View Full Version : Transport ??????

The West Coast Knight
10-27-2009, 03:41 PM
Here is one I got today about the 5th Edition rules for vehicles with transport capcity and the ability to have a unit in them at the start of the game.
Now I ask this becuase a friend of mine in a tournament was told no only in dedicated transports but I find nothing on this in the 5th edition book and when he asked the organizer to show him the rule they could not find it either.He was furter told that if the transport model was kept in reserve then a infantry unit in reserve could come on the board in the transport.
I say this is wrong and sounds goofy but lets ask the world?
Can a unit without a dedicated transport start the game in a vehicle that has a transport capacity Example
(10 Tactical squad inside a Landraider choosen from the Heavy Support slot or Stormtroopers inside a Valkerie from the fast attack slot)?

Lets hear how you play it.


Lord Azaghul
10-27-2009, 04:00 PM
First off, those aren't dedicated transports, as defined by the rule book. A dedicated transport is something like a chimera that doesn't take up a slot on the FOC and is bought with its parent unit, and only its parent unit can start the game inside the transport.

The was I play it it you declare when deploying, if your Stormtroopers are in the valk, per your pregame statement then you make 1 roll for both to come on, since the Stormtroopers are already IN the transport.

The West Coast Knight
10-27-2009, 04:11 PM
I know about dedicated but what I am asking about is the undedicated transports.
Can I put a unit in them at the start of the game or not and if not where is the rule in the BRB?


Lord Azaghul
10-27-2009, 04:14 PM
I just told you.

10-27-2009, 04:23 PM
Yes, you can put any models into a non-dedicated transport during deployment.

10-27-2009, 04:42 PM
There is no rule in the rulebook that directly states a unit may start the game on the board embarked on a non-dedicated transport.

It is, however, allowed by inference:

1. You may deploy anywhere in your deployment zone. Thus, you can deploy on a higher level within ruins, in a building, or inside a vehicle that can transport the unit that is deployed within your deployment zone.

2. Going from memory on this one, BRB not immediately handy to double check... Dedicated Transports explicitly state that only the unit that purchased it may start embarked within. I don't recall the exact wording of the rule, but I believe the wording was something like "unlike regular transports, only the unit that the transport was purchased with may start the game deployed within it". The wording implies that for non-dedicated transports, any legal unit may start deployed in it.

If the rules of the tournament prohibit you from starting deployed in a transport, then by those same rules you cannot start deployed inside a building.

Deployment is so ill-defined from a RaW perspective that if you really want to take it literally, you can't actually deploy your army during the Deployment phase.

10-27-2009, 08:54 PM
I agree with everything Maine has said, except:

If the rules of the tournament prohibit you from starting deployed in a transport, then by those same rules you cannot start deployed inside a building.
Tournament organizers can add any house rules they like to their games. If they declare that non-Dedicated Transports may not begin the game with units Embarked, then this is the rule for their tournament, regardless of what the rulebook may say.

The West Coast Knight
10-27-2009, 10:58 PM
From what I understand it was the other player that was pulling the rule out of his rear when my friend was deploying his Stromtroopers in a Valkyrie on the table during set up.
He went ballistic and said they could not do that becuase it was not a dedicated transport.
This was then backed up by some former GW people playing in the tourny.
But I think they are all wrong and my friend did the right thing.

10-29-2009, 10:40 AM
I have encountered many players who for some reason think that only Dedicated Transports may be Deployed with units Embarked. There is a rule stating that a Dedicated Transport may only have its unit Embarked, but this is written as an exception to the general rule. Unfortunately, the general rule wasn't actually written in the rulebook, but in this case, the exception to the rule implies that it is suppoed to exist. In addition, as others have said, a unit may be inside a Transport, and if the Transport is in the Deployment Zone, it is a legal place for the unit to occupy during Deployment of Forces.

I think that your friend needs to learn to say, "I didn't know that, could you show me the rule so that I can read it?" A rule citation is the only thing that will confirm a claim. A misinformed player backed up by other misinformed players isn't proof.

10-29-2009, 01:28 PM
I think that your friend needs to learn to say, "I didn't know that, could you show me the rule so that I can read it?" A rule citation is the only thing that will confirm a claim. A misinformed player backed up by other misinformed players isn't proof.

The only problem with asking for the rule to be shown, is that 40k is a permissive ruleset - if it does not state you can do something (directly or through inductive reasoning), you cannot do it. There are very, very few rules that say you cannot do something (they are only present when they are an exception to a rule that states you can do something).

10-29-2009, 11:31 PM
The only problem with asking for the rule to be shown, is that 40k is a permissive ruleset - if it does not state you can do something (directly or through inductive reasoning), you cannot do it. There are very, very few rules that say you cannot do something (they are only present when they are an exception to a rule that states you can do something).
Exactly my point. The rules permit units to be in transports, and they permit the transport and unit to both be deployed in the player's Deployment Zone. The opponent would need to find a specific rule that counters these general rules.