View Full Version : Blood Angels with Space Wolf Allies

02-11-2013, 06:24 PM
Hey all...
Started Blood Angels just before 6th Ed. dropped, and now I'm looking for a way to revamp my planned mech list. Instead, I'm going to run a couple assault squads with all sorts of supporting infantry units. Let me know what you think.


Librarian with Jump Pack, Force Sword, Divination (125)

Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack, Power Axe (90)

Assault Squad x10, 2x Meltaguns, Power Fist (235)

Assault Squad x10, 2x Meltaguns, Power Fist (235)

6x Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher (116)

Death Company x10, 7 w/ Bolters, 3 Power Swords, Drop Pod (280)

Heavy Support:
Devastators x5, 4x Missile Launchers (130)

Devastators x5, 4x Missile Launchers (130)


Rune Priest, Terminator Armor, Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf (120)

Wolf Guard x2, Terminator Armor, Power Fists (86)

Grey Hunters x10, 2x Plasmaguns, Wolf Banner (170)

Grey Hunters x10, 2x Plasmaguns, Wolf Banner (170)

Heavy Support:
Long Fangs x5, 4x Missile Launchers (115)

TOTAL: 2002 Points

EDIT: And yes, I realize I need to take a few points off this list.

02-11-2013, 06:25 PM
Obviously, I'm going to have to trim a couple points off this list. The general plan is to deep strike the assault squads, along with the Librarian and Sanguinary Priest, drop the Death Company into a weak point in my opponent's lines, and infiltrate the scouts into a position with solid lines of sight. Everything else will be deployed on my side, and the Wolf Guard will split between the two Grey Hunter squads. The Rune Priest will join one of the squads and use his runic weapon as psychic defense, while simultaneously packing some psyker firepower. Both Grey Hunter squads will defend my objectives and my Devastator squads.

The list has 76 models, which will cause a lot of problems for most armies. Infantry saturation will also force opponents to make hard decisions; really the clear choice to kill is my Death Company, but they're mostly included to sow havoc on the first turn and rapid fire an exposed squishy unit. Grey Hunters are cheap and effective tactical troops, and all of my missile launchers are going to cause people headaches.

Biggest downsides to this list: flyer defense (12x missile launchers, even with snap-shot, could get the job done in two turns against one flyer; still a problem), AV 14 (although I have enough power fists and melta guns, which I'm hoping will be enough), and mobility (my assault squads help here, but I'm still mostly foot-slogging; however, I have enough models to minimize this particular downside). Might even consider taking out one of the Devastator squads for an Aegis Defense Line.

I'd love some feedback on this list, and I'm definitely up for discussion. Aka I won't rage if you find any glaring problems or miscalculations. Thanks, all.

02-11-2013, 06:35 PM
Just to let you know that Wolf Guard have a minimum unit size of 3, so you'll need to add one to make it legal.

02-12-2013, 03:36 AM
Ah, OK. I will get that figured out... thanks.

02-12-2013, 03:44 AM
I'm sorry when I read this thread title, the first I thought of was twilight...

02-13-2013, 11:26 PM
Alright, not too happy about the minimum of 3 in the Wolf Guard unit. Oh well. New and revised list...


Librarian with Jump Pack, Force Sword, Divination (125)

Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack, Power Axe (90)

Assault Squad x10, 2x Meltaguns, Power Fist (235)

Assault Squad x10, 2x Meltaguns, Power Fist, Melta Bombs (240)

6x Scouts, Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks, Missile Launcher (116)

Death Company x10, 7 w/ Bolters, 3 Power Swords, Drop Pod (280)

Heavy Support:
Devastators x5, 4x Missile Launchers (130)

Aegis Defense Line with Quad-Gun (100)


Rune Priest, Terminator Armor, Living Lightning, Jaws of the World Wolf (120)

Wolf Guard x3, 2 w/ Terminator Armor and Power Fist, 1 w/ Combi-Plasma (109)

Grey Hunters x10, 2x Plasmaguns, Wolf Banner (170)

Grey Hunters x10, 2x Plasmaguns, Wolf Banner (170)

Heavy Support:
Long Fangs x6, 5x Missile Launchers (140)

TOTAL: 2000 Points

The new Wolf Guard with Combi-Plasma is going with the Long Fangs. Took out a Devastator squad to get him and added an Aegis Defense line for the Scouts to use (flyer defense).

02-15-2013, 08:27 AM
I would strongly advise against the scouts in any BA list; they just boil down to wasted points - I understand that they refuse to die whilst hiding behind that aegis defence line - but if you can work the list in such a way that you can avoid using them I would do so. Given the sheer amount of infantry you're fielding, and the fact that half your army operates in your opponents back field - you should consider fliers a null point as they are usually geared toward hunting light/heavy vehicles (in rare cases). The Space Wolves are great in midfield, which is something to consider - they're somewhat wasted in the backfield where their shooting is limited, and they are decent enough in assault with counter attack and the Wolf Guard Terminators to hold their own against your opponents troops (generally speaking). The Devastators and Long Fangs are a good idea, and I assume the idea behind the Grey Hunters is to protect them? With the sheer amount of troops you're running, the Devs and LFs will be useless in end game as most things should be tied - up in assault, so don't be afraid to watch them die at the hands of outflankers/deep striking units.
As to what you can replace the scouts/defence line with - perhaps try some Thunderwolf Cavalry or something similarly quick - maybe some Land Speeders or an additional RAS; if everything in your army is moving forward, a few fliers are not going to hurt you. You could get that second Dev squad back, to help soften up your enemy a bit before your RAS and DC start ripping him to pieces. Also, with 4 troops choices - you'd be about right for 2000 points.
In regards to your RAS - drop the power fists - they're a waste of points in your RAS and will just be challenged out. Melta bombs are a better investment if you can put them in. The only flyer you should be worried about is the Heldrake, and a defence line is not going to help you against one of those - in that case, you should put in a Storm Raven (possibly with Hurricane Bolters) that has MM and LC as its weapons, which should annihilate any Heldrake's you come across - or can be used to hunt down the AV14 you will otherwise be struggling with.
To illustrate my point, if you drop the Scouts and the Defense Line you will have 216pts to spend - which is enough for a hard hitting Storm Raven, and if you don't transport anything you will never be inclined to go into hover mode - meaning your Storm Raven can stay out of harms reach for the entire game. If you drop the Power Fists in exchange for melta bombs you can take Hurricane Bolters on the Raven and have some points left over to upgrade your remaining Wolf Guard Terminators with combi - plasmas.