View Full Version : 600 doubles torny idea.

02-10-2013, 01:21 PM
I have never used my grey knights so this may be a really bad idea so please dont judge me on this one list.

Malleus inq \terminator\ psyker 1\ psybolt ammo

Terminator squad\ psycannon\ psybolt ammo\ master crafted weapon on sarg( i had 10pts left )

Is this list as bad as i think it might be? Please tell me if i am.
I would like to state that i probably wouldn't take this list it was just a thought exercise.

02-11-2013, 02:39 PM
It would be pretty good if your ally also took nothing but terminators or 2+ saves. Looking at one 600 point list from a team in a vaccuum is not advised, as you are basically asking us to critique 1/2 of your army list.