View Full Version : 35pt Grimm. need help please

02-16-2013, 08:38 PM
35pt Grim. Need advice.
well I am starting Hordes and I need some help with a 35pt grimm list.
I would love to here some tactics and what I should I maybe change in the list.
C&C would be great. thanks guys.

Grimm (*6pts)
EBDT (10pts)
Dire Bomber (10) or should I take a Mauler (9pts)
Axer (6pts) or Impaler? (5pts)
max Burrowers (6pts)
Janissa (3pts)
Fell Caller (3pts)

this with say
Max Burrowers
fell caller.
this is 31 points.

I am not sure what I should change and add to this. Would the Mauler be better then the bomber? that would give me 5 points to play with for maybe a min unit of fennblades.
I really like the fell caller with the pygs. Janissa for the EBDT and the impaler with either grimm or the bomber. I feel that the Mauler could be a nice addition instead of the bomber for more combat power. But the bomber is great infintry killing and can it can still punch stuff in the face when required. not sure what I should do with the extra points. should I take a min unit of pygs and then take a mine unit of fennblades?
Any advice and list builds you think will work better then please let me know.

here is what I have for models at the moment if this will help.
Grimm and Madrak for casters
Maul/bomber (magnitized)
2 axers
2 impalers
10 fennblades
10 burrorwers
Fell caller
Min krielstone bearer unit
swamp gobber bellows crew.

I can pick up the fennblade UA tomorrow if required, or maybe the Sons of Bragg. and maybe a pyre troll

1 other thing I was thinking of was a list something like this

pyre troll
max burrowers
max fennblades
fell caller

34points. so I have 1 point left. swamp gobber crew?

not sure if this is better or not. I have more infintry, but no bomber for nuking infintry in mass. the pyre troll seems like a cheap replacement for the bomber.