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02-04-2013, 12:31 AM
here is a list ive been thinking about doing recently,please let me know what you think


highpriest,lvl 4,preservation,dispell scroll 280


prince,great weapon 104

prince,great weapon 104

Herald,BSB 85


Warriors x 49,spears,command 274

Warriors x 50,spears,command 280

Warriors x 50,spears,command 280


tombguard x 39,halberds,command 537

tombguard x 39,halberds,command 537

this all comes to 2482

04-13-2013, 10:55 AM
As I'm a relatively inexperienced TK player, take this with a pinch of salt. However, I do believe this is quite a strong horde list, like that there is 2 horde units of tomb guard. However, always worth considering Dragonhelms for your big characters, well worth the extra points to keep them in the game longer. Definitely focus on keeping Hierophant alive, but crumbling won't be as bad for you as you have a BSB.

As there isn't much range in this army, I might suggest considering things like cheap small archer blocks and/or a screaming skull catapult (90 points base). These wouldn't require much tampering to put in your force, and they add another dimension to it's effectiveness on field. Also a Tomb Scorpion is always a fun option too, 85 points for an effective enemy artillery killer and general beast.

Run with this list for a couple of games, but it could wind up being quite slow, and end up being quite depleted when it finally gets into combat. In this case consider chariots, these beauties have won me a couple of games, and proved the difference when I somehow managed to draw with a ridiculously fast WoC army list (Cav, Chariots, the works!).

Other than these possibilities, I really like this list. The units, if played right, have a huge potential for bogging down the enemy to death, plus if your hierophant is having a good game you could be getting a lot of your casualties back, a huge boon in this force. BSB is a wise investment, will prove his mettle if your hierophant falls. Princes good too. I would put hierophant in one tomb guard unit, tomb prince in the other. Other prince in 49 warriors unit, would probably pair him up with the herald BSB too, as the prince makes this unit quite an effective killing horde. Other two warrior units, would be wise to still be cautious with them but focus on them more as tar pits/sluggers compared to other units. Protect hierophant at all costs though, even with BSB still crucial to army! Cannot express how difficult the game gets once he is dead. Well for me anyways...

Definitely add Dragonhelms. Good luck and good gaming! Remember the salt, and that fire is the bane, and possibly the undoing, of any TK army if played dangerously!! :)

04-15-2013, 07:15 AM
1. Skeletons with spears perform worse than spending those points on more skeletons with shields and hand weapons.
2. The only really good upgrade to a skeleton is a tomb prince to fix the weapon skill.
3. Tomb guard do better without the halbreds just add more bodies.

In reality the horde skeleton list fails in a lot of crucial points. mainly in it's inability to actually kill your opponents.

You need a hammer to support the skeleton mills.

05-14-2013, 10:25 AM
I agree with Mathhammer on this. Hordes are great fun (I'm running 50 high elf spearmen these days), but you need some killing power. Swap one of those skeleton hordes for a couple of units of chariots. They don't have to be very big- even 3 of them churn out 3d6 impact hits (uuuuuuughhh!) on the charge. Or try the Warsphinx or Necropolis Knights. You just need something that's going to actually do the killing, because you're almost certainly not going to outkill your opponents in combat with skeletons and that's going to leave you crumbling if something (read as: Purple Sun of Xereus, Rock Lobbas, a Hellcannon, a ton of impact hits, war machines of any kind, a big monster...) happens to the Tomb Guard.

I'm a big fan of cheap characters in the form of the Tomb Princes, but I'd slap a Dragonhelm on one and the Dragonbane Gem on the other.

The Tomb Guard hordes will hit hard; I disagree with Mathhammer about the halberds and would leave them on. Strength 5 is nothing to sneer at, and since there's a limit to the number of attacks you're getting, you want them to be high-value. I'd put the Princes there to up that weaponskill- I assume that's your plan.

Also, if you're running a L4 Wizard, I'd try to find the points for a Casket of Souls to get those extra casting dice.

Finally, I don't like the BSB. You're not getting a heck of a lot out of it, as it's only a +1 combat res and +1 crumble resistance. Leadership's not a problem for your army, so I'd leave those points elsewhere.

Just my two GP. Good luck! =)
