View Full Version : 1500 Grey Knight

02-06-2013, 01:03 PM
Ok, I posted my 2k list yesterday since that's what the tournament was meant to be. It's now been bumped down to 1500. I Have two lists that I need to decide between. One focused on the Purifier/psycannon combo in my 2k list while the other focuses on the power from normal GKSS.

First list:

HQ 210
Coteaz 100

Inquisitor 110
Terminator Armor
Psyker - Divination

Elite: 600

Purifiers 300
Psybolt ammo
Psycannon x4

Psybolt ammo
Psycannon x4

Troops: 520
8 man Acolyte Squad 80
8 bolters

Grey Knight Strike Squad 220
Psybolt ammo

Grey Knight Strike Squad 220
Psybolt ammo

Heavy Support: 170
Nemesis DreadKnight 170
Heavy Psycannon

2nd List:

HQ: 110

Inquisitor 110
Terminator Armor
Psyker - Divination

Elites: 300

Purifiers 300
Psybolt ammo
Psycannon x4

Troops: 700

Grey Knight Strike Squad 240
Psybolt ammo
Psycannon x2

Grey Knight Strike Squad 240
Psybolt ammo
Psycannon x2

Grey Knight Strike Squad 220
Psybolt ammo

Heavy Support 340

Nemesis DreadKnight 170
Heavy Psycannon

Nemesis DreadKnight 170
Heavy Psycannon

Suggestions, observations, criticisms all welcome. I'm running out of time to play test these so I need all the information I can get!

Thanks for your time and help.

Kyle Gaddy
04-08-2013, 02:04 AM
On the first list, consider dropping psybolt ammo since it doesn't benefit the psycanons! That's a lot of extra points! Also, a problem that I always have with my GKs is that they die when I don't have them in transports. If your enemy is smart, he will sit in a corner and make you walk towards him. Get at least 1 or 2 rhinos/razerbacks for some protection, and march the rest of your guys behind them. Just my 2 cents :D Good luck at tourney. The rest of the choices you made are really up to you. Seemed well thought out.