View Full Version : Tau Questions

02-07-2013, 04:30 AM
Hey guys, I am appealing to you for intel on the enemy! Can anyone tell me if Broadsides are relentless? Also, how do multi trackers, disruption pods and darksun filters work? I'll b facing Tau with my Guard tonight, and would like to counter act my lack of recent practice with some knowledge of the opposing army.


02-07-2013, 07:23 AM
Broadsides are not relentless (they are standard infantry only crisis battlesuits have relentless due to them being jet pack infantry) they can become slow and purposeful if they buy an upgrade though.

Multi-trackers work differently on both vehicles and on infantry. On infantry it allows them to fire two weapons in the same shooting phase. On vehicles it allows them to shoot as though they are fast vehicles.

Disruption pods provide the shrouded special rule if the unit is further than 12" away. This will stack with the jink cover save to make their vehicles rather durable (3+ cover in most cases).

Blacksun Filters grant the Night Vision USR.

02-07-2013, 09:16 AM
Just to be clear, since people sometimes forget, Slow & Purposeful includes Relentless. So Broadsides can be made Relentless, they'll just be [very slightly] slower than normal infantry.

02-07-2013, 12:34 PM
I always separate it since people read relentless and forget that you cannot fire overwatch with slow and purposeful.

02-07-2013, 03:39 PM
Your best option, If you have tanks and your opponent fields broadsides with rail-guns (the long thin over the shoulder guns), rain hell down on them until they are gone. Str 10 ap1 twinlinked tank hunters. Do not under any circumstances blow them off and think your vehicles will survive long. Other then that, watch the range on fire warriors and kill off crysis suits (Equivalent of terminators).

02-07-2013, 09:52 PM
Didn't know you couldn't Overwatch with Slow & Purposeful, learned something today :-D

02-08-2013, 05:46 PM
Broadside armour grants acute senses. Broadsides don't count as moving when firing RAPID FIRE weapons. This ability does not extend to heavy weapons however, and the user must be stationary to fire them. P. 27.
Where is everyone getting slow and purposeful from? Never mind, forgot about the advanced stabilization system.

02-10-2013, 10:03 PM
Didn't know you couldn't Overwatch with Slow & Purposeful, learned something today :-D

while this is true if you read the entire entry of the A.S.S. you will see you are granted the option to use it and it's effect only last for the turn. So yes you will get relenetless via the slow and purposeful rule but you will lose slow and purposeful at the end of your turn so you can overwatch.