View Full Version : Hello

10-27-2009, 12:49 PM
I have been reading BOLS for some time and have enjoyed the atmosphere here in as much that there is less bickering and general politeness is at a higher standard.

I have been with the hobby for well over a decade. Both GW and other systems have found a home with me however the spectacle and story of 40k have always appealed more then any other.

Currently I have sizable BFG chaos and imperial fleets as well as about 10,000 pts in Space Marines with about that much if you added my Orks and Dark Eldar together. Through time i have had and given up most of the 40k armies for larger armies that i can field whatever options i feel like at the time.

I am located in Nanih Waiya MS. Out side of our little group there is no gaming anywhere near here. I hope that the lounge can help fulfill the need for chat on the subject.


"Catapults, release the prisoners now."

10-27-2009, 01:06 PM
Welcome to the Lounge VonKoeder!

Make yourself at home, and by all means check out the 40k and Battlefleet Gothic forums.

10-27-2009, 09:10 PM
Welcome to the Lounge.

person person
10-29-2009, 09:02 PM
10,000 pts of SM. You have to show us.

10-29-2009, 09:13 PM
You would be surprised how quick it can add up.

Death wing for instance if they adverage 250 pts a squad - 20 sqauds is 5000pts.

I dont mind hauling my stuff out to photo opt it but I will need to wait till I have a day off to do it.

Admitatedly I am one of those that doesn't get everything painted. Less then half - its a shame I know. But i am working on it slowly.


"Catapults, release the prisoners now."