View Full Version : Footdar/Tau 1500

02-03-2013, 02:22 PM
Tell me what you think! Its footdar with Tau Allies, and this is what I've got so far. Playing this same list at 1000 points (Minus the Seer Council and Vypers) and won 6-4 against fully mech'd Dark Eldar (he had one witch left on an objective, and thats it) against my army which was at about 15% still alive from the beginning.

Primary Detachment (Eldar)

Avatar of Khaine

Seer Council
- Runes of Warding
- Runes of Witnessing
- Spirit Stones
- Fortune
- Guide
Warlocks 3x
- 2x Destructor
- 1x Conceal

Dire Avengers 9x
- Exarch w/ Assault 4 Catapult, Bladestorm

Dire Avengers 9x
- Exarch w/ Assault 4 Catapult, Bladestorm

Guardians 14x
- Brightlance

War Walker x1
- 2x Scatter Lasers

War Walker x1
- 2x Scatter Lasers

Vypers x2
- both with 2x Shuriken Cannons

Secondary Detachment (Tau)

Shas'el Commander
- Twin Plasma
- Missile Pod
- 2x Gun Drones

Fire Warriors x12
- Pulse Rifles

Fire Warriors x6
- Pulse Carbines
- Shas'ui

Stealth Suits 3x
- Fusion Blaster

Happy wargaming and industrious hobbying!

02-04-2013, 01:20 PM
For your second squad of Fire warriors unless you really want to try and pin something pulse rifles are almost always better than carbines. Other than that looks interesting. Not sold on the Stealth Suits with a Fusion Blaster but some people love it.