View Full Version : A competitive 1750-pts Thousand Sons list. How will you build it?

02-04-2013, 03:51 AM
Hi all,

I have tried playing Chaos Space Marines based on Thousand Sons since 5th edition until now. With so many changes in 6th edition, it seems my army need some more adjust. I tried to create a competitive 1750-pts army list that is still based on Thousand Sons, given the conditions below:
- Must use Thousand Sons as troop
- No other marks rather than Tzeentch can be used. I know this sounds bad but I take it as challenge.
- If possible like the 4E codex, no bikes, raptors or warp talons and Havoc.

And here is what I currently have for my army:
- Ahriman
- One Sorcerer
- One Daemon Prince (with Wings)
- 21 Chaos Space Marines
- 20 Cultists
- One Aspiring Sorcerer and 8 Rubric Marines
- 10 Chaos Terminators
- One Helbrute
- 3 Chaos Rhinos
- One Heldrake
- One Defiler
- One Chaos Vindicator
- 3 Obliterators
I also have Imperial Bastion and Fateweaver, and another Dark Eldar army (but it proves to be bad alliance from my experience using it once). How do you guys build a competitive 1750-pts army with the above models? Or what should I buy more?

04-30-2013, 07:45 PM
Dude, I know. Probably the coolest fluff in the universe but damn hard to play with. That being said this is what I've had success with:
Large squads of sons. They are tough and hard to overcome in a group of 12 or more. This obviously detracts from their mobility as they can no longer use a transport, but if you go first and you have Ahriman you can infiltrate them into position to do some serious turn one damage. Couple that with;
Heldrakes. At least one, preferably more. With the 36” range coming out of reserve, meteoric decent and the baleflamer you can crush most deployed ground troops in turn one seriously demoralizing your opponent. Still, you need something to take out vehicles and any 2+ save models. I like;
Obliterators. deep strike in next to their most threatening vehicle and melta the crap out of it, pop it before it can take out;
Your land raider with termies. Termies w/mark of tzeench are tough *******s. Be warned, farsight commander and his retinue will destroy these guys in one turn so bear that in mind. The land raider is nice, 14 armor all around, can get them into the thick of it, snap off a few shots then disembark the terminators who unload all weapons (relentless) then, if you positioned them right, charge into cc(assault vehicle for land raider).
You'll need some cannon fodder so take some cultists w/ autoguns(1point per model, doubles range, gives them rapid fire)