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View Full Version : 1500 Point Pure Deathwing ... Need Ideas for Point Filler to 2k

02-11-2013, 10:25 AM
Dark Angel’s Deathwing 1500 Point Loadout

Belial (Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Sword of Silence) – 190 {Attached to the 10 man Deathwing Unit}

Deathwing Command Squad (5 Deathwing Terminators, Standard of Fortitude, 1 Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 330 {Deployed using Deathwing Asssault}

10 Deathwing Terminators (1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword, 9 Deathwing Terminators, 2 Assault Cannon) – 480 {Deployed using Deathwing Asssault}

5 Deathwing Terminators (1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword, 4 Deathwing Terminators, 1 Chain Fist, 1 Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 250

5 Deathwing Terminators (1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword, 4 Deathwing Terminators, 1 Chain Fist, 1 Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 250

= 1500

This is my 1500 Point Deathwing List, its 1500 Points on the nose and it has been working well for me. I'm torn on what to add to bring the list up to 2k and I'm going to throw it out to the forum on what would be the best.

Things I have been looking at would be adding in ravenwing - land speeder support - predators - or even allies (torn b/t which to pick if so).

I'm fine with keeping the pure DW list at 1500 but anything higher and I want to add something else in.

I would also like for anything added to stay somewhat with the Dark Angel's Fluff and still be competitive.

Ravening seems like a good bet and 1500 Points of DW / 1500 Points of RW could make for a good apoc list - and leave me with 2 standalone lists I could swap back and forth from.

02-11-2013, 11:24 AM
Just a thought .... 3 vindis and a libby come up to 500 points - and target priority for vindis vs terminators would be a pain

Dark Angel’s Deathwing 2000 Point Loadout

Belial (Terminator Armor, Storm Bolter, Sword of Silence) – 190 {Attached to the 10 man Deathwing Unit}

Librarian (Terminator Armor - Divination) – 95 {Attached to the 10 man Deathwing Unit}

Deathwing Command Squad (5 Deathwing Terminators, Standard of Fortitude, 1 Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 330 {Deployed using Deathwing Asssault}

10 Deathwing Terminators (1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword, 9 Deathwing Terminators, 2 Assault Cannon) – 480 {Deployed using Deathwing Asssault}

5 Deathwing Terminators (1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword, 4 Deathwing Terminators, 1 Chain Fist, 1 Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 250

5 Deathwing Terminators (1 Deathwing Terminator Sergeant with Power Sword, 4 Deathwing Terminators, 1 Chain Fist, 1 Cyclone Missile Launcher) – 250

Vindicator (Siege Shield) – 135

Vindicator (Siege Shield) - 135

Vindicator (Siege Shield) - 135

= 1500

02-11-2013, 02:10 PM
I like that idea, but I've always thought siege shields to be overpriced. A dozer blade frees up points for a minor upgrade and only increases your chance of being hit by difficult terrain from 0% to 3%.