don't have my brb on me

I think disordered is only if your unit is assaulting multiple units regardless of what happened in the Shooting Phase.

We have been playing that the unit that Split Fires may assault either of the units it shot with no penalty.