View Full Version : 1850 Dark Angels first list

02-17-2013, 12:54 AM
So clearly i bought some of the starter sets. Now i'm not a fan of the company master, i like the chaplains and the librarians so here's the plan. The librarian takes divination for all those rerolls to hit plus other goodies and he chills on the defensive line with tac squad number 2 with the missile launcher (admittedly my only flyer defence), tac squad number 2 moves on up which ever path seems most tactically sound, they're not designed for combat against other marines, but ideally want to get some close range shooting going on. And that rhino has dual storm bolters for the fun of it.

The Chappy and his band of merrry men are going to drop right in the face of something and cop a round of shooting before being charged, i'll hopefully be able to position this so as to be able to obtain a good cover save, but a unit with 3+ armour and 5+ FNP from the apothecary should be ok.

The bikers are my back up teleport homers for the deathwing assault on turn two, the units go seperate ways for ideal tactical locations to give the termies some good line of fire for their drop down rapid firing. Plus the bikers have melta bombs so can go tank hunting after that.

The scouts i plan on splitting in two and hiding in seperate spots on the battlefield with good cover and preferably near an objective.

So, thoughts? I have a few other marine models so i can switch that around, but i'm honestly borrowing a chaos rhino at the moment and have no close combat terminators (i would lurve me some knights). Nor do i own any of the special characters.

1850 Pts - Dark Angels Roster

Total Roster Cost: 1850

HQ: Librarian + Shroud of Heroes

HQ: Interrogator-Chaplain
: Command Squad
3 Command Squad, + Meltagun x2 + Power Sword x2
1 Apothecary,
1 Company Champion,
1 Dark Angels Chapter Banner, (+1 attack + reroll pinning)
1 Drop Pod, + Locator Beacon 10

Fast Attack: Ravenwing Attack Squadron 3
Ravenwing Biker, + Meltagun x1
1 Ravenwing Sergeant, + Melta Bombs

Fast Attack: Ravenwing Attack Squadron 3
Ravenwing Biker, + Meltagun x1
1 Ravenwing Sergeant, + Melta Bombs

Troops: Tactical Squad 10
Tactical Squad, + Plasma gun + Multi-melta
Sergeant, + Melta Bombs
Rhino, + Dozer Blade + Storm Bolter

Troops: Tactical Squad 10
Tactical Squad, + Plasma gun + Missile Launcher + Flakk Missiles (for Missile Launcher)

Troops: Scout Squad 10
Scout Squad, + Camo Cloaks every gets a sniper rifle
1 Sergeant, Camo Cloaks

Elite: Deathwing Terminator Squad 5
Deathwing Terminator Squad, + Chainfist x1 + Assault Cannon x1 +
Deathwing Terminator Sergeant

Elite: Deathwing Terminator Squad 5
Deathwing Terminator Squad, + Chainfist x1 + Assault Cannon x1
Deathwing Terminator Sergeant

Heavy Support: Predator
1 Predator, + Twin-Linked Lascannon + Lascannon each side