View Full Version : Need help preparing for Tau Empire 6th Ed.

02-08-2013, 08:58 AM
Hello fellow BoLS loungers, thought maybe you guys and gals could help me out. The wife finally broke down and is now helping in my addiction, a $100 GW gift card. Since the Tau are around the corner, I wanted to start collecting some models before GW jacks up the prices.

I was thinking of spending it on 2 Sky Rays, since you can make either Sky Rays or Hammerheads with the kit. I also don't want the battleforce since the list I'm hoping to make has zero kroot (I'm hoping Farsight is less suck in the new codex).

Any advice would be greatly appreciated :-D

02-08-2013, 11:06 AM
Without know what kind of Tau list you are attempting to build it will be difficult to assist you in what you want to pick up. Are you thinking of an all mechanized army? Foot Slogging? Mix? Are you going to buy everything from GW or are things like Ebay going to factor in? A little more information and we'd be able to provide much better guidance.

02-08-2013, 05:36 PM
Oh, okay, here is my current 5th Ed list:


x3 crisis suit team (3 of these)

10 fire warriors, 2 drones, Devilish (3 of these)

Forgeworld Tetras

Broadside squad

Hammerhead w/ railgun

Sky Ray

No E bay, but only a $100 GW gift card for now

02-09-2013, 03:22 AM
If it was me in your shoes i would get another hammerhead. This might just be me but i love them. 3+ cover just for be awesome( i know there is more involved then just being awesome). Its one of the only units that made its points back in every game its used in. Hope that helps.

Edit: spelling errors. I blame my phone.

White Tiger88
02-09-2013, 03:26 AM
I would suggest getting the following so far...

-Crisis Suits
-Tau Hammerhead Gunship
-Tau Sky Ray Missile Defence Gunship

Or any of the awesome FW suits ;)

All in all though there will be lots of fun new sculpts\models when the tau get a new book!

02-09-2013, 11:55 AM
@spaceman91 I would get another Hammerhead, but with Farsight's 0-1 restriction, I'm only allowed the one, hopefully the new codex is less restrictive!

@White Tiger88 I hear you, already started to collect some of the Forgeworld crisis suits, they are way sexier than the current GW ones, more poses available to them as well.

Thank you for the feedback everyone, it looks like I'll be buying some Sky Ray kits with my gift card then, so I have the option to make both Sky Rays or Hammerheads (both variants) hopefully if Farsight is less restrictive I will be able to run doubles instead of singles of each!

02-19-2013, 04:40 PM
How are you running Tetras? I also have a Farsight list, but there are no allowances for them in his modified FoC.

Pater Sin
02-21-2013, 10:10 AM
I don't think any of the new books are going to have unit restriction in them judging by what was in Jervis's coloum a few month ago. Also I think your army needs more Fire warriors, you can never have enough troops.

02-22-2013, 11:14 AM
I am not understanding why you are running Farsight. Is it for the close combat? Otherwise, you wouldn't have the restrictions.

Red Angel
02-23-2013, 08:14 AM
Battlesuits are always awesome :D
You can have them as a Bodyguard for Farsight or on their own or both :D
My army has felt the great power of Battlesuits a lot and they can be kitted out with different weapons and upgrades :D
A few deep striking with meltaguns has put an end to many of my tanks :D

02-23-2013, 09:27 AM
I understand that. However, the what you have listed does not warrant that you must take farsight. If you don't need to take Farsight, then you open up those hammerhead options, etc.

02-23-2013, 05:07 PM
My only advice would be to get more broadsides/stealthsuits. broadsides as it is right now are the strongest thing in the codex and you have to assume after the new codex they will still be strong. Stealthsuits I wouldnt suggest buying a ton but maybe 3-6 if you have none right now becasue they are a great place to stick your HQs with the current stealth/shrouded rules. TBH i prefer sticking my farsight in with a blob of stealthsuits and gun drones to dumping hundreds of points into a crisis suit "death star". This can be seriously disruptive if not plain destructive to the enemy's backfield.

If you do plan on buying more crisis suits i STRONGLY recommend the FW suits becasue on top of them just looking a lot nicer, you get entire GW crisis suit sprues with the FW parts. This means a ton of extra bits to use for selling or modding, and if you decide you need more suits for cheap you will only need a few backpack pieces to finish out the standard GW models.