View Full Version : Templecon Keynote 2013

armchair autarch
02-09-2013, 04:37 PM

My brief little breakdown of the Privateer Press Templecon Keynote 2013. I was crazy impressed at how much information they put out there and how excited I got afterwards. I'm no where near ready for an Iron Gauntlet this year [getting my chops up for diving into it next year]!

Even though I'm sure it wasn't easy for them to keep it all under wraps and present it in such a fantastic fashion, I was amazed at how easy it seemed! I think a lot of companies could stand to take a page from the PP playbook and get folks excited about real spoilers/teasers/etc.

Hats off PP.

I'm stoked about hearing more regarding High Command, anyone want to throw around thoughts and random speculation about the Keynote?