View Full Version : Dread Lists for Laughs ... Well You May Not be Laughing

02-11-2013, 10:23 AM
Codex Space Marines


Master of the Forge (Space Marine Bike) – 135 {Attached to the Bike Squad}


Ironclad Dreadnought (Sesmic Hammer with Meltagun, Dreadnought Close Weapon with Heavy Flamer, Ironclad Assault Launchers. Drop Pod) – 195

Ironclad Dreadnought (Sesmic Hammer with Meltagun, Dreadnought Close Weapon with Heavy Flamer, Ironclad Assault Launchers. Drop Pod) – 195

Ironclad Dreadnought (Sesmic Hammer with Meltagun, Dreadnought Close Weapon with Heavy Flamer, Ironclad Assault Launchers. Drop Pod) – 195


Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant, 9 Space Marines, Flamer, Multi-Melta, Drop Pod) – 205

Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant, 9 Space Marines, Flamer, Multi-Melta, Drop Pod) – 205

Tactical Squad (1 Sergeant, 9 Space Marines, Flamer, Lascannon, Razorback with Heavy Bolter) – 220 {Combat Squad - 5 with the Flamer in the Razorback 5 with the Lascannon Backfield}

Fast Attack:

Space Marine Bike Squad (1 Biker Sergeant with Melta Bombs, 3 Space Marine Bikers, 2 Melta Guns, 1 Attack Bike with Multi-Melta) - 215

Heavy Support:

Dreadnought (Twin-linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher) – 145

Dreadnought (Twin-linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher) – 145

Dreadnought (Twin-linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher) – 145

= 2000

Blood Angels


Reclusiarch (Jump Pack) – 155 {Attached to the Death Company Unit}


Furioso Dreadnought (2 Blood Fists with built in Melta gun and Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) – 170

Furioso Dreadnought (2 Blood Fists with built in Melta gun and Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) – 170

Furioso Dreadnought (2 Blood Fists with built in Melta gun and Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) – 170


Death Company (15 Death Company, 3 Power Fist, Jump Packs) – 600

Death Company Dreadnought (2 Blood Talons with built in Melta Gun and Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) – 170

Death Company Dreadnought (2 Blood Talons with built in Melta Gun and Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) – 170

Death Company Dreadnought (2 Blood Talons with built in Melta Gun and Heavy Flamer, Drop Pod) – 170

Heavy Support:

Dreadnought (Twin-Linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher) - 140

Dreadnought (Twin-Linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher) - 140

Dreadnought (Twin-Linked Lascannon, Missile Launcher) – 140

= 2195

I've always wanted to run a main list dread army (highest i've used is 3 in a space wolves foot list - worked well) was toying around with the codex space marine and the blood angels codex to see the point run down. My favored of the two is the first list .... any thoughts ? ..... Sucks Dreads took such a hit in 6th ed. - these lists would be more for fun ... they would be rolled by anything outside of casual.

02-11-2013, 01:30 PM
Nope, definitely not laughing. Well, maybe at you for having trouble finding someone to play against. I've turned down games against similiar armies. I don't see how they would fun to play against.

While I understand it's your army, and can build and play it how you want, you have to remember the game is played against other people who may not want to face such an army. I don't see an average army being able to deal with that many dreads, especially in drop pods.

02-11-2013, 01:33 PM
Your death company must be a single squad unless you field Astorath the Grim.

02-11-2013, 02:24 PM
+++ Siege Assault Vanguard (2000pts) +++

+ HQ + (100pts)
* Master of the Forge (100pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Blessing of the Omnissiah, Bolster Defenses, Combat Tactics, Independent Character)

+ Elites + (505pts)
* Venerable Dreadnought (170pts)
Twin-linked Heavy Bolter, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with Storm Bolter

* Venerable Dreadnought (170pts)
Twin-linked Heavy Bolter, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with Storm Bolter

* Venerable Dreadnought (165pts)
Multi-Melta, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with Storm Bolter

+ Troops + (180pts)
* Tactical Squad (90pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
4x Space Marine (64pts) Space Marine Sergeant (26pts) Boltgun, Chainsword

* Tactical Squad (90pts)
(And They Shall Know no Fear, Combat Squads, Combat Tactics)
4x Space Marine (64pts) Space Marine Sergeant (26pts) Boltgun, Chainsword

* Siege pattern Dreadnoughts (6 of them) (120pts each; 720 total)
(Brethren of the Ancients, Siege Dreadnought Talon)
Flamestrom Cannon, Assault drill with inbuilt Heavy Flamer

+ Heavy Support + (375pts)
* Dreadnought (Heavy) (125pts)
Twin-linked Autocannon, Missile Launcher

* Dreadnought (Heavy) (125pts)
Twin-linked Autocannon, Missile Launcher

* Dreadnought (Heavy) (125pts)
Twin-linked Autocannon, Missile Launcher

If you can field more Dreadnoughts then that, you deserve a medal. There are a total of 12 dreadnoughts being fielded. 3 elite, 3 as Heavy support, and 6 as troop choices.

02-11-2013, 07:16 PM
fixed the death company issue - combined them into a squad of 15

Nice on the siege pattern dreads - I take it they are forge world?

02-11-2013, 11:17 PM
fixed the death company issue - combined them into a squad of 15

Nice on the siege pattern dreads - I take it they are forge world?

Indeed, its is an army list from Badaub War part 2.

02-12-2013, 02:24 AM
I like the idea of so many dreads . And i think it should work .
Especially the IA10 list .
The only thing where it could get close would be a a terminator style army (Grey Knights , Logan + termis,
Deathwing ).
I tried the 6 dreads twice , they worked nice .

02-12-2013, 02:48 AM
As for the heavy support, I would be looking at Contemptor Mortis Dreads, a bit more pricey but very very good.


says this :-)

Contemptor Mortis (Forgeworld): Probably the best Contemptor variant, this guy trades in fleet for BS5 and Skyfire and Interceptor if it stands still and can mount a big gun in each arm PLUS a cyclone missile launcher. Here's your loadout: ignore everything and take 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons and a cyclone missile launcher. There! You're done. If you find yourself not in range of the assault cannons, move forward and throw down with a couple of BS5 missiles. If you DO have something in assault cannon range, hold still and let the rape flow - your dread will loose a total of 12 S6 AP4 rending shots at 24" on a hapless unit and if you stood still, you can drop 2 more missiles on the poor ****ers ALL OF IT HITTING ON 2'S! You will tear apart tanks, mow down infantry and blast aircraft out of the sky with this ****ing thing.

I had 2, used them every time I played my Marines until I sold them off to make way for........another marine army project


02-12-2013, 03:35 AM
I agree with Dalleron. Definitely not a fun list to play against. I probably wouldn't refuse you, but I doubt I'd play you again. Dreads are weaker in this edition by far, but it just seems like an annoying list to play.

That being said, I'm guessing you're going for a full-denial army with your Blood Angels? Your DC and your DC Dreads are non-scoring units.

02-12-2013, 04:17 AM
I believe you can only have one DC dread per DC squad.

02-12-2013, 05:18 AM
I believe you can only have one DC dread per DC squad.

It's 1 per 5 DC not 1 per squad.

02-12-2013, 08:38 AM
I would play against this list, but only if I got a shot with it too! LOVE me some Dreadnaughts! :D

02-12-2013, 09:42 AM
As for the heavy support, I would be looking at Contemptor Mortis Dreads, a bit more pricey but very very good.


says this :-)

Contemptor Mortis (Forgeworld): Probably the best Contemptor variant, this guy trades in fleet for BS5 and Skyfire and Interceptor if it stands still and can mount a big gun in each arm PLUS a cyclone missile launcher. Here's your loadout: ignore everything and take 2 Kheres pattern assault cannons and a cyclone missile launcher. There! You're done. If you find yourself not in range of the assault cannons, move forward and throw down with a couple of BS5 missiles. If you DO have something in assault cannon range, hold still and let the rape flow - your dread will loose a total of 12 S6 AP4 rending shots at 24" on a hapless unit and if you stood still, you can drop 2 more missiles on the poor ****ers ALL OF IT HITTING ON 2'S! You will tear apart tanks, mow down infantry and blast aircraft out of the sky with this ****ing thing.

I had 2, used them every time I played my Marines until I sold them off to make way for........another marine army project


You can make a dreadnought list on simple trick. Click here: http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?29726-Dread-Lists-for-Laughs-Well-You-May-Not-be-Laughing&p=283432&viewfull=1#post283432

02-12-2013, 11:07 AM
I play a dread-only list all the time. Its "balanced" by the fact that it has absolutely NO scoring units. (Haven't used this particular list in 6th, would get rid of EA on the SRs)

2000 Pts - Blood Angels Roster - 2k Table or Die BA

Total Roster Cost: 2000

Troops: Death Company (10#, 215 pts)
. . 1 Death Company, 0 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 35 pts = (base cost 20 + Power Weapon 15)
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts

Troops: Death Company (10#, 215 pts)
. . 1 Death Company, 0 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 20 pts
. . . . 1 Death Company, 35 pts = (base cost 20 + Power Weapon 15)

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (2#, 160 pts)
. . 1 Death Company Dreadnought, 125 pts
. . . . 1 Drop Pod, 35 pts

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
. . 1 Death Company Dreadnought, 125 pts

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (2#, 160 pts)
. . 1 Death Company Dreadnought, 125 pts
. . . . 1 Drop Pod, 35 pts

Troops: Death Company Dreadnought (1#, 125 pts)
. . 1 Death Company Dreadnought, 125 pts

Elite: Furioso Dreadnought (2#, 175 pts)
. . 1 Furioso Dreadnought, 140 pts = (base cost 125 + Extra Armor 15)
. . . . 1 Drop Pod, 35 pts

Elite: Furioso Librarian (1#, 175 pts)
. . 1 Furioso Librarian, 175 pts

Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship (1#, 215 pts)
. . 1 Stormraven Gunship, 215 pts = (base cost 200 + Extra Armor 15)

Heavy Support: Stormraven Gunship (1#, 215 pts)
. . 1 Stormraven Gunship, 215 pts = (base cost 200 + Extra Armor 15)

HQ: Astorath the Grim (1#, 220 pts)
. . 1 Astorath the Grim, 220 pts

Validation Report:
c-1. File Version: 1.46 For Bug Reports/www.ab40k.org; b-1. Roster Options: Imperial Armour, Named or Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission
Unit 'Furioso Librarian', option ' ': Illegal selection

Composition Report:
HQ: 1 (1 - 2)
Elite: 2 (0 - 3)
Troops: 6 (2 - 6)
Fast: 0 (0 - 3)
Heavy: 2 (0 - 3)

Created with Army BuilderŪ - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com

02-13-2013, 05:15 AM
How about Bray'arth Ashmantle as an HQ in a codex space marines

WS6 BS5 S10 I4 A4 FA13 SA12 RA10
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker);
Extra Armor;
Smoke Launchers;
Dreadfire Heavy Flamer - can be fired as either 2 Heavy Flamers, or a single Twin-Linked Meltagun, or Single Meltagun if one arm is destroyed
Dreadfire Heavy Flamer;
Dreadnought CCW;
Dreadnought CCW;

Wrought by Vulkan - Ignores all Melta, Lance, Chainfist, etc, rules that allow additional dice to penetrate armor
Living Icon of the Chapter - Friendlies within 12" become Fearless
Burning Wrath - In any CC he's involved in, Ashmantle can choose to forgoe his 4 attacks and instead use his Flamers to hit all models in base to base contact with him with a Str5 AP4 hit.

02-13-2013, 10:50 AM
How about Bray'arth Ashmantle as an HQ in a codex space marines

WS6 BS5 S10 I4 A4 FA13 SA12 RA10
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker);
Extra Armor;
Smoke Launchers;
Dreadfire Heavy Flamer - can be fired as either 2 Heavy Flamers, or a single Twin-Linked Meltagun, or Single Meltagun if one arm is destroyed
Dreadfire Heavy Flamer;
Dreadnought CCW;
Dreadnought CCW;

Wrought by Vulkan - Ignores all Melta, Lance, Chainfist, etc, rules that allow additional dice to penetrate armor
Living Icon of the Chapter - Friendlies within 12" become Fearless
Burning Wrath - In any CC he's involved in, Ashmantle can choose to forgoe his 4 attacks and instead use his Flamers to hit all models in base to base contact with him with a Str5 AP4 hit.

Are those legitimate rules? where did you find them? because I want to use that If i ever repaint my army to salamanders or just make a salamanders army

02-13-2013, 01:02 PM
One of the Badab War books. IA10 I think.

02-13-2013, 01:46 PM
Are those legitimate rules? where did you find them? because I want to use that If i ever repaint my army to salamanders or just make a salamanders army


There you go ;)

The great thing with all vanilla marine characters is you don't have to have a specific chapter to use any of the characters. For instance if your doing Iron Hands then your well within your rights to use a "counts as" Bray'arth model painted in Iron Hands colours. You don't even have to use a specific model, just kit bash your own.

Me I'm thinking of doing Sons of Medusa with Bray'arth and Vaylund Cal as my HQ choices.

02-13-2013, 04:48 PM

There you go ;)

The great thing with all vanilla marine characters is you don't have to have a specific chapter to use any of the characters. For instance if your doing Iron Hands then your well within your rights to use a "counts as" Bray'arth model painted in Iron Hands colours. You don't even have to use a specific model, just kit bash your own.

Me I'm thinking of doing Sons of Medusa with Bray'arth and Vaylund Cal as my HQ choices.

Oh I know I could "couts as" it but I really want a salamanders army :P

02-13-2013, 07:14 PM
I play a B.A 11-dreadnought list.


25 Death Company.

5 DC Dreads + Drop Pods (bloodclaws)
3 Librarian Dreads
3 Dreads, dual TL-AC.

I got mine to 2500 w/ upgrades and the like. Overall, I'm very happy.
I also made them look like Adeptus Mechanicus (DC & Tycho are Servitors)