View Full Version : Ork Pickups and Vehicles

02-14-2013, 12:07 PM
Hi everyone,

after a very long break away from the game I played 40k with a friend the other day,(we were still playing 5th ed rules btw), he played Orks, me footy Eldar. Game went smooth until we came to a - later turning out as game deciding - hickup in our understanding of the rules:

I shot at his pickup which was closest to me, and scored a glancing and a penetrating hit in the same shooting phase of one firing unit - so my understanding is that all shot hit at the same time. The dice showed a "Immobilized" result for the glancing hit, and a "Wrecked" or "Destroyed" result for the penetration, whichever of those two requires a roll on the ork vehicle table. So, the Ork player takes out his codex, rolls on the table and gets the result where the pickup drives 3D6 in a random direction and then explodes. Lucky as he was that day, the arrow showed exactly in my direction, and he rolls enough inches on the dice to deliver the orks in the pickup (Ghazghkul among them) right on my very doorstep, later resulting in him chewing through all my defenses.
So, the argument started if that move was correct or not. My side was, since the vehicle is immobilized, it cannot move even if the ork codex tells otherwise. In his opinion, only the highest result on the damage table counts, and the immobilised result is negligible.

I have found nothing in the rulebook or FAQs so far, so maybe you can help me/us out here :)

Warp dust
03-17-2013, 10:41 AM
Glancing hits no longer require an additional dice roll. They only remove hull point.

03-17-2013, 12:30 PM
In the event that you did correctly wreck or explode on an immobilized vehicle, though, I think your friend has the right of it. The Ramshackle table simply replaces the normal result of a wreck or explosion, and the vehicle is still wrecked or exploded even if it was previously (or simultaneously) immobilized. Just as an "exploded" trukk can actually collapse with no explosion, so an "immobilized" trukk can actually Kareen! in a random direction.

03-18-2013, 03:13 AM
Glancing hits no longer require an additional dice roll. They only remove hull point.
Calaeth was playing 5th ed rules, no HPs in that.

In the event that you did correctly wreck or explode on an immobilized vehicle, though, I think your friend has the right of it. The Ramshackle table simply replaces the normal result of a wreck or explosion, and the vehicle is still wrecked or exploded even if it was previously (or simultaneously) immobilized. Just as an "exploded" trukk can actually collapse with no explosion, so an "immobilized" trukk can actually Kareen! in a random direction.
Nab has the the correct version of events.

Also as an aside, don't forget that Trukks are open topped vehicles so IIRC that is +1 to the damage result.

The Ramshackle table is fun, until you Kareen through your own footslogging green tide :(