View Full Version : Space Wolf 2000pts List

02-18-2013, 07:05 AM
After a few posts I've made in the past about my displeasure about always failing the first armour save that comes my Wolf Guard Squad Leader's way when fielding a foot-slogging list, I've designed this around Rhinos once again.

Just wondering whether anyone has any thoughts on it? Particularly the Wolf Guard's loadout.
Here's a link to my blog where I've posted tactics about the list too http://theeasternfringe.blogspot.co.uk/

Logan Grimnar, the Great Wolf - 275pts

Rune Priest - 120pts
-Terminator armour

Rune Priest - 120pts
-Runic armour

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 245pts
-plasma gun
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 235pts
-plasma gun
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Grey Hunters Pack (10) - 235pts
-power fist
-Wolf Standard
-Mark of the Wulfen

Wolf Guard Pack (4) - 247pts
(Drop Pod)
-4x Terminator armour
-2x Wolf Claw
-Chainfist, Wolf Claw
-Power fist, storm shield
-Wolf Claw, storm shield

Thunderwolf Cavalry (3) - 270pts
-3x Storm Shields
-Thunder hammer

Long Fangs Pack (6) - 140pts
-5x Missile launchers

Long Fangs Pack (6) - 115pts
-5x Heavy bolters

02-18-2013, 08:26 AM
Never really understood the point of Heavy Bolters when you have both Frag and Krak missiles. HBs and MLs can fulfill basically the same role, but MLs also have the option to tank bust or instant death T4 models. HBs are cheaper but the versatility of the ML is just too good to pass up. I'd go two meltaguns in each of the second and third Rhinos, and I'd probably remove Mark of the Wulfen entirely. Also not entirely sure you need a power fist in the first Rhino. Assuming you're popping out and double tapping with Bolters/Plasma Guns, so if you're hunting Terminators (or equivalent), you still want the AP2 but you can definitely save some points there. With all these points you're saving, you could invest in a Terminator Wolf Guard with Cyclone Missile Launcher and throw him in the Long Fangs pack. Just sayin. Possibly just personal preference there.

As for the Wolf Guard loadout... I'm guessing you're going for a mix of weapons, just in case you roll into MEQ/normal infantry (Wolf Claws) or Vehicles/Terminators/Monstrous Creatures (Power Fist/Chain Fist) but I'm not sure you need the wolf claw on the guy with the chainfist. I personally think I'd go with 2 Termies with Wolf Claws and then 2 Termies with Power Fist (Chain Fist)/Storm Shield. Minor change I guess, but it would seem to make sense to clump them together on models so you can pick and choose on the wounds.

If you're gonna take Grimnar, why not take two units of Wolf Guard and drop the Thunderwolf Cavalry? Might as well take all scoring units, and for 270 points you could even throw 7-10 Guard in a drop-pod with combi weapons and no Terminator Armor. Just a thought... take it or leave it.