View Full Version : Death from Skies FAQ'd already

02-19-2013, 09:13 AM
http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m3050214a_Death_From_the_Skies_v1.0%E2%80%93FEBRUA RY13.pdf

Its only one thing, and its about Storm Ravens

Page 68 – Army List, Stormraven Gunship, Grey Knights
Stormraven Gunship.
Change first sentence to read ‘Stormravens in detachments
chosen from Codex: Grey Knights are Fast Attack and must
replace their stormstrike missiles with mindstrike missiles
(pg 64)

02-19-2013, 10:22 AM
Oops, some one did a copy and paste too many

heretic marine
02-19-2013, 05:31 PM
changed my mind about this post after further consideration.

02-19-2013, 08:57 PM
You would think that at some point the constant embarrassment would motivate someone to take the initiative and proofread their books.

Oh wait. The first printing is sold out. The market has spoken. Evidently, errors are hot on the streets these days.

02-20-2013, 12:01 AM
Really? One errata for teh book and people are calling it a fail? Morons. Another sign that GW is damned regardless of what it does. People whine about them not FAQing things promptly, people whine about them FAQing things promptly.

White Tiger88
02-20-2013, 12:17 AM
Really? One errata for teh book and people are calling it a fail? Morons. Another sign that GW is damned regardless of what it does. People whine about them not FAQing things promptly, people whine about them FAQing things promptly.

You are amazed why? people always whine and ***** about games now days........IF the new Daemon book has ONE OP Unit and the rest sucks people will focus on yelling "OMG BLANK IS SO OP NERF THE BOOK" and so on.

02-20-2013, 12:34 AM
This isn't a FAQ. It's a screw up.

I admire how well you carry that straw man though.

Should we be clapping that they managed to fix their error in a timely fashion...you know...AFTER it's printed and sent out to their customers? Again. Should all the Dark Angels players thank GW too? I mean, so what if they had to print out a tome to carry around with their brand new codex right?

Be a bit more objective mmmk? This is a company. They sell a product. They have hundreds of employees. It's not some ******* in his garage farting on a notebook. This document changed hands dozens of times and was read by multiple people.

That's called incompetence. Or, even worse, indifference.

This happens with every single one of their releases. It's not cute anymore. It's pathetic.

"Another sign that GW is damned regardless of what it does."

If by "what it does" you mean consistently putting out printed materials that would shame a freshman in high school then yes...they're damned.

02-20-2013, 12:40 AM
It's one bloody paragraph you twit, get a sense of perspective. You are making out like it as bad as Dark Angels codex.

White Tiger88
02-20-2013, 12:42 AM
It's one bloody paragraph you twit, get a sense of perspective. You are making out like it as bad as Dark Angels codex.

I agree with the angry brit for a change, WHY! are people getting so pissy over a bit of text?

02-20-2013, 12:46 AM
I agree with the angry brit for a change, WHY! are people getting so pissy over a bit of text?

Because whining and petulance come easier than thinking. No one is arguing that mistakes aren't bda and that GW needs to do better, but a single paragraph being errata'd doesn't warrant the kind of fuss we are seeing over this. It's idiocy, pure and simple. I'm really getting fed up wit the relentless whining this hobby generates.

It is particularly annoying that this attitude is starting to infect BoLS, I'm going to have to start adding serial whiners to my ignore list which is something I had hoped not to do here.

White Tiger88
02-20-2013, 12:48 AM
Because whining and petulance come easier than thinking. No one is arguing that mistakes aren't bda and that GW needs to do better, but a single paragraph being errata'd doesn't warrant the kind of fuss we are seeing over this. It's idiocy, pure and simple. I'm really getting fed up wit the relentless whining this hobby generates.

you think THIS is bad? I have had people here almost get into fist fights over if a dice is cocked or not! Hell i have had my zombies thrown at me when 90 of them killed a guys slaan preist!

02-20-2013, 12:49 AM
What's it like to have the sort of personality that demands you resort to personal attacks instead of acknowledging that the person you're speaking with has valid points?

"Oh it's only a little **** up. Not like that huge **** up earlier in the month. You're such a retard for saying that GW ****s up."

Please, proceed to stare at a puddle while the tide rushes in.

White Tiger88
02-20-2013, 12:52 AM
What's it like to have the sort of personality that demands you resort to personal attacks instead of acknowledging that the person you're speaking with has valid points?

"Oh it's only a little **** up. Not like that huge **** up earlier in the month. You're such a retard for saying that GW ****s up."

Please, proceed to stare at a puddle while the tide rushes in.

Hey drop it man no personal insults against other forum members please or the mods will get involved.

02-20-2013, 12:55 AM
I'm drowning in the cognitive dissonance here.

02-20-2013, 01:02 AM
Pointing out someone is being an idiot for having hysterics over a single paragraph being errata'd isn't a personal attack, it is a statement of fact.

02-20-2013, 01:17 AM

There's nothing to be gained here so I'm going to excuse myself.

White Tiger88
02-20-2013, 01:19 AM
No, it's your choice to ignore everything else I said and then focus on "hysterics over a single paragraph"(sweet you're running the gamut now...you've reached hyperbole mode) out of some sort of pathological need to feel you're right and everyone else is wrong. I mean, you literally called me a twit in the same sentence that you agreed with my overarching point. Now that I pointed that out to you you've decided to ignore it completely and refocus on "hysterics."

I find myself taken aback by your glaring lack of self awareness.

Don't worry, I'm not mad. You have my sympathies.

*sigh* i have contacted the mods this type of insult is not something i like to see on the forum.

02-20-2013, 01:23 AM
This is one reason I don't post on this forum too much. Someone has an opinion has to verbally attack them. Then justifies that it is not a verbal attack. Eldargal you are wrong, what you are doing is a verbal attack. If his posts are that offensive that is a better way to voice them than what you did.

White Tiger88
02-20-2013, 01:25 AM
This is one reason I don't post on this forum too much. Someone has an opinion has to verbally attack them. Then justifies that it is not a verbal attack. Eldargal you are wrong, what you are doing is a verbal attack. If his posts are that offensive that is a better way to voice them than what you did.

True, this is why contacting the mods is the easiest thing to do, As it sits right now i BEG the moderation team to lock this thread before it gets out of hand.

02-20-2013, 01:28 AM
Thanks bud.

02-20-2013, 01:37 AM
I wouldn't thank White Tiger. She reported me, not Eldargal.

White Tiger88
02-20-2013, 01:39 AM
I wouldn't thank White Tiger. She reported me, not Eldargal.

What? She?

Can a mod PLEASE CLOSE THIS THREAD? its going to get out of hand fast -_-


02-20-2013, 01:46 AM
I over reacted, my fault for reading Warseer and BoLS at the same time while sleep deprived. Sorry AnEnemy, I shouldn't have called you names. I still think this is being blown out of all proportion but I shouldn't be acting like a troll.

02-20-2013, 02:52 AM
I am more concerned with the use of "due" as a preposition...

02-20-2013, 06:40 AM
Hey, look at that. By the time I got a chance to moderate, the parties in question moderated themselves. "+1 exp, you have gotten better at behaving like adults." Thanks everyone!

02-20-2013, 07:32 AM
Going back to the topic, it isn't surprising that:

1. They already had to Faq it. Games Workshop apparently doesn't believe in editors (at least not professional ones).
2. That they only had to correct a little bit this time... the book doesn't really have anything to it. It is empty calories.

This isn't a GW is damned if they do and damned if they don't affair. I have to disagree with you Eldargal. This is a case of a book, priced in a fairly substantial way which had no substance and still managed to have an error in it. The humor, of course, is that the correction went up before most people even had the bloody book.

I'm a fair guy. When Games Workshop does something right, I comment on it. When they do something wrong (which they do far more often) I comment on that too. Where there is smoke there is fire. I'm sure most people would love to complain less. I know I would much prefer to sing praises and get a warm fuzzy glow every time I ran my hand over the 6th Edition rulebook or Codex. That is how things should be.

Games Workshop needs to apply the same standard of quality to the rules (and editing) that it applies to the quality of its models. That isn't too much to ask. I would argue that it should be expected. They are charging a high price for their books and as such I should expect to find no errors whatsoever. They are supposed to be professionals. When I buy a coca-cola from the store, I expect it to taste like coke every time I drink it. I expect the can to not be bulged, dented, or leaking. I expect to see the name of the product spelled correctly. When that doesn't happen, I take it back. If I am at a restaurant, I give them sheer hell for serving me some weird fountain drink that tastes nothing like coke.

Games Workshop is a vendor that provides a product. That is the standard to which they must be held. They are not delicate artists whose creations are made more valuable by the imperfections. I personally wish they didn't have anything to do with the game at all. I wish an entirely different company designed, wrote, and did the edits on the rules. They should outsource it to professionals. They should do what they do well. They should get someone else to do what they do so poorly.

02-20-2013, 07:42 AM
The difficulty is in proof reading, and proof reading is hard. The error itself is probably not something that would be picked up by a proof reader either as stylistically it fits and contains no typographical errors.
People shout at mistakes that appear in GW books, both rules and novels but the fact is errors creep in, this lunch time I started reading girl with a Dragon Tattoo and I have already come across one error in it and I am only 3% of my way through.

02-20-2013, 07:54 AM
I think the fact that they charge a premium price for their products and with codexes they often are no where near premium in quality is the source of the butthurt

02-20-2013, 07:57 AM
I think the fact that they charge a premium price for their products and with codexes they often are no where near premium in quality is the source of the butthurt

Yep. This says it better than I did. :) I don't mind paying for my product. I don't even demands bargains. I merely expect the product to equal the price.

02-20-2013, 08:03 AM
Well the books aren't really a premium product, they are a necessity to play the game with the GW models which are a premium product. They say themselves they are a models company first and foremost. So we get gouged somewhat on the price of the books.

I won't be getting this, between Belial here and a review on Warseer there is no reason for me to buy it. The only change that affects me, Dark Eldar ace pilot, was something we had already houseruled. Bit dissapointing really, it could have been much more. But then it would have been a compulsory purchase and everyone would have complained.:rolleyes:

02-20-2013, 10:37 AM
Well the books aren't really a premium product, they are a necessity to play the game with the GW models which are a premium product. They say themselves they are a models company first and foremost. So we get gouged somewhat on the price of the books.

Do you secretly have shares in GW or something? =p
GW does gouge on everything though. Aside from minis and books which you 'have' to get from them the only other thing that is actually worth it is their paints.

02-20-2013, 11:42 AM
I understand the chinese think nothing is perfect except for the Gods - and cats. This is why they break the tails of cats. On that vein, no product from anyone is going to be 100% all the time. GW do have problems proof reading, but the reaction to it is a little bit much. The quality of finecast and GW proof reading, AND their prices, would need to be a whole lot more of a negative factor before I opted out of GW. GW should get major credit for the increasing speed of FAQ/errata. But of course their good side is taken for granted, their bad side requires us to fetch multiple waaahmbulances.

Seeing as GW repeatedly refer to themselves as a model soldier company in their company reports, and thus books are an aside, and given that they have to truck them off to Poland or wherever, I am not surprised it is a more pedestrian performance.

02-20-2013, 12:26 PM
I am continuously amazed why they don't just send it over here to get proofread. Texans and BoLShans (BoLSheviks? BoLScratchers? BoLShois?) can spot rules and grammatical errors faster than any Englishman. Also don't forget to send it to Rome and San Diego to ensure game balance - they will find the cracks faster than a South Surrey plumber.

02-20-2013, 12:41 PM
Because you can't be trusted not to leak everything early. Y'all sing like canaries even before any torture started. Bradley Manning...

02-20-2013, 12:59 PM
How can the space wolves make use of their ace?
Also where can I find a mission that uses burning skies?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-20-2013, 06:29 PM
Why can't I do my hobby for one day without mass riots breaking out? :/

Seriously guys, whilst you were all fighting, I finished building 100 Skellies, 40 Zombies, 6 Vargheists, and a tonne of other stuff..

Chris Copeland
02-20-2013, 09:37 PM
Hehehehe... you spelled "ton" with two Ns and an E... hehehe

Wait? What? That's how they do that there? No way!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-20-2013, 09:47 PM
You mad bro? :p

Chris Copeland
02-20-2013, 10:19 PM
Dale! How have ya been? :)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
02-20-2013, 10:27 PM
Playing Runescape, and I have absolutely no idea why...
Yeah, I'm good man, yourself?

02-21-2013, 12:15 AM
Do you secretly have shares in GW or something? =p
GW does gouge on everything though. Aside from minis and books which you 'have' to get from them the only other thing that is actually worth it is their paints.
Not sure why you would think that, I'm agreeing that GW books aren't as good as they should be for the price but they get away with it because we need them. I do like the new full colour, hardback format though. I'd be very cranky if I received a book as badly proof read as the Dark Angels codex, though.