View Full Version : 2k Grey knights

02-05-2013, 12:59 PM
Getting back into 40k after a break through 5th ed. I've always liked the Grey knights and I'm doing an army with only Grey Knights - ie no henchmen etc. The only exception I'm making is the two inquisitors. They're just too powerful to pass up. I've gotten a few games in since my return and this is the iteration of the list that I'm actually comfortable posting. I've got a tournament coming up in a couple weeks and I want to make sure my list is optimized before then. So here it is!

HQ: 220

Inquisitor 110pts
Terminator Armor
Level 1 Psyker
Inquisitor 110pts
Terminator Armor
Level 1 Psyker

Elites: 609

Purifiers x10 307
Justicar w/Halbred
Daemon Hammer x1
Psycannon x4

Purifiers x10 302
Justicar w/Halbred
Psycannon x4

Troops: 800

GKSS x10 280
Psycannon x2
Psybolt ammo

GKSS x10 280
Psycannon x2
Psybolt ammo

GKSS x10 240
Psycannon x2
Psybolt ammo

Heavy: 370

Nemisis Dreadknight 185
Heavy Incinerator

Nemisis Dreadknight 185
Heavy Incinerator

02-05-2013, 02:45 PM
The Greatsword is kind of pointless without a Personal Teleporter to actually get into assault, and the Incinerator is much, much less scary on such a slow walking unit. Either swap them for just a Heavy Psycannon, or find the points for the Teleporter. You should also put the Purifiers in the Rhinos. Run the Purifiers forward and let them fight the enemy, that way your non-scoring units die while you grab objectives. Otherwise, you'll probably find your Purifiers just take potshots from the back while your Strike Squads die.

Also, Coteaz is a boss. You don't have a psycannon, but you can actually put him in a vehicle, you get cheap scoring units, and some great special rules to go with it. I'd swap one of the Inquisitors for him.

Overall, I would drop one Dreadknight, swap out for Coteaz, add a cheap unit of acolytes to sit in cover and grab an objective, and then buy some more transports and upgrade the Dreadknight:

Inquisitor 110pts

Coteaz 100

Purifiers x10 347
Rhino, Searchlight

Purifiers x10 342

GKSS x10 280
Psycannon x2
Psybolt ammo

GKSS x10 240
Psycannon x2
Psybolt ammo

GKSS x10 240
Psycannon x2
Psybolt ammo

8 Acolytes, Bolters 40

Nemisis Dreadknight 260
Heavy Incinerator


02-05-2013, 05:02 PM
Thanks for your thoughts.

As far as Coteaz I've thought about adding him but haven't made any decisions yet. I don't want to use acolyte or henchmen. I'm a fan of the GK fluff (not really the new stuff as much) and really want to keep it mostly Grey Knights with the exception of the two Inquisitors. They're just too good to pass up and will fit in with their terminator armor.

The Rhinos are there to grab objectives late game but I probably won't be running around early unless I have too. Since its a gun line list I'd really prefer to have all my guns out and shooting and keep the rhinos to pick up a squad later on to grab an objective. I don't put much stock in rhinos lasting past turn 1 or 2 if used offensively early.

The dreadknights will most likely DS to muck up my opponents back field. 75 pts for a PT is too steep a price for me to pay on something that dies like anything else to mass fire. And if I don't need to get back into someone's back field or need them as a tar pit they'll still do their job without the PT. I was running the Heavy Psycannon on them but swapped it out in favor of killing mobs easier. My view on Dreadknights is keep em cheap and they'll serve their purpose well: taking shots away from your main force or clobbering people if they're ignored. and I have been thinking about taking out the greatswords. Just not sure what I'd use the 50 extra points for.

The purifiers are there to add ridiculous amounts of medium range fire. And I don't think I'll have to worry about people ignoring them even if I let them hangback. 5 psycannons in one squad serves as a pretty good global taunt.

Once again I really appreciate your comments and would love to hear more rationals behind them.

02-05-2013, 05:33 PM
Coteaz just brings some really nice options and special rules. If you don't want any henchmen, that's fine, but I do think that option is a little stronger overall. Seizing the Initiative at the right moment thanks to Coteaz, or having a guaranteed anti-deepstrike/reserve bubble, the second divination power, etc is really nice.

My use for Rhinos has been to deploy in them to give my troops some extra protection and an extra 6" of movement turn 1 (or an 18" flat out if needed), then just dump the squads and start shooting. I usually lose a rhino or two early, but I have a couple left for late game grabs, since once you've reached the midfield the Rhinos become a secondary target at best.

Your use of Dreadknights could actually work pretty well. I usually dismiss deepstrike as an every-game strategy, though, unless you have something like Drop Pod Assault. There are enough things that can go wrong, like rolling poorly for reserves, or scattering a lot with that huge base. Just don't discount the PT. It's overpriced, especially with the cost of Flying Monstrous Creatures now, but played right it's well worth it. You can hang in the back out of range of things like plasmaguns to stay safe (I like taking the Heavy Psycannon so you have a bit longer range, too), and then wait until the opportune moment to shunt over to a flank where your opponent doesn't have the tools to kill your Dreadknight. It does take some skill to play a teleporting Dreadknight right, but I find it both very competitive and very fun when played well.