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View Full Version : 2000 pts Tournment Wolf List

10-27-2009, 09:28 PM
This is my first local tournament since the new Wolf Dex showed up so I'll be detailing a battle report as it happens in hopes my fellow generals can derive some use from it. The format of the competition is as follows. (please feel free to make any comments/ask for any details that seem pertinent to you)

4 matches, one per week starting the 31st (I will update with results and details as each game concludes)

Our point limit was 2000 points with the addition limitation that no more than 500 points each could be spent in the following selections: HQ, Elite, Fast Attack, Heavy Support
Additionally no less than 800 points could be spent on our Troop selections.

All games are played over eight turns and deployment/scenario is determined by dice roll from the following options

1. Seize Ground; 5 Objectives placed in the same configuration as pips on a dice (one in each quarter and one in the center.
Deployment Pitched Battle.
Scoring: Each objective held 4 points, each objective contested with a scoring unit 2 points.
Ties to be decided via Victory points.

2. Capture and Control, as per BRB
Deployment: Dawn of War
Scoring: each objective held is worth 10 points, each contested with a scoring unit is worth 5.
Ties decided by Victory Points

3. Annihilation
Deployment: Spearhead
Scoring: 1 point for every 100 Victory Points of your opponents list you've destroyed.

4. Seize Ground: 3 Objectives, one in the center two in unoccupied table conerners
Deployment: Diagonal
Scoring: 8 points for holding the center objective, 6 points for holding either corner and 1/2 points for any objective contested with a scoring unit.

5-6 Reroll

Army List
2000 Pts - Space Wolves Roster

HQ: Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf (7#, 528 pts)
. . 1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 253 pts
. . . . 1 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Heavy Flamer; Power Fist; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . . . 2 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Power Weapon x2; Storm Bolter x2; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . . . 1 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Wolf Claw; Wolf Claw; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . . . 1 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Storm Bolter x1; Power Fist; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . . . 1 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Storm Bolter x1; Chain Fist; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . 1 Logan Grimnar, The Great Wolf @ 275 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Belt of Russ; Terminator Armour; Wolf Tail Talisman; Wolftooth Necklace; Storm Bolter; The Axe Morkai; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Eternal Warrior; Independent Character; Living Legend; Stubborn; The High King; Saga of Majesty)

Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (10#, 290 pts)
. . 1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 290 pts
. . . . 2 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Power Weapon x1; Storm Bolter x1; Assault Cannon; Power Fist; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . . . 8 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x8; Close Combat Weapon x8; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)

Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 145 pts)
. . 1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 145 pts
. . . . 1 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Assault Cannon; Power Fist; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . . . 4 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x4; Close Combat Weapon x4; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)

Troops: Wolf Guard Pack (5#, 145 pts)
. . 1 Wolf Guard Pack @ 145 pts
. . . . 1 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Terminator Armour; Assault Cannon; Power Fist; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)
. . . . 4 Wolf Guard (Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x4; Close Combat Weapon x4; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack)

Elite: Lone Wolf w/ Mark of the Wulfen (1#, 60 pts)
. . 1 Lone Wolf w/ Mark of the Wulfen @ 60 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Mark of the Wulfen; Terminator Armour; Power Weapon; Storm Bolter; A Glorious Death; Acute Senses; Beastslayer; Counter-attack; Eternal Warrior; Fearless; Feel No Pain; Pack of One)

Elite: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 165 pts)
. . 1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 165 pts (Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Assault Cannon; Dreadnought CCW; Storm Bolter; Venerable)

Elite: Venerable Dreadnought (1#, 165 pts)
. . 1 Venerable Dreadnought @ 165 pts (Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Assault Cannon; Dreadnought CCW; Storm Bolter; Venerable)

Heavy Support: Land Raider Crusader (1#, 260 pts)
. . 1 Land Raider Crusader @ 260 pts (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Frag Assault Launchers; Power of the Machine Spirit; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter; Hurricane Bolter x2; Twin Linked Assault Cannon)

Heavy Support: Long Fangs Pack (6#, 240 pts)
. . 4 Long Fangs Pack @ 240 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Close Combat Weapon x4; Lascannon x2; Plasma Cannon x2; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Fire Control; Razorback)
. . . . 1 Squad Leader (Unit Type: Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Acute Senses; And They Shall Know No Fear; Counter-attack; Fire Control)
. . . . 1 Razorback (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Lascannon)

Total Roster Cost: 1998
__________________________________________________ ____________________________________

Below is the summery for each round, see the following posts for detailed breakdowns. (sections to be filled in as the are completed)

Round 1
Army Faced: Chaos Space Marines [Nurgle]
Points Scored: Primary; 6 each. Secondary 5 each.
Outcome: Draw
Summery: See first post below.

Round 2
Army Faced: Ultramarines
Points Scored: Primary; Wolves 20/Ultras 0. Secondary; Wolves 7/Ultras 3.
Outcome: Space Wolf victory
Summery: Coming Soon.

Round 3
Army Faced: Imperial Guard.
Points Scored: Primary; Wolves 9/IG 20. Secondary; Wolves 2/IG 8.
Outcome: Imperial Guard victory.
Summery: Coming Soon.

Round 4
Army Faced: Nids
Points Scored
Summery: Game Pending.

11-08-2009, 12:38 PM
Scenario #1
Seize Ground: 5 Objectives placed in the same configuration as pips on a dice (one in each quarter and one in the center.
Deployment Pitched Battle.
Scoring: Each objective held 4 points, each objective contested with a scoring unit 2 points.
Ties to be decided via Victory points.

Army Faced: Chaos Space Marines: Nurgle
Army List (I didn’t get to keep a copy so this is by memory only; upgrades are listed)


1. Daemon Prince

i. Winged
ii. Mark of Nurgle


1. Chaos Terminators squad of 10

i. Heavy flamer
ii. Champion
iii. Icon of Nurgle

2. Chaos Dreadnought

i. Autocannon
ii. Extra armor


1. Plague Marines squad of 10 (four squads)

i. Plague Champion
(a) Power Fist
(b) Combi-melta
ii. Icon of Nurgle
iii. Plasma gun x2
iv. Chaos Rhino
(a) twin-linked bolter
(b) Daemonic Possession

Heavy Support
1. Obliterator cult of 1 (two squads)

2. Chaos Land raider

i. Extra Armor
ii. Twin-linked bolter

Points Scored: Wolves/Chaos
Primary: 6/6 [Objectives]
Secondary: 5/5 [Victory Points]
Outcome: Complete Draw


Chaos Left: Two units of Plague Marines were deployed to cap the corner objectives on his side of the table. The Daemon Prince was deployed to the left as well.
Chaos Center: Terminators deployed as vanguard, with Land Raider behind and one Obliterator to each side (the left side Obliterator behind LoS blocking cover and the right Obliterator in area cover).
Chaos Right: On the right a squad of Plague Marines in a Rhino were deployed along with a Chaos Dreadnought.

Wolves Left: I deployed squads 2 & 3 around the left corner objective, with the Lone Wolf for support.
Wolves Center: Land Raider (w/Logan + Squad 1), Razor back & Long Fangs
Wolves Right: Both Venerable Dreadnoughts deployed with squad 4 around right corner objective.

Turn Summery:

Turn One

Chaos left: Daemon Prince and one unit of Plague Marines move up. Marines fire to little effect.
Chaos center: Each Obliterator fires off a plasma round at the Long Fangs killing 3 out of five. Chaos Land Raider fires full into the razor back with no effect. Terminators move up toward the center objective.
Chaos right: Rhino & Chaos Dreadnought both move up toward the corner objective on my side of the board.

Wolves left: Squad 3 moves up while squad 2 holds over the objective. Both Squads return fire into the Plague Marines killing one (after armor and FnP). Lone Wolf moves up towards the Daemon Prince.
Wolves center: Land Raider moves 12'’ towards the Chaos Terminators in perpetration for the squad 1 to assault. PotMS fires autocannon to no real effect. (Sadly I moved on to shooting before stating my disembarkment of squad 1, thus costing myself the chance to assault this turn). Long Fangs disembark and then the Razor back moves up, all of them fire into the Chaos Terminators with no effect.
Wolves right: Both Venerable Dreadnoughts moves up and fire immobilizing the Rhino.
Squad 4 holds near the objective and fires into the Terminators to no effect.

Turn Two

Chaos left: Daemon Prince flies forward, ultimately assaulting into the Lone Wolf. Lone Wolf Counter-attacks and the battle is joined. Solid rolls to-hit on both sides then the Daemon rolls all 1s to wound while the Lone Wolf slips one wound through.
One group of Plague Marines advance firing into squad 3 inflicting one loss.
Chaos center: Obliterators both fire into the long fangs taking the squad down to 2 models (on Laz one Plasma). Land Raider fires into the Razorback inflicting a Shaken result. Chaos Terminators shoot at on of my Venerable Dreadnoughts doing no damage.
Chaos right: Plague Marines pile out of the Rhino, taking shots at Squad 4 and killing three of them. Rhino fails to repair. Chaos Dreadnought moves up firing into and immobilizing one of my Venerable Dreadnoughts.

Wolves left: Squad 3 moves closer to the Plague Marines, both Squads 2 & 3 unload assault cannons into the Plague Marines then Squad 3 assaults into them. Squad 3 loses another Wolf Guard in the close combat but wipes out the Plage Marines. The remaining 3 members of Squad 3 consolidate toward the other unit of Plague Marines. Meanwhile the Daemon Prince and Lone Wolf are locked in Close Combat for another turn, this time with no wounds to the Prince and 1 wound taken by the Lone Wolf.
Wolves center: The Long Fangs return fire taking out one of the two Obliterators while the Razorback moves up trying to get LoS on the other Obliterator. Logan et al pile out of their Land Raider and proceed to fire and then assault into the Chaos Terminators. Both units suffer heavy losses but are still locked in combat. The Land Raider fires into the group of Marines on the right flank thinning them out by a couple of models in support of the Dreadnoughts.
Wolves right: The immobile Dreadnought fires into the Marines while my other Dreadnought fires assault cannon rounds into the Chaos Dreadnought and then assaults into it between the two attacks the Chaos Dreadnought is destroyed. The remaining members of Squad 4 move off the objective and unload Assaultcannon fire into the Marines before assaulting into them. They deal two wounds and lose another GW leaving just one in TDA still in the fight.

Turn Three

Chaos left: The remaining unit of Plage Marines moves off the objective and into shooting range of Squad 3 firing and inflicting another casualty, but aren’t able to assault
The Daemon Prince finishes off the Lone Wolf but not before being reduced to 1 remaining wound..
Chaos center: The Razorback takes fire from the Chaos Land Raider and the remaining Obliterator with no effect. The close combat between Terminators continues to it’s bloody end with only Logan still standing. Logan consolidates towards the Marines on the right flank.
Chaos right: The Marines here finish of my reaming Wolf Guard and consolidate away from the Dreadnoughts and towards Logan/Land Raider using their Rhino and a ruined building for cover/LoS blocking.

Wolves left: Squads 2 & 3 both hold ground and fire into the remaining Plague Marines on this side of the table.
Wolves center: The Long Fangs fire into the Daemon Prince finishing him off while the Razorback moves up to get clear LoS on the Oblitorator and takes a shot at the Chaos Land Raider, with no effect. Logan advances towards the right flank Marines and fires off a couple shots to no effect. My Land Raider fires into the Rhino wrecking it.
Wolves right: The immobilized Venerable Dreadnought fired at the Rhino as well (before the Land Raider) as it was the only target in LoS. My other Ven Dread moves and then runs trying to get back to the now unguarded objective.

Turn Four

Chaos left: The Plague Marines hold ground and fire, taking saves due to Gets Hot! rolls but doing light damage to Squad 2 on my corner objective.
Chaos center: The Chaos Land Raider unloads into the Razorback again this time destroying it. The remaining Obliterator moves toward the center objective and fires into Squad 2 inflicting light casualties.
Chaos right: The Marines shoot and then assault Logan, Logan takes one of them with him but falls in the assault phase and the Marines consolidate towards the unclaimed objective in my right corner.

Wolves left: Squads 2 & 3 unload into the Plague Marines and then what’s left of Squad 3 assaults into them. The Plague Marines are reduced to five and locked in combat (off their objective).
Wolves center: Land Raider moves toward the Obliterator but fires at the Marines headed toward my corner objective.
Wolves right: Dreadnought moves and then runs to get within striking distance of the corner objective next turn.

Turn Five

Chaos left: Plague Marines finish off Squad 3 and consolidate toward their corner objective.
Chaos center: Obliterator moves up next to the center objective and fires at my Land Raider. Chaos Land Raider also fires at my Land Raider. Between their fire I lose my twin-linked assault cannon.
Chaos right: Marines move onto the corner objective.

Wolves left: Squad 2 holds on the corner objective (outside of shooting range of any target)
Wolves center: Land Raider shoots the Obliterator who makes all his saves.
Wolves right: Immobile Dreadnought is out of LoS of any target in range and out of the fight. Other Venerable Dreadnought moves into close combat with the Marines on the corner objective.

Turn Six

Chaos left: Plague Marines move and run making it back to their corner objective.
Chaos center: Obliterator and Chaos Land Raider shoot into my Land Raider with no effect.
Chaos right: Marines are locked with the Ven dread and lose a model reducing them to four.

Wolves left: Squad 2 holds maintaining my control over one objective.
Wolves center: Land Raider fires at the Obliterator who makes all his saves.
Wolves right: Venerable Dreadnought kills two more Marines but remains locked in combat.

Game ends in a Draw with each side controlling 1 Objective. Secondary scoring ends in a Draw with less than 58 points difference between Victory Points taken.

11-16-2009, 12:42 PM
I was wondering why you gave your Lone Wolf Mark of the Wulfen? Isn't is galling to pay for power weapons just to have him toss them away and bite his enemies to death in the assault phase?

11-20-2009, 11:26 AM
I was wondering why you gave your Lone Wolf Mark of the Wulfen? Isn't is galling to pay for power weapons just to have him toss them away and bite his enemies to death in the assault phase?

My selection of TDA isn't really for the weapons. If I could take it w/o the load out for fewer points I'd do it sure :p but really it's so I have a 2+ save and then a 4+ save making my one man unit very survivable.
MotW is a bit of a gamble but one that I generally come out ahead on. True 3 power weapon attacks are more consistent but 3-8 rending attacks can do more damage and are likely to at least fall within the same range as the power weapon shots. Giving him MotW is worth while in my build because it takes a 60pt model (who functions like a Termy with Mark of Nurgle) and lets him have the damage output of a Combat Squad in in CC. This combined with his low point value allows me to run him strait at the biggest threat (MC, IC, shooting unit, contesting scoring unit) and have a good chance of taking it. If he doesn't kill the unit there's no major loss in points and he's soaked up enough damage/held that unit for long enough that I've still bought an advantage in most conditions. I find him to be more versatile and thus more effective this way (try throwing one fig into a unit of 32 gaunts and having him take out 10 of them with attacks + fearless rolls for losing combat.

Hope that answers your question :) anything else feel free to ask.