View Full Version : The Anatomy of a Rumour...

Mr Mystery
02-06-2013, 08:58 AM
Yes it's here and not the rumour section because this is not in itself either news or rumour, just a discussion about rumours.

So, without further ado.....

It seems these days the rumours we're reading just aren't as reliable as they once were. Why? I honestly don't want to speculate for fear of causing unintended offence and derailing my thread before it gets started. But like it or not, the accuracy just isn't there. We know rumours overall are much harder to obtain, simply because GW is (really quite successfully, compared to the old days) playing Tight Mouth Larry.

Now, how do you sort the noise from the signal, the wheat from the chaffe, and the rumour from the wishlist? See. This is a discussion, not a lecture! Though I will kick off to get things going...

1. The amount of info given.
This can be quite varied, and the overall trustworthiness depends on where the rumour is said to be sourced from. For instance, someone claiming 'a friend of a friend whose cousin is a redshirt that may have met Jes Goodwin once' as their source, and then posting up apparently detailed info? Nope, not buying it myself. They've gone too far. But, had they mentioned something vague, such as 'Marine are getting a flyer, apparently bigger than the Stormraven'.... ok, valid rumour. Given the steps removed from the alleged source, what they have said isn't inherently implausible.

2. The type of info given.
Someone claims to have seen the playtesting being conducted. Fair enough. Playtesting is done, so not inherently implausible. Mentions a new unit. Again, plausible if not on it's own persuasive. Then goes on to give a brief, comparative description of the model - Right there, I call that plausible and persuasive, as they are trying to describe something I haven't seen by comparing to something I might have. BUT.... I also tread carefully. Have they then undermined their own claim, with too much of a description of the unit and rules? Fairly rare, but it happens

3. The source.
No, not a Matrix type reference, let's face it our lives simply aren't that sexycool. But where do they claim the rumour stemmed from? If it's a Redshirt? Almost certainly not true (speaking a former redshirt, most of my info came from online too!). A friend of a friend who works in the studio? Keep your salt handy. Again, think plausible and persuasive. Is it terribly likely someone in Alabama (to choose randomly, sorry if I've inadvertantly described someone) would have all the the most tenuous of links to someone in Nottingham, and thus the Design Studio? Probably not. But someone in Nottingham? Yeah okay, I can go with that. Plausible bit is down, the persuasive comes from the rest!

4. Can it be fact checked?
This normally applies to the bigger rumours, like the list of alleged releases that did the rounds. Whilst many felt it was both plausible and persusaive, I (not entirely politely I'm sorry to say) disagreed, applying what little I knew about GW's internal processes and that. It can also be done by cross referencing the rumours, if you're careful and have an eye for detail. For instance, it might seem three known rumour mongers are claiming the same thing, but with a little investigation (yeah, I'm a bit odd like that..caused by my professional life!) you may discover only a single source, which has then been repeated, with each poster claiming to have announced first. The best rumour mongers also 'fact check' each other. For instance, the current Tau rumours. Seems to be a large, Dreadknightesque suit coming out. This is a fairly consistent rumour, and thus persuasive. That it would seem to fit the Tau, makes it plausible. But....it is slightly undermined by the varying reports in it's stats and abilities. Overall, I'm prepared to believe it's coming, but stats wise? Yeah I'll wait for the book :)

5. If it sounds good, it's probably not...
Yeah. Wishlists tend to be pretty obvious, rumouring as they do everything getting upgunned, gaining rending and dropping in points. But what about the borderline cases? Again to continue the Tau theme...rumours of BS4 Firewarriors being an upgrade option. Plausible? Yes. BS4 Firewarriors already exist within the army. Persuasive? Yeah I'll give it that, on account it's something all the rumour mongers seem to be agreeing on (though exact mechanic varies.) Seems wishlisty, but not massively so. Now if suddenly it was rumoured Tau were getting a CC suit which had Ninjarailguns and that? Best not believe that one if you ask me :p.

6. Look at each rumours individually.
Just because some parts are plausible and persuasive, doesn't mean they all are! Can't really say much more here, but again keep your salt cellar close to hand :)

7. Timescale?
If a specific month is mentioned, and it's not too far away? Yeah cool, I can go with that. But if it's a nebulous 'some point 2 years from now'? Not so much...

So, that's how I filter out the rumours, and probably why I might seem a right naysaying spoilsport swine!

How about you BOLSters?

02-06-2013, 09:04 AM
I must say GW are a lot better at keeping things under wraps. I worked for GW and studied at Notts Trent university and getting info out of some of my friends who still work for GW is a lot harder than it used to be (and Kudos to them for keeping some of it under wraps- other times i wished they would tell me so i could tell them the mistake they are making!) Nowadays I ignore nearly all rumours as i simply prefer the surprise when confirmation and pictures surface. Knowing what is coming won't change my approach to anything, so it matters not whether i know....

02-06-2013, 09:18 AM
When it comes to staff I've found the easiest way is to ask if they know anything about rumour x, and then gauge their reaction, obviously you have to have an idea how that staff member reacts to things. but the things they don't say can be as revealing as any denials they make. Do it with a couple of shops and make your own judgements...

02-06-2013, 10:22 AM
I think a lot of rumours are built up with sensible guesses. Tau getting a big suit and a flier, well, big multi model kits are the thing that GW like to do at the moment, and Tau have suits, so, it seems to make sense that if the Tau are getting a new codex, then the "ubersuit" would come too

Mr Mystery
02-06-2013, 11:12 AM
That raises another point...does it match established trends.

Few kits are not dual these days. Big walker hasn't mentioned any variant..

So for my thought process, I would say that undermines the rumour. However, not to the point where I think it's a wishlist. Not being mentioned as a dual kit, and being told it's a single kit are two very different things!

02-06-2013, 01:04 PM
One of the big reasons rumors have changed is because a lot of the rumor guys quit reporting what they'd heard because they were being constantly criticized in threads like this...

Mr Mystery
02-06-2013, 01:32 PM
Hardly criticising the rumour mongers, just looking to discuss people's various approaches to what is reported is all.

Had hoped I'd clarified that?

02-06-2013, 01:55 PM
One of the big reasons rumors have changed is because a lot of the rumor guys quit reporting what they'd heard because they were being constantly criticized in threads like this...

I'd have thought the fact that GW have stopped deliberately leaking stuff has had a significant impact as well.

02-06-2013, 04:01 PM
Hardly criticising the rumour mongers, just looking to discuss people's various approaches to what is reported is all.

Had hoped I'd clarified that?

Well, I should clarify it was warseer's versions of this thread.

Mr Mystery
02-06-2013, 04:40 PM
No worries skip. Aware that this could become a contentious issue.

But just to reiterate, this is about what makes a rumour reliable in each posters opinion, rather than trying to set any kind of standard.

My initial post is lengthy due to it being based on my professional skills set (dispute resolution). It's a high standard I use, but is by no means meant to be a bench mark :)

02-06-2013, 05:05 PM
I'd have thought the fact that GW have stopped deliberately leaking stuff has had a significant impact as well.

No, several of the big name rumor guys on warseer actually explicitly said "you guys are being dicks, so we're just not gonna post anymore".

02-07-2013, 03:47 AM
No, several of the big name rumor guys on warseer actually explicitly said "you guys are being dicks, so we're just not gonna post anymore".

you mean the ones who were called out on just making stuff up?

Honestly like at least half of the rumours more than 6 months out are just guesswork, and sometimes that works because GW has a pattern to follow.

Mr Mystery
02-07-2013, 05:02 AM
Okay, once last try to get this back on track.

This isn't about finger pointing at all, but discussing your threshold for believing a rumour.

People can either post on topic, and leave the sniping aside, or I'll call in a mod to close this thread off.

02-07-2013, 05:10 AM
I think your process is sound. A lot of rumours turn out to be guff, many more are well meaning but misinformed, and a lot are speculation of various kinds. As well as saying "take it with a pinch of salt", it's well worth discussing precisely *how* to do that. Sites like BOLS sometimes don't help: sometimes I feel like they'll just put anything up on the frontpage if it's a "rumour", even when it directly contradicts what they said yesterday. (Faeit is pretty good though, but they show a fair bit more discernment).

For instance, the non-arrival of Daemons is a recent example, but I also remember when all the talk was of Necrons, then suddenly there were "strong" rumour that Tau were going to arrive in the slot Necrons dropped in. They didn't. Nor did Daemons. And now we're back to Tau rumours! Both of those might drop soon, but it's sure as hell not when we were told (consistently).

And then on the fringes there's the deeply lol, pretty embarassing stuff like the "leaked 6th edition rules" everyone got so excited about. And how Matt Ward is totally being fired. That stuff isn't worth anyone's attention and just a little bit of thought would nip those in the bud.

Maybe as part of the analysis someone could go through the frontpage rumour posts (as a sample we're all familiar with) and find out what % turned out to be accurate, and of those accurate rumours, which ones fit into Mystery's schematic of the Trustworthy Rumour?

02-07-2013, 06:57 AM
I'd agree your process has a logical basis. Rumours by their nature are difficult to pin down, one mans Codex X will be released soon could be anywhere from 1 month to a year or more. My personal approach is to read everything, including the discussions and form an educated guess as to what I believe and at the end of the day do not get worked up about it. As someone on another thread said it is interesting to see what other people are thinking even if the rumour doesn't pan out.

02-09-2013, 02:46 AM
Mostly I'll just read any rumour, get excited about the possibilities for a little bit, and simmer down quickly. I tend not to take any as fact, unless I've heard from a source I know to be spot on. Generally though, the credulity of a rumour, for me at least, is often based on the proposed rules and fluff changes for a book - I could tell right off the bat that an Abaddon rumour from last year was fake because of the fluff changes turning him into almost a Tzeentch Lord.

02-09-2013, 05:07 AM
It's simple, no picture, no proof.

Mr Mystery
02-23-2013, 04:52 PM
Evening all!!

Bit of technical threadomancy rather than start a new one.

So Daemons are coming out, and advanced orders are up.

Yet we have seen clearly made up info attempting to pass for rumours. In this case, 'leaked' info about the greater Daemons, which were quite frankly ridiculously hard, and because of that very easily spotted. But some chose to take them in good faith. Which in itself is a fair enough reaction.

But why do reckon people post up made up stuff? I know some enjoy any old rumour, and I'm not saying you shouldn't, but personally I find invented stuff irritating. May be my former career working for GW (again, only ever at store pleb level!) but you do occasionally see a developers hard work rubbished on the back of something someone made up. Just kind of rude, and no doubt quite frustrating to have your work judged by something you didn't do.

02-23-2013, 05:20 PM
It'd be fun if someone who gets the book did a rundown from the Daemons Rumours Thread and checks off what was accurate and what wasn't.